Timothy D. Snyder  

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User:Jahsonic/Notities over migratie

Today, it is exactly four years ago that Charlie Hebdo was massacred. My father, who died in 2000, used to bring copies of Hara-Kiri home when I was a boy.

Hara-Kiri was the previous incarnation of Charlie Hebdo, after Hara-Kiri had been permanently banned by the French government.

I recently looked at ALL covers of Hara-Kiri, which you can find here.

The funniest cover is perhaps Hara-kiri n°162 (March 1975) which depicts a frontal view of male genitals wearing a shirt along with the following accompanying text:

"Chômeurs ! c'est pas avec cette tête la que vous trouverez du boulot rasez-vous !"


"Unemployed! You won't find a job with your face looking like this. Shave yourselves!"

I am thus an unabashed fan of Charlie Hebdo. I am also a fan of the right to offend. The words of Marquis de Sade from "Yet Another Effort, Frenchmen, If You Would Become Republicans" are particularly apt here:

"I should like there to be perfect freedom to deride them all [all religions]; I should like men, gathered in no matter what temple to invoke the eternal who wears their image, to be seen as so many comics in a theater, at whose antics everyone may go to laugh."

For those of you who think that Charlie Hebdo was obsessed with Islam. You are mistaken. It is simply not true and it has been proven.

Art critic Yve-Alain Bois in "Taken Liberties: Yve-Alain Bois on Charlie Hebdo"[1] has stated:

"A statistical analysis of Charlie Hebdo's content over the past ten years, particularly that of its front page, was published in Le Monde on February 25. It reveals not only that the publication was actually less obsessed with religion than is generally supposed, with only 7 percent of its front pages devoted to the subject, but also that the topic of Islam makes up less than a fifth of even these covers. When Charlie attacks religion--its contributors are particularly exercised by fundamentalism (of all stripes) and the hypocrisy of the clergy--Catholicism is most often the butt of its satire."

So only seven percent is devoted to religion, and of that seven percent, only 20% with Islam. Which makes for a total of 100*.07*.2 equals 1.4 percent. Yve-Alain Bois bases himself on research by Jean-François Mignot and Céline Goffette titled "Non, ‘Charlie Hebdo’ n’est pas obsédé par l’islam" ["No, 'Charlie Hebdo' is not obsessed with Islam"], published in Le Monde, February 24, 2015.

Every year, I check which authors have become public domain.

In 2019, the list includes German artist Kurt Schwitters, German actor Karl Valentin, Soviet film director Sergei Eisenstein, French playwright, actor and director Antonin Artaud, Soviet-born painter Arshile Gorky, American film director D. W. Griffith, German actor, film director, and screenwriter Paul Wegener, Hungarian composer Franz Lehár and Cuban percussionist Chano Pozo.

"The movement to disestablish the “author” has been at work for over a hundred years. From the start, the impetus" --Approaching Artaud, Susan Sontag

Keynes, Oppenheimer, Einstein of Hermann Goering

Jan-Willem Geerinck Ik heb me nog niet zo heel erg verdiept in deze materie maar twee onderzoeken zijn me het laatste jaar wel opgevallen, beide beweren ze, en ik denk dat ze daarin gelijk hebben, dat IEDEREEN racist is, dat wil zeggen, beslissingen neemt op wat hem vertrouwd of onvertrouwd is. Die onderzoeken zijn Frank Van Overwalle (VUB) met zijn "Zijn we allemaal racisten?" en "Iedereen racist: de multiculturele droom ontleed" by Alain van Hiel (UGent).

Het is natuurlijk wel ieders opdracht om tegen zijn racisme te vechten in zoverre hij of zijn een betere en meer rechtvaardige wereld wil. Ik ben een boek aan 't lezen dat ik later deze maand zal bespreken en daar kwam het onderzoek van deze man me onder de ogen. Hoogst interessant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGynKOSD58M

John McWhorter On the Religion of Anti-Racism

"Adversary culture" is a notion first brought forward by Lionel Trilling in Beyond Culture (1965) and elaborated upon by Daniel Bell in "The Intellectuals and the New Class".

The Adversary Culture
"The phrase, the thought, is that of Lionel Trilling. In the preface to Beyond Culture (1965), Trilling remarks that "any historian of the literature of the modern age will take virtually for granted the adversary intention, the actually subversive intention, that characterizes modern writing -- he will perceive its clear purpose of detaching the reader from the habits of thought and feeling that the larger culture imposes, of giving him a ground and a vantage point from which to judge and condemn, and perhaps revise, the culture that produces him.... One was the relation of the adversary culture to the middle class." --"The Intellectuals and the New Class"

"Troela, troela, troelala"

Chee Shimizu Boiler Room Tokyo DJ Set, lots of Japanese ambient

Best ♩, ♪, ♫, ♬, ♭ of 2018

Apart from a brief but ardent infatuation with Dutch schlager singer André Hazes in April (you don't want to know :) ), musically the best of 2018 was the oeuvre of Hiroshi Yoshimura (1940 - 2003), who worked within Japanese ambient.


I discovered Hiroshi Yoshimura while listening to Birds of Venezuela (1973), an album of bird vocalizations which was re-released this year.


This whole Japanese ambient scene is most weird. There is the super sweet Jamaica ~ Waves And Light And Earth (1993) by Takashi Kokubo, which Discogs classifies as non-music. In fact, many of these albums seem to have been made as pure background music. Kokubo's album Get At The Wave (1987) was created for a new line of Sanyo air-conditioners.


Then there is the oddity Watering a Flower (1984) by Haruomi Hosono which was commissioned by Muji as in-store background music. And Hiroshi Yoshimura's A・I・R (1984) was produced for the makeup and skincare company Shiseido; while his album Surround (1986) was made for playing at the model homes of the Misawa Home corporation.


But the best album is Green (1986) by Hiroshi Yoshimura. Someone remarked that this album is what green sounds like, what plant life sounds like. So soothing, full of natural sounds that have a very relaxing effect. Enjoy.

I also discovered 6ix9ine

"The Sea In My Palm"[2] (1983) from his second album is a bit housey but my absolute favourite album is Green[3] (1986).

While listening to this stuff in December 2018, I als discovered the two meditation albums of Tony Scott: Music for Zen Meditation (1964) and Music for Yoga Meditation and Other Joys (1968).

President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi: "Every country has the right to protect its people and their interests. It must generally respect human rights in a framework that preserves its national interests.


"Instead of asking me why countries [in the West] close their gates to us, you should ask yourself why the people of Afghanistan don't take better care of their own country. Why have they been killing one another for 40 years? This happens in other countries as well – in Pakistan, in Egypt, in Syria, in Libya, in Iraq, in Yemen, and in Somalia.


"We fight amongst ourselves in our own countries, and then we expect countries that work day and night to achieve progress, to protect their people and to maintain a certain standard of living for them… We demand that they l let us in so that we can have part of their [success], after we have been fighting amongst ourselves in our own countries. Of course [they say] no. I'm not for them or against them, but I am trying to be fair in the way I look at this issue. We should be criticizing ourselves. Are we protecting our countries – yes or no?


"Are you upset with the leaders of Germany, England, Italy, or any other European country for closing their borders in order to protect the achievements of many long years? Do you expect them to open their doors so that we can go there, demanding to keep our own culture? We demand to keep our culture, which could be very different from the work ethic in those countries.


"You demand to go there with your culture, which you consider to be non-negotiable. You say: 'This is how we are and you must accept us [because of] human rights.' No. By the way, if you go to another country as a guest, you must completely abide by its laws, customs, traditions, and culture. You must abide by them completely! If you are not willing to do this, don't go. Don't expect them to open the door for you, so you can go into their country and cause trouble. No.


"You've been fighting amongst yourselves for 40 years, yet you expect [the West] to open their doors for you? No. If you want to solve the problem, you should solve it in your own countries. That's why I'm telling Egyptians that they should take better care of their country."

--November 4, 2018 https://www.memri.org/tv/egyptian-president-sis-muslims-fight-selves-expect-west-open-doors-no/transcript

Ik had het gisteren nog met een oude vriend over de Nederlandse politicus Pim Fortuyn (1948 - 2002). Ons oordeel was eenduidig. Fortuyn is een held. Het huidige Europa had er heel anders uitgezien, had hij nog geleefd. Een politicus van zijn formaat komt maar eens om de zoveel jaren voorbij. Hij was de gedoodverfde winnaar van de verkiezingen van 2002. Hij zou hoe dan ook een vooraanstaande rol gespeeld hebben in de Nederlandse politiek. We stelden ons gisteren voor hoe de ontmoetingen met Trump, Erdogan en Poetin zouden geweest zijn. Europa zou er heel anders hebben uitgezien, speculeerden we.

Zeventien jaar geleden werd het interview in bijlage uitgezonden. Theo van Gogh stelt vragen. Pim Fortuyn antwoordt geamuseerd. Theo en Pim zijn twee martelaren van de vrijheid op meningsuiting.


Dat klinkt bombastisch maar ze zijn allebei dood, allebei om wat ze zegden. Het interview dateert van 4 november 2001 (een dikke maand na 9/11) en begint met een vraag van Theo over een discriminatieklacht tegen Fortuyn door drie Rotterdamse anti-discriminatie-organisaties.

Ik heb niet opgezocht hoe het met dat proces is afgelopen. Vermoedelijk is het er nooit van gekomen, want een half jaar later was Fortuyn dood. Vermoord door ene Volkert van der Graaf, een links-groene dierenrechtenactivist die vond dat Fortuyn teveel polariseerde.

En dat terwijl de linkse politicus Marcel van Dam hem vijf jaar eerder een "buitengewoon minderwaardig mens" genoemd had en men de man constant met Hitler en andere fascisten vergeleek.

Een soort van Untermensch dus.

Omdat Fortuyn "stigmatiseerde" werd hij "gedemoniseerd" en vermoord. Stigmatiseren of demoniseren. Je kan je afvragen wat het ergste is.

De moordenaar van Fortuyn is inmiddels vrij. Sinds 2014 al.

Het mooie van Fortuyn is ook nog dat hij de vorige golf van religieuze onderdrukking heeft meegemaakt. Hij zegt daarover: "Ik heb ook enig recht van spreken, toen ik in 1970 voor mijn homoseksualiteit uitkwam was dat in die reden zonder meer een grond voor ontslag."

Theo van Gogh werd op 2 november 2004 vermoord. Zijn moordenaar, een fundamentalistische moslim, heeft nog steeds geen spijt betuigd en geeft aan dat -- mocht hij de kans krijgen -- hij meteen hetzelfde zou doen.

I only saw three films in 2018:

Although not comparable to the other two, the best film is This Magnificent Cake!

Ce magnifique gâteau ! (2018, This Magnificent Cake!) is written and directed by Marc James Roels and Emma de Swaef. It is cloth/fabric stop-motion film. The title is based on a dictum by Leopold II of Belgium recorded in a letter in which he remarked eagerly that he wanted his share of "this magnificent African cake".

It is an anthology film set in colonial Africa in the late 19th century telling the stories of 5 different characters: a troubled king, a middle-aged Pygmy working in a luxury hotel as an ashtray, a failed businessman on an expedition who stole the fortune of his family which subsequently went bankrupt, a lost porter and a young army deserter. And a clarinetist who is forbidden by the king to play his cuckoo notes in "The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods".

RIP Jorge Grau (1930 – 2018)

Jorge Grau was a Spanish film director who worked in the age of the sexual revolution which came late in Spain because of Censorship in Francoist Spain.

To the illustrious history of Spanish horror film, Grau contributed The Bloody Countess (1973) and Let Sleeping Corpses Lie (1974), the first on Elizabeth Báthory, the second on zombies.

To the history of Spanish erotica, he contributed the film La trastienda, the first Spanish film to feature full frontal nudity. The film touches upon sexual repression and Opus Dei. María José Cantudo was the actress who was first seen nude on Spanish cinema screens. While researching Grau, it also came to my attention that Cantudo also recorded a song called "Desnuda me", Spanish for "Unrobe me".


In the part on Spanish horror of the documentary Eurotika!, Jorge Grau is featured on 18:50 [above].

“Effects” [The Enthronement] is a work of art by James Oberhelm

oorlog zonder grenzen

Trip to Indonesia

10 - 2010 0:43 9 - primer 1:41 8 - heavy metal 2:52 7 - Mr. Nobody 4:09 6 - Silent Running 5:08 5 - Equilibrium 6:21 4 - Strange Days 7:37 3 - eXistenZ 8:36 2 - sunshine 9:48 1 - Moon 11:47

Takashi Kokubo, Japanese ambient

"Nussbaum leaves “so much lalala” in the original, teritismata, explaining “teritismata are meaningless sounds you make when you are singing to yourself; we might render them as 'dumdedumdums'” (Nussbaum, p. 256). 258: Hermes is the ..." --Trickster Makes This World: How Disruptive Imagination Creates Culture (2017) by Lewis Hyde

Kurt Vonnegut's 'Slaughterhouse-Five' is the missing link between 'teretismata' and 'blituri'

User:Jahsonic/Notes on the Arab-Israel conflict

"Some instances of 'ornithomorphism' in 18th- and 19th-century music" (2011) is an essay by R. S. Edgecombe

"These 'chant melodies are melismatically embellished and frequently amplified by kratemata (independent melodic units made up of teretismata), resulting in."

See also


The Dissidenten then moved on to Morocco to record Sahara Elektrik in 1982 at the Palace of Abdesalam Akaaboune in Tangier with the help of friend Paul Bowles and local sha'abi band Lem Chaheb. The track "Fata Morgana" became a dance hit in Europe (especially Spain and Italy) and Canada, and the group toured worldwide.

"Vandaag stond in DS en DM dat de studentenvereniging Reuzegom, die verzameling speelvogels die hun sadomasochistische spelletjes nogal serieus namen, wat tot de jammerlijke dood ener hen leidde die tot die troep wou behoren, met onmiddellijke ingang geschorst wordt door de KU Leuven. Is dat alles? Er komt toch -- hoop ik -- een vervolging voor onvrijwillige doodslag?" JWG, 10/12/18

RIP Pete Shelley (1955 – 2018)

Pete Shelley was an English singer, songwriter and guitarist, best known as the leader of punk rock band Buzzcocks, and for writing "Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've)" (1978) and solo singles as "Homosapien" (1981) and "Witness the Change" (1981).

Tachtig procent van succes is gewoon komen opdagen

Zoals een onderzoek in van twee Belgische sociologen, Gil Keppens en Bram Spruyt, blijkt bestaat onschuldig afwezig zijn niet.

Spijbelen en zittenblijven zijn twee kanten van dezelfde medaille. Elke dag dat een leerling onwettig afwezig is, stijgt de kans dat hij of zij een C-attest zal halen.

Zoals de Amerikaanse komiek Woody Allen zei: "Tachtig procent van succes is gewoon komen opdagen." Als je er niet bent, kan je ook niks doen.

Daarom jongens en meisjes. Kom elke dag. Zonder fout. Spijbel niet.

Kom je al elke dag? Tof. Jullie komst maakt ons blij :).

Heb je wel eens de neiging om te blijven liggen? Neem je graag ene extra dagje vakantie? Je doet er jezelf en ons ene slechte dienst mee. Kom gewoon elke dag. Maak er uw goed voornemen van 2019 van.

"Mensen gaan niet zomaar bij elkaar op bezoek". --"Migreren naar Vlaanderen" Geert Bourgeois

Mike Pence rule poses new glass ceiling for women on Wall Street.

European Google tax is given a weaker version because Europe fears tariffs on German cars.

COP 24 will be held on 3-14 December 2018 in Katowice, Poland.

Forty Thousand Sublime and Beautiful Thoughts Gathered from the Roses, Clover Blossoms, Geraniums, Violets, Morning-glories, and Pansies of Literature (1915) by Christian Herald

"If man makes himself a worm he must not complain when he is trodden on." —Kant

"Wer sich aber zum Wurm macht, kann nachher nicht klagen, dass er mit Füßen getreten wird." --Kants Opus postumum und das Ganze der Philosophie: Gesellschaft, Wissenschaft, Menschenbild (Basler Studien zur Philosophie)

Europees Hof voor Mensenrechten minder activistisch:

"De kritiek op ‘activistische’ rechters heeft effect: het Hof stelt zich steeds terug­­houdender op, vooral tegenover landen met een lange democratische traditie."

"If Jews got their country after the Holocaust, maybe the LGBT community would benefit from one too?" My colleague answered, "They already have one. It's the Vatican."

Berlin 1912-1932 had Zwei Kinder by Otto Dix, exemplar of the comic grotesque.

RIP Bernardo Bertolucci (1941 – 2018)

And now Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci dies, 13 years the junior of Roeg, also one of the big names of European cinema. Last Tango in Paris was the first of his films I saw. I'm sure if I would see it again, it would probably bore me to death. In contrast, Performance by Roeg (see prev. post) has aged better. Both films are a testament to the sexual revolution.

The last of Bertolucci's film that I saw was The Dreamers. I remember liking it and I guess that likely hasn't changed.

Luck has it that YouTube has an entire copy of The Spider's Stratagem. Like Performance of Roeg, it is inspired by Jorge Luis Borges.


I've never seen it, I'll watch it now.

Let me end (because I can) with this beautiful juxtaposition only marginally linked to Bertolucci:

RIP Nicolas Roeg (1928 – 2018)

Nicolas Roeg dies at 90. I think Performance was the first of his films that I saw. In some Antwerp arthouse probably. Roeg's most intriguing film is Castaway, the true story of an adventurer who publishes an ad looking for a 'wife' to spend a year on a uninhabited island.

Roeg was in the beginning of his career a cinematographer. He filmed Roger Corman's The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe.

Roeg belonged to the generation of Ken Russell and Stanley Kubrick and was the last one of the three.

Adida Claire, Laitin David, Valfort Marie-Anne, Why Muslim Integration Fails in Christian-Heritage Societies, Harvard University Press, 2016

Libido sentiendi, libido sciendi, libido dominandi— (the lust of pleasure, the lust of knowledge, and the lust of rule.) --Pascal

RIP Cesare Canevari (1927 - 2012)

Mr Canevari died six years ago but it went unnoticed by me.

I learned of his death yesterday when I landed on Canevari's Last Orgy of the Third Reich (1977) via Nazi Love Camp 27 (1977). God knows what brought me there.


So this morning I watched Matalo! (1970), the Spaghetti Western directed by Canevari.

It's a whole lot better than Django Kill... If You Live, Shoot![6] (1967), which I watched this January.

Matalo! sets itself apart by its psychedelic sequences, the silence, the lack of dialogue, the sound effects and the soundtrack by Mario Migliardi.

The full soundtrack is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM3x80qsKUs

Use of methylphenidate can lead to cardiomegaly

Beethoven integrale Jean-Guihen Queyras & Alexander Melnikov

La géopolitique des séries (2016) by Dominique Moisi.

Delphine Lecompte is a Flemish poet.

Sie: Hermann… Er: Ja… Sie: Was machst du da? Er: Nichts… Sie: Nichts? Wieso nichts? Er: Ich mache nichts… Sie: Gar nichts? Er: Nein… (Pause) Sie: überhaupt nichts? Er: Nein … ich sitze hier… Sie: Du sitzt da? Er: Ja… Sie: Aber irgendwas machst du doch? Er: Nein… (Pause) Sie: Denkst du irgendwas? Er: Nichts Besonderes… Sie: Es könnte ja nicht schaden, wenn du mal etwas spazieren gingest… Er: Nein – nein… Sie: Ich bringe dir deinen Mantel… Er: Nein danke… Sie: Aber es ist zu kalt ohne Mantel… Er: Ich gehe ja nicht spazieren… Sie: Aber eben wolltest du doch noch… Er: Nein, du wolltest, dass ich spazieren gehe… Sie: Ich? Mir ist es doch völlig egal, ob du spazieren gehst… Er: Gut… Sie: Ich meine nur , es könnte dir nicht schaden, wenn du mal spazieren gehen würdest… Er: Nein, schaden könnte es nicht… Sie: Also was willst du denn nun? Er: Ich möchte hier sitzen … Sie: Du kannst einen ja wahnsinnig machen! Er: Ach …

Sie: Erst willst du spazieren gehen… dann wieder nicht… dann soll ich deinen Mantel holen… dann wieder nicht… was denn nun? Er: Ich möchte hier sitzen … Sie: Und jetzt möchtest du plötzlich da sitzen… Er: Gar nicht plötzlich… ich wollte immer nur hier sitzen… Sie: Sitzen? Er: Ich möchte hier sitzen und mich entspannen… Sie: Wenn du dich wirklich entspannen wolltest, würdest du nicht dauernd auf mich einreden… Er: Ich sag ja nichts mehr… (Pause) Sie: Jetzt hättest du doch mal Zeit, irgendwas zu tun, was dir Spaß macht… Er: Ja… Sie: Liest du was? Er: Im Moment nicht… Sie: Dann lies doch mal was… Er: Nachher, nachher vielleicht… Sie: Hol dir doch die Illustrierten… Er: Ich möchte erst noch etwas hier sitzen… Sie: Soll ich sie dir holen? Er: Nein – nein, vielen Dank… Sie: Will der Herr sich auch noch bedienen lassen, was? Er: Nein, wirklich nicht… Sie: Ich renne den ganzen Tag hin und her… Du könntest doch wohl einmal aufstehen und dir die Illustrierten holen… Er: Ich möchte jetzt nicht lesen… Sie: Mal möchtest du lesen, mal nicht … Er: Ich möchte einfach hier sitzen … Sie: Du kannst doch tun, was dir Spass macht. Er: Das tu ich ja! Sie: Dann quengle doch nicht daurend so rum… Er: (schweigt) Sie: Hermann! Er: (schweigt) Sie: Bist du taub? Er: Nein – nein … Sie: Du tust eben nicht, was dir Spaß macht… statt dessen sitzt du da! Er: Ich sitze hier, weil es mir Spaß macht… Sie: Sei doch nicht gleich so aggressiv! Er: Ich bin doch nicht aggressiv… Sie: Warum schreist du mich dann so an? Er: (schreit) … Ich schreie dich nicht an!!!…

Ibn Warraq. ‘‘Debunking Edward Said: Edward Said and the Saidists: or Third World Intellectual Terrorism.’’ http://www.secularislam.org/articles/debunking .htm; and in Spencer, ed. The Myth, Part 6, ch. 1.

"In the past, like today, warnings of Islamic Europe, of Eurabia, had a powerful moral and political content. ... In his fantasy The Flying Inn (1914), England's secular elites delude themselves into seeing Islam as progressive: they see it as ..."--God's Continent: Christianity, Islam, and Europe's Religious Crisis (2007) Philip Jenkins

"Le Dialogue entre les Peuples et les Cultures dans l'Espace euro-méditerranéen" (2003)

Various ‎– Discophilia Belgica (2018)

The Hamburg Symposium, 1983

"The Hamburg Symposium of the Euro-Arab Dialogue was inaugurated with great pomp on April 11, 1983. In his opening address, German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, the minister of foreign ..." --Eurabia (book)
"Reading the proceedings of the numerous EAD symposia, one is struck by the difference in the discourse of the two parties. The Europeans are cautious and emphasize their respectful admiration for Islam. They pay excessive tribute to the great Islamic civilization from which the civilization of Europe has allegedly drawn inspiration (cf. the speech of German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, at the Hamburg Symposium). They formulate platitudinous, humble excuses for colonization and Europe’s anti-Arab prejudices. The Arab side’s representatives, on the other hand, adopt the tone of a schoolteacher wielding the stick. Convinced of the tolerance, humanism, and greatness of Islamic civilization, they emphasize its position as the spiritual and scientific fountainhead of Europe." --Eurabia (book) p.98
"Nowhere is Euro-Arab foreign policy fusion more seamless than in the EU’s total acceptance of ‘‘Palestine.’’ To this cause, the EU devotes all the passionate fervor of a senile lover who sacrifices to his lust the ultimate shadow of an illusory dignity. The PLO/PA is totally dependent on EU money, which it has received in enough abundance to facilitate its status as a powerful global organization of murder, crime, and hatred directed against Israel and Jews." --Eurabia (book) p.123

"Simenon and Spillane: The Metaphysics of Murder for the Millions"

RIP Hardy Fox

Hardy Fox (March 29, 1945–October 30, 2018) was the anonymous primary composer and producer for The Residents.

The Residents are an American art collective best known for avant-garde music and multimedia works and their composition "Kaw-Liga".

I finished another roman dur by Simenon, L'Enterrement de Monsieur Bouvet, one might say a rather unremarkable novel were it not for the fact that it makes one realize that it used to be possible to lead a double life, to disappear many times in one's life and start all over again elsewhere without leaving a trace. And were it not of course that it is a Simenon 'roman dur' and this is the only 'genre' I currently enjoy.

Wile researching this novel, I came across L'univers de Simenon : guide des romans et nouvelles (1931-1972) de Georges Simenon[7] (1983) by Maurice Piron and Michel Lemoine. It's hard to believe that he is the same person as the cult actor and director of French cinema of which I will post a couple of photos.

RIP Michel Lemoine

Michel Lemoine (1922–2013) was a French actor and film director, known for his role in Italian horror films and French exploitation films. He was a cult director and actor known for products such as Succubus, Frustration, L'Éternité pour nous, Kiss Me Monster. He was married to Janine Reynaud.

I Pianeti contro di noi

Plot Outline: An alien race sends cyborgs--made to look like the son of a famous scientist, whom they killed when he landed on their planet--to Earth to help pave the way for an invasion. --http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0055297 [Apr 2005]

Michel Lemoine was married to Janine Reynaud.

Profile A stud in French sex films since the early sixties, Lemoine has the unsettling looks of an early cosmetic surgery indulgent.

Copyright 2002 Alpha Blue Archives, accessed and copied for research purposes from http://www.alphabluearchives.com/euro.html on Jun 2004

Seven Women for Satan (1976) - Michel Lemoine

Seven Women for Satan (1976) - Michel Lemoine [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK] Description The French film banned in France! This rarely seen Euro shocker is a sexy version of the story of Count Zaroff, the man whose favorite past time was hunting humans on his private island. Seven Women for Satan is a stylish and bloody thriller filled to the brim with nightmarish scenes. It was actually banned by the French government for its shocking mixture of sex and violence. via Amazon.com

Joë Caligula (1966) - José Bénazéraf Joë Caligula - (1966) - José Bénazéraf

Hariton, E. B., & Singer, J. L. (1974). Women's fantasies during sexual intercourse. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42, 313- 322.

Population and fertility by age and sex for 195 countries and territories, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 Christopher Murray [8]] The Lancet

Jeff Flake

The Move (1967) is a 'roman dur' by Belgian writer Georges Simenon.

It is both a flawed novel and at the same time one of his more interesting ones due to its near total plotlessness and focus on psychological detail.

Its sub-theme is a criticism of the anonymity of modern high rise, the lack of social control, a side effect of living in the banlieue, in the same vein as Jacques Tati's films Mon oncle (1958) and Playtime (1967).

Its protagonist is an unwilling eavesdropper.

Another of its themes is an exploration of dark sexuality, a recurring motif with Simenon, such as in Un nouveau dans la ville (1950).

RIP Francis Lai (1932 - 2018)

Francis Lai was a French composer, noted for his film scores, best-known for his song "A Man and a Woman (chance pour toi et moi ba da ba da da da da da da)" wich is part of my top 1000.


4,000-year-old erotica depicts a strikingly racy ancient sexuality

"Dominance between species defines the nature of the food chain, and may underly the phylogenetic evolution of neural systems that affect dominant and submissive behavior. Those systems include the monoaminergic systems, especially those mediated by the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine, and by polypeptides, especially endorphines."

De beschavingsmachine Wij en de islam (2009) by Ico Maly.

"U weet beter dan ik dat België een Engelse creatie is. België is het levende bewijs van Napoleons nederlaag. België moest vermijden dat de Fransen de haven van Antwerpen inlijfden."--Éric Zemmour interviewed by Lode Delputte, De Morgen, October 26, 2018

"You know better than I do that Belgium is an English creation. Belgium is the living proof of Napoleon's defeat. Belgium had to prevent that the French would annex the Port of Antwerp."--Éric Zemmour , De Morgen, October 26, 2018

"The Guitar Don't Lie (Le marché aux puces)" "Escape (The Piña Colada Song)" are both about boredom in relationships.

"Identiteit is een pathetische, absurde droom." --JB

Le paroxyste indifférent (1997) by Jean Baudrillard

Ph.P. :"Quelle serait alors votre conception de l'identité, véritable monstre philosophique ? "
J.B. :"L'identité est un rêve d'une absurdité pathétique. On rêve d'être soi-même quand on n'a rien de mieux à faire."

Een Moskouse radioverslaggever zei gisteren dat na het prostitutie- en drugstoerisme nu ook het euthanasietoerisme een bloeiende industrie voor Nederland kan gaan worden. "Wie dood wil, neemt gewoon een enkeltje Nederland", [9]

JAJA (9) ‎– Tropical Bird Club (2016)

Europa en haar anti-blasfemie wetten

On October 26, 2018, Maarten Boudry wrote:

"This is absolutely disgraceful. Even if Mohammed had NOT (reportedly) had sex with a 9-year old, calling him a pedophile should be protected by free speech. What if Catholics claim that calling a child-rapist bishop a pedophile "hurts their religious feelings"?? Shame on ECHR. [10]

Jesus Christ was a bastard and his mother must be a whore” --People v. Ruggles

Leo Neels:

De Cholesteroloorlog

Itinera Institute


Tinneke Beeckman

Carlo Gepts

RIP Tony Joe White (1943 - 2018)


Tony Joe White was an American singer-songwriter best known for writing "Rainy Night in Georgia".

That song was covered in 1977 by reggae singer Watty Burnett as "Rainy Night In Portland", still the best version around.


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs

On 24/10, I went to a lecture by Johan Sanctorum, father of Hermes Sanctorum. Location was Godfried-Willem Raes Logos. Sanctorum lauded Raes continually for choosing a different path than Marcel Broodthaers, an artist he derides. Sanctorum despises the soixante-huitards and their long march through the institutions. The fact is, that Raes only lost his subsidies last year so he was one of the soixante-huitards who benefited from the system the whole time, just like Broodthaers (or even more so, maybe Broodthaers depended more on artworld money than on state sponsorship.

User:Jahsonic/Over regressief links

"Madeleine Albright [Fascism: A Warning (2018)] and Timothy Snyder [The Road to Unfreedom (2018)] have each written a book about the current threat to democracy, but do they have their history wrong?" [11]

De Onfatsoenlijken (2018) Jan Antonissen

See also The European Tribe

Op zondag hebben wij PLANNEN VOOR PLAATS voor je klaar staan. Nic Balthazar en Vlaams Bouwmeester Leo Van Broeck nemen ons mee op een tocht langs inspirerende ruimtelijke projecten in Vlaamse steden en dorpen. Nabespreking door Pepijn Kenis en Eric Corijn.

🔸 Pepijn Kenis is coördinator bij Toestand vzw. Zij vormen leegstaande of vergeten gebouwen, terreinen en ruimtes om tot tijdelijke culturele centra. 🔸 Eric Corijn is Emeritus Hoogleraar Sociale en Culturele Geografie en Deskundige Stedelijke Planologie (VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel).[12]

Vandenberghe Pieter "Voor mij was de Sismondi de laatste liberaal. Samen met Frère Orban. Al wat nog volgde was gelovige middenstand in de Kerk van de heilige Smith en Ricardo. De meesten moeten Keynes nog tegenkomen. En die mens is -gelukkig voor zijn zielsrust- al lang dood en begraven."

RIP Mel Ramos (1935 - 2018)

Mel Ramos was an American painter, specializing in paintings of female nudes. He was one of the pop art erotica artists noted for his 'flat light' photorealism.

He also interpreted the female nudes of European masters in paintings such as Touché Boucher (1973), which is a pastiche of the Odalisque blonde by François Boucher.

Religious segregation road sign on a highway into Mecca

Road sign on a highway into Mecca, stating that one direction is "Muslims only" while another direction is "obligatory for non-Muslims". Religious police are stationed beyond the turnoff on the main road to prevent non-Muslims from proceeding into Mecca and Medina. [13]

Seksuele fantasieën en frustraties onder extreem rechts 10/10/2048 at DE Studio

"That's The Joint The Hip Hop Studies Reader Murray Forman And Mark Anthony Neal"

There's something strange going on with gangsta rap with its homophobic and misogynist lyrics. It promotes violence ("Fuck tha Police") and at the same time people complain about the "black problem", black youth, and the number of incarcerated black young people that is disproportionately high.

Yet the record industry makes millions off of it and many black hip hop artists are worldwide role models.

Hip-hop in academia

Hip hop studies is a multidisciplinary field of study that encompasses sociology, anthropology, .... That's the Joint: The Hip Hop Studies Reader

Also RIP Is Stelvio Cipriani (1937 – 2018), an Italian composer, known for his OSTs.

He is a lesser version of Ennio Morricone.


In my universe, he is best known for writing the OST to The Laughing Woman, that strange BDSM fantasy drama [above].

RIP Charles Aznavour, 94, French-Armenian singer, best-known for "La Bohème" (1966), a song which is part of the Jahsonic 1000.

Also dead is Jerry González (1949 - 2018) an American bandleader and trumpeter, known for his work with Grupo Folklorico Y Experimental Nuevayorquino who only made two albums, both released on disco label Salsoul Records.

I give you "Anabacoa", a track composed in 1949 but rendered here by Grupo Folklorico Y Experimental Nuevayorquino in 1975 which was featured on the compilation album Nu Yorica!.

See also

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "Timothy D. Snyder" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic and friends. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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