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Obtaining my Master in philosophy from the University of Antwerp

I did a total of 132 points


Academiejaar 2014-2015

Hist. overz. wijsb. oudh. midd 6,00 13

Moderne en hedendaagse tijd 6,00 15

Logica, ken- & wetenschapsleer 6,00 13

Ethiek 6,00 14

Cultuurfilosofie 6,00 11

Sem. hedendaagse fil. auteurs 3,00 12

Academiejaar 2015-2016

Metafysica 6,00 14

Sem. moderne filos. aut. 3,00 15

Hedendaagse cont. wijsbegeerte 6,00 14

Hedendaagse anal. wijsbegeerte 6,00 14

Wijsgerige psychologie 6,00 14

Kunstfilosofie 6,00 14

Onderzoeksseminarie esthetica 6,00 15

Academiejaar 2016-2017

Gr. st. wijsgerige psychologie 6,00 14

Grondige studie ethiek 6,00 13

Gr. st. filosofie van de kunst 6,00 14

Het einde vd secularisering 6,00 15

Imagery and imaginition 6,00 13

Academiejaar 2017-2018

Masterproef 21,00 12

Voortgangsseminarie 3,00

Filosofie en samenleving 6,00 11

See also

I went in to politics, joined the liberal party about a year ago, and now I'm asking my friends and acquaintances to vote for me :).

Most of my friends are left-wing and green.

Marc Van de Looverbosch, Joost Germis and Jeroen-Vincent Nagels reminded me of the former dark blue currents (Hugo Coveliers and Ward Beysen) of former VLD.

Went to Bagimont, Sedan and Marville with K.

Belgium supposedly scores worse and worse on the Programme for International Student Assessment rankings.

Harun Yahya- De Islam veroordeelt het terrorisme[1] is full of Swiss iconography. See Interlaken

Gabriel García Márquez: "How does it feel?" (hoax)

Frank Vande Veire on Schild en Vrienden.

How Fascism Works

Il Pulcino Pio Cumulative_song

The People vs. Democracy: Why Our Freedom Is in Danger and How to Save It by Yascha Mounk, see illiberal democracy

On 29 March 1883, Ernest Renan (1823–92), then at the height of his career and influence, delivered the keynote address at the 'L'lslamisme et la Science' conference held at the Sorbonne

"Andrey Korotayev" "youth bulge" "Arab Spring

Nicki Minaj, Calvin Harris, Ed Sheeran, Enrique Iglesias and Taylor Swift ... in the August 2018 most viewed songs on YouTube.

The earth is a cake

Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race, Ta-Nehisi Coates, mentioned by Tom Naegels

Keating's Darling, Martha Marcy May Marlene Perfect Blue La moustache

I read two horror stories about people descending into madness as they say: "The Sandman" (1816) and "Diary of a Madman" (1835).


Sunday 19/8/2018:

Went to flea market at Oever to buy books at my favourite book store. Is his name Jan?

Ron Dunselman (1945), psychologist and art therapist. Author of the book In Place of the Self

"A Swedish Muslim woman [Farah Alhajeh] has won compensation after her job interview was ended when she refused a handshake." [2]

"A Muslim couple have been denied Swiss citizenship after they refused to shake hands with people of the opposite sex during their interview, officials say. [3]

"Earlier this week, Nekkaz reiterated his pledge to pay all fines for burqa wearers after a 29-year-old woman received the first fine in Hørsholm. Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen previously castigated the very idea of paying fines for someone else as "very, very un-Danish.""[4]

RIP Aretha Franklin (1942 - 2018)

Songs such as "Respect", "Think", "Do Right Woman, Do Right Man," and "Sisters Are Doin' It for Themselves" have earned her the label as a feminist singer (if there is such a thing), see black feminism, American feminism.

P.S. The ultimate feminist anthem is "Think (About It)" (1972) by Lyn Collins

The death of Fakir Musafar led me to A. D. Coleman (Charles Gatewood directed Fakir Musafar's Dances Sacred and Profane, Gatewood also wrote Sidetripping (1975) which was praised by Coleman) which led me to Coleman's book The Grotesque in Photography (above).

The grotesque is one of my favourite sensibilities.

RIP Fakir Musafar (1930 – 2018)

Fakir Musafar was the original modern primitive.

The clip: Footage of Fakir performing the sundance ritual in the film Dances Sacred and Profane.

Fakir is featured from 2:35 onwards.

Notes in the Mia Doornaert/Bleri Lleshi debate:

Bleri Lleshi states that Islamophobia is racism and cites:

  • Stuart Hall
  • Fernando Bravo Lopez "Towards a definition of Islamophobia: Approximations of the early twentieth century". Ethnic and Racial Studies. 34 (4): 556–73.
  • Abdoolkarim Vakil

Frank Van Overwalle (VUB): Zijn we allemaal racisten?, see also Iedereen racist: de multiculturele droom ontleed by Alain van Hiel

In a speech given at the Sydney Opera House at the occasion of the publication of The Course of Love, de Botton cites Rochefoucauld's maxim 136: "Il y a des gens qui n'auraient jamais été amoureux s'ils n'avaint jamais entendu parler de l'amour." (There are people who would never be in love had they not heard [others] speak of love). This refers to the media influence on contemporary Western conceptions of romantic love which is rooted in the 19th century obsession with love widespread by the rise of the novel.

RIP Claude Seignolle (1917 – July 2018) French author of the fantastique.

Image: Contes Macabres (1966)

"Hoe kan een zionistische, islamofobe aanhangster van het zwartrokkatholicisme alle gevoeligheden en tendenzen in het letterenlandschap welwillend overschouwen? Met dank aan de N-VA, die zo een bouwsteen voor haar Ministerie van Propaganda aandraagt." -- Ludo De Witte 15/7/2018

De godsdienst als onze grootste vijand: Een ernstig woord, gericht tot geloovigen en twijfelaars --Jac Rademacher (1895)

"There is a new political dividing line in Europe, at least as important as the old line between left and right. It splits existing parties and throws up new ones. It opens new fronts between nations as well as parties. On one side, there is the camp of Merkron (Merkel-Macron), on the other, that of Orbvini (Orbán-Salvini)." --Timothy Garton Ash


See also: The Strange Death of Liberal England

RIP Tab Hunter (1931 &ndash 2018)

Tab Hunter was an American actor, pop singer, film producer, and author. He starred in more than 40 films and was a well-known Hollywood star of the 1950s and 1960s.

Here in Lust in the Dust

Shaparak Shajarizadeh convicted to 20 years, of which two years effective.

Compare Sigrid Kaag bowing to Rohani in Tehran.

Maedeh Hojabri was arrested for posting a film of herself dancing.

Girls of Enghelab Street

Bert Leuridan, after the review of my master thesis "Kan pornografie kunst zijn?" said: "You could have taken any definition of pornography and any definition of art, matched them up and whatever conclusion, it would have been fine." Any conclusion: porn can be art, porn cannot be art, the question is pointless." This struck me as problematic as Jerrold Levinson purposely changing his own definition of art into a purely formalistic one in order to exclude pornography from the realm of art or Hans Maes saying that porn can be art because there is already pornographic art. Katrien Schaubroeck, Hans Maes's wife reproached me for not having taken seriously the feminist criticism of porn. I had accused her husband (not at hominem, harshly but not viciously) of being a reversed moral crusader striving for the gentrification of porn. She accused me of being equally activistic/messianic.

It was not a happy defense. I got an 12/20.

My conclusion: instances of porn/art can exist, but the category pornographic art does not exist, nor should it. The category erotic art and transgressive art do their work finely.

The most interesting aspect of the thesis is with regards to the nature of categories, the nature of small categories represented by the asterisk in set theory to be precise. While writing I wondered about the influence Darwin had on our thinking about categories and essences.

"De rechtvaardigheid eist eigenlijk de complete ontruiming van heel het voormalige Mandaatgebied Palestina door alle bezetters, terug naar Oost-Europa, zoals ook gebeurd is met de Pieds-Noirs in Algerije." --Othman El Hammouchi

Or one-state solution

Men zou evengoed kunnen stellen dat de Verenigde Staten moeten teruggegeven worden aan de Indianen, de zwarten uit de Verenigde Staten allemaal een stuk land in Afrika krijgen. Dat gaat niet gebeuren, er bestaat zoiets als verjaring van misdaden, al wil ik niet gezegd hebben dat Israël op een misdadige manier verkregen werd. Zie war reparations.

RIP Claude Lanzmann (1925 – 2018)

Claude Lanzmann was a French filmmaker known for the Holocaust documentary film Shoah (1985).

"Maar dan luidt de vraag: is dat erg" (DM, 29.6 2018) antwoordt op de vraag van Joël De Ceulaer naar de mogelijkheid van 'omvolking' in de grote Europese steden. See Vijf eeuwen migratie (2018) by Jan Lucassen, Leo Lucassen

RIP Harlan Ellison (1934 – 2018)

Harlan Ellison was an American writer known for his prolific and influential work in New Wave and speculative fiction.

Above: the complete film A Boy and His Dog.

This is the best of opportunities to finally see that film

Robert Sapolsky, waaronder het ... A beautifully crafted work about the biology of morality -- Jonathan Haidt. 👍 Beheren Ruben Mersch.

Wat u niet mag weten over Turkije: hoog tijd voor een eerlijk debat () is a book by Dries Lesage.


Went to flea market at Oever to buy books at my favourite book store. Is his name Jan?


"GET UP, STAND UP!" is the title of a wonderful exhibition held at the Millennium Iconoclast Museum of Art in Brussels, featuring numerous posters used during the 1968-1973 civil protests across the West.

RIP Maria Rohm (1945 - 2018)

Rohm belongs to an age of cinema which died in the 1980s. She was one of the euro girls.

In the picture above you see her kissing Marie Liljedahl in Eugenie... The Story of Her Journey Into Perversion, one of Jess Franco's Marquis de Sade film adaptations, in this case Philosophy in the Bedroom. In that book, Madame Saint-Age, the part played by Rohm, is responsible for the terrible maltreatment of Madame de Mistival.

And here is the trailer to that film.

In the documentary clip below you see how Christopher Lee was tricked into "doing" nude scenes.

Maria Rohm is the blond one.

Here is Rohm's page from the original Jahsonic site.

And the "un" un-nazied the world! Forever!

I forgot how exactly the film Idiocracy (2006) came to my attention last Saturday. I googled it, it was on of all places. I watched it.

I enjoyed it immensely, at first unaware that its director also did Beavis and Butt-Head.

The film is a science fiction satire and it reminded me of the similar film The Invention of Lying (2009), another favorite. The best science fiction stories are satires, just as the novella Flatland was or Voyage to the Moon by Lucian.

The clip above comes from the time machine theme park ride episode which was quite a clever plot element.

"Zoals de schrijver Evelyn Waugh, die in 1960 concludeerde dat Afrika bedekt was met 'wreedheid en onrecht’. Pas een halve eeuw later kwam er een vervolg in die richting, toen gepatenteerd ruziezoeker V.S. Naipaul dit jaar in The Masque of Africa de rol van bijgeloof in de levens van Afrikanen op de korrel nam - en en passant strooide met dubieuze citaten: 'Het is lastig om een menselijk begrip van Pygmeeën te krijgen, om hen als individuen te zien. Misschien waren ze dat ook niet.’" --De Groene Amsterdammer, Rutger van der Hoeven, 2010

The Other Paris (2015) is a book on Paris by Luc Sante.

150 Palestijnse fabels by Tom S. van Bemmelen

Palestine Diary : With a foreword by Lloyd George Auteur: Frederick H Kisch

Sanguine/Bloedrood (2018)

Fort Europe is a gated community

Wat de Iris van Rodin zo’n grote kanshebber maakt op de titel van kunstporno-object is het feit dat het geen hoofd heeft. Net zoals het beter bekende L’Origine du monde van Courbet dat ook veel aanspraak kan maken op het zijn van een instantie van kunstporno-object.

Heel kleine categorieën worden in een venndiagram met een asterisk voorgesteld, dat wil zeggen dat er zich minstens een instantie binnen een overlappend gebied bevindt. Binnen elke categorie en in elke tijd kan je er een of twee vinden, maar amper meer dan dat. Courbet en Currin bij de schilders, Klimt en Schiele bij de tekenaars, L’histoire d’O bij de literatuur, de Griekse vazen in de oudheid, Robert Mapplethorpe en Thomas Ruff bij de fotografie en Nymphomaniac (deel 1 7/10, deel 2 6.7/10 IMDb) bij de film. In dans heb je niets, afgezien van misschien enkele jaren zeventig experimenten, in beeldhouwwerk heb je weinig, vermits het behoort tot de auragevoelige kunsten wordt het bijna nooit als pornografie beschouwd, hoewel we wel ruimte moeten houden voor Jeff and Ilona (Made in Heaven) (1990), een sculptuur uit polychroom hout dat nooit of te nimmer zijn weg naar een publieke ruimte zal weten te vinden.

Koffiedik kijken wat betreft wat tot de kunst met hoofdletter ‘k’ kan gerekend worden, wat de tand des tijds zal doorstaan en wat niet.

Leon de Winter Mia Doornaert Arthur van Amerongen

Begrijpen, bevatten, onthouden komen van grijpen, vatten en houden, allemaal verwijzingen naar de prehensiliteit. Taal is metafoor. Ook opvatten en samenvatten horen in dit rijtje. In het Engels gaat dit ook op, daar corresponderen comprehension met prehensility.

meaning is use

"It is nothing but its usage. Language is use” (1923, I:24).47 Use, Mauthner maintains, cannot be explained; it can only be studied empirically and historically. Hence Mauthner's work is studded with etymological observations, analyses of ..." --Conventionalism: From Poincare to Quine Door Yemima Ben-Menahem

RIP Tom Wolfe, 88, American writer and journalist, author of The Bonfire of the Vanities and The Right Stuff.

Of interest to me are his essays. He wrote The Painted Word (1975) and From Bauhaus to Our House (1981), both critical of mid-century high modernism and avant-gardism to the extent that they have been connected to the death of the avant-garde.

RIP Glenn Branca, 69, American composer and guitarist.

Glenn Branca (October 6, 1948 – May 13, 2018) was an American composer and guitarist known for his use of volume, alternative guitar tunings, repetition, droning, and the harmonic series. He debuted with Lesson No. 1 in 1980 but his earlier music was performed in no wave bands of the late 1970s, namely The Static and Theoretical Girls.

RIP Mel Gordon (1947 - 2018)

Mel Gordon was a theatrical historian. He wrote on 1920s Berlin, Grand Guignol, lazzi, Hanussen, Dada, drugs and Expressionism.

From left to right:

RIP Adam Parfrey (1958 - 2018)

Adam Parfrey was an American writer, editor, and publisher whose work centered on unusual, extreme, or "forbidden" areas of knowledge. He is perhaps best known for Rants and Incendiary Tracts (1989), which he co-edited with Bob Black.

Rants and Incendiary Tracts (1989) is an anthology of 56 pieces of invective in the style of An Anthology of Invective and Abuse (1929) by Hugh Kingsmill.

Thanks to the death of Adam, I watched The Hate That Hate Produced (1955, above)

Last Thursday 3/5/2018: Trampoline gallery: Ken Verhoeven; Muhka: noise concert by Mati Drome, Rufus Mich (son of Ludo Mich) dj'd, Rurik showed me work of Frank Castelyns (BE, º1942 †2017); went to the D'Herbouvillekaai to look at construction nearly finished.

Esneux (arboretum de Tessenire), Liernu, Hallerbos with W. and K.

"... many constructionist arguments would suggest, and I draw upon Fuss's model as I begin to transition from the tautologophobia of Alice Vavasor and Clara Middleton, and the history of queer and feminist ambivalence about the clarity of erotic essentialism, to the decided tautologophilia of Trollope's The Way We Live Now." --Bad Logic: Reasoning about Desire in the Victorian Novel, 2018, Daniel Wright

Reading Roger Scruton's "Flesh from the Butcher" for my thesis I noticed the word Tafelmusik. My encyclopedia brought up "Tafelmusik für König Ubu". Anything with the word Ubu in its title piques my interest. "Tafelmusik für König Ubu" appeared to be a German version of Musique pour les soupers du Roi Ubu (1966), a musical composition by Bernd Alois Zimmermann.

I played it [above], it's wonderful, it's a sound collage.

YouTube's autoplay is on.

The next track [above] starts very sweet and on 4:55 the most wonderful waltz waltzes in. Waltzes have these pauses that remind me of weightlessness.

The composition appeared to be "Der Waltzer (1969) by Alfred Schnittke.

I ended up listening to Alfred Schnittke for most of the weekend.

RIP Steven Marcus (1928 – 2018)

Steven Marcus is best-known for The Other Victorians (1964), a study of Victorian pornography in which he coined the term pornotopia.

The book is a classic in the academic study of pornography.

I've never been able to find out the author of the illustration on the cove. It's in the skinny style of Raphael Kirchner (1867– 1917) and Léo Fontan (1884 - 1965) which was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

For the latest version of this stub, check the blog entry Not a Love Story: A Film About Pornography (1981) is one of the best anti-pornography documents around, better than Perversion for Profit (1965).

I found Not a Love Story while researching my paper and being sidetracked into feminist antiporn rhetoric.

The most blatant variety of this rhetoric is the part where they say that pornography leads to rape, first expressed by Robin Morgan in 1974 when she said "Pornography is the theory, and rape is the practice".

Recent feminists such as Anne W. Eaton have toned down their statements from the once virulent rhetoric of women such as Robin Morgan, but Rae Langton, a well respected source in the current debate, still references Ed Donnerstein

Researching Ed Donnerstein brought this film to my attention. He is interviewed in on the effects of violent porn.

New to me was a soundbite uttered by Robin Morgan who states that "the first things that the Nazis did when they moved into Poland was to engineer a huge proliferation of pornography."

The statement baffled me and I knew right away that I would not be able to find whether this was true or not, the only thing I could hope to discover is who first spread this piece of information.

After some googling I found this information cited in Take Back the Night (1980) by Laura Lederer. Some more googling and I discovered that it can be pinpointed to Pamela Hansford Johnson's statement "When the Nazis took on the government of Poland, they flooded the Polish bookstalls with pornography" recorded in On Iniquity (1967), an attack on permissive society occasioned by the Moors murders.

I've previously mentioned why I like the rhetoric of censors so much but must write more about it, see in praise of censorship.

Marianna Rothen, Women of Canterbury

Excitation-transfer theoryMood management theory

Photograph of Marcel Duchamp as Rrose Sélavy on “Belle Haleine: Eau de Voilette (Beautiful Breath: Veil Water)”. The label is part of a photograph published on the cover of New York Dada, New York, April 1921 (cf. The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines: Volume III: Europe 1880 - 1940, p.177). Français : “Belle Haleine: Eau de Voilette”. [6]

"onze belangrijke waarden in de grondwet verankeren, zodat het recht op lichamelijke zelfbeschikking een grondrecht wordt en niemand kan worden verplicht de voorschriften van een religie te volgen" --DM, 10/4/18, Mark Elchardus

Is TriumFish by Andres Serrano the same work as Triumph of the Flesh?. Christy Mag Uidhir mentions it in "Why Pornography Can’t Be Art" (2009).

Egon Schiele, Expression and Lyricism (2018) was an exhibition of the work of Egon Schiele, held at theLeopold Museum.

While researching my thesis, I came across the text "Les Dessins de Rodin" in which Arthur Symons says:

"The principle of Rodin's work is sex-a sex aware of itself, and expending energy desperately to reach an impossible goal."

The text in included in this post.

New to me was Rodin's Iris, Messenger of the Gods by Rodin and "Rodin's Reputation", Anne Wagner's deft article on it.

All my research on Rodin and his eroticism can be found at Eros and Rodin.

There are sequoia in Belgium. The one I'm posing with stands in the parc of the Solvay Castle, the largest in girth is found in Esneux[7].

There is a wonderful exhibition in Brussels right now. Spanish Still Life - Velázquez, Goya, Picasso, Miró has two Cotáns, apart from Zurbarán, the crème de la crème of still life.

There were no Zurbaráns

"Walen buiten" "Juden raus"

The phrase "arm Vlaanderen" was coined in the 21st century[9], it has connotations of oikophobia.

The Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival was going on too.

Porn photo John Currin appropriated for 'The Kissers' and 'Malmo'[10]

phenomenology of pornography + epistemology of pornography

Nietzsches Lenzerheide-Fragment über den Europäischen Nihilismus. Entstehungsgeschichte und Wirkung. Zollikon-Zürich 2000. ISBN 3-906640-99-X.

RIP Stéphane Audran (1932 – 2018)

Stéphane Audran was a French actress, known for her performances in award-winning movies such as The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972) and Babette's Feast (1987) and in critically acclaimed films like The Big Red One (1980) and Violette Nozière (1978).

A well-known photo of the actress shows her sitting at a dressing table doing her toenails in the film from the film La Femme Infidèle (1968). Above is the clip of that film with Audran tending to her nails.

Googling for "erotic art" + "obscene" in the 19th century.

"The boundary line between obscenity and erotic art is very difficult to draw, and perhaps the safest rule would be to look at the intention. This may be gathered from the character of the artist and the style of the work. The same subject in different hands might be perfectly pure or offensively obscene, and from the manner of the artist a fair judgment might be formed of his intent. We are glad Mr. FLOWERS refused the order in this case, for the precedent would be fraught with danger." --Law Times, the Journal and Record of the Law and Lawyers, 1869
"Mr. Collette, solicitor to the Society for the Suppression of Vice, attended before Mr. Flowers to apply for an order for the destruction of two obscene paintings, and Mr. George Lewis, of the firm of Lewis and Lewis, of Ely-place, appeared on the part of the owner of the pictures to resist the application. Mr. Collette said that ... The boundary line between obscenity and erotic art is very difficult to draw, and perhaps the safest rule would be to look at the intention. This may be .." --Law Times, the Journal and Record of the Law and Lawyers, 1869

"dances, pornographic pictures, all without any trace of artistic merit, speculate on the erotic instinct of the masses in order to obtain their money. In these brothels of art, the most obscene vice is glorified, even pathological. Unfortunately, this obscenity ... is in complete accord with me in the debasing effect of alcohol on the artistic sentiment. (Alkohol und Kunst.) After establishing these facts, we return to the fundamental but delicate question : How is true erotic art to be distinguished ..." --The Sexual Question - Pagina 492, 1908 - ‎Fragmentweergave - ‎Meer edities

I finally hold a copy of Lequeu : An Architectural Enigma (1986) of the oeuvre of Jean-Jacques Lequeu in my hand.

It is a strange mix of obfuscation and elucidation by its author Philippe Duboÿ.

It drew my attention to the satirical vignette against Bertrand Chaupy, an engraving better known as the "turd engraving by Piranesi."

Regarding the obfuscation in 1993 Robert Harbison said in The Built, the Unbuilt, and the Unbuildable:

"Recently the idea has infiltrated academic consciousness that the eighteenth-century crank Lequeu, one of the world's fringiest paper architects, is really Marcel Duchamp inserting himself Trojan-horse-like into the musty tomes of the Bibliotheque Nationale, whiling away countless hours creating a large hollow space in which a few hundred pseudo-eighteenth-century beings can roost."

Above: "turd engraving by Piranesi"

I checked several philosophical and aesthetic dictionaries for lemmae on pornography and obscene.

Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie (seven volumes, published between 1971 and 2007) by Joachim Ritter had nothing.

The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics by Oxford had nothing but did have an entry on obscene. Obscene is different from pornography (Lautrec shitting on the beach is not pornographic but is obscene). But pornography, when it is put on trial, generally is tried under the heading obscenity. And this is where aesthetics does creep in, in the early to mid twentieth century, concerning James Joyce's Ulysses in the 1920s and Lady Chatterley's Lover in 1960. But before that, there had been the trial of Madame Bovary which explicitly used the terms "literary merit" (aesthetics thus) to defend it from charges of immorality.

I could not check Grundbegriffe der Ästhetik because it was in the warehouse but I googled it and found no sign of it there.

Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1998) has both a lemma on erotic art and one on pornography. The first written by Levinson, the second by Susan Mendus. The "erotic art" article is on the category erotic art and mentions pornography towards the end, the article on pornography does not deal with its aesthetic qualities.

What did I find.

"Again, it is interesting to note that Breton was excited by the case of Helene Smith, Flournoy's famous medium (Nadja, p. 104; Point, p. 231), and that he turned his attention for a long time to the subject of the automatic mediumistic paintings of Sardou, Fernand Desmoulin, the Count de Tromelin, Madame Fibur, Machner, Petitjean, ..." --André Breton and the basic concepts of surrealism (André Breton et ..., Michel Carrouges - 1974

While researching "Della verga" (yes I finally found the text of the first unexpurgated translation), Leonardo da Vinci's notes on the unruly member, I found this lovely cover of The Sex Lives of the Animals (Das Liebesleben in der Tierwelt, 1962) by Herbert Wendt.

"Bâtisseur de fantasmes" (Phantasm builder) is an exhibition of the work of a personal hero Jean-Jacques Lequeu to be held at the Petit Palais in Paris from December 11, 2018 to March 31, 2019.

It hasn't been since 1964, at the occasion of Les architectes visionnaires de la fin du XVIII° siècle curated by Jean-Claude Lemagny at the Bibliothèque Nationale, that the work of Lequeu was shown.

Illustration: "The Big Yawner"

See also: phantasm

See for instance Mary Devereaux, “Beauty and Evil: Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will” and Berys Gaut, “The Ethical Criticism of Art” (Jerrold Levinson, ed., Aesthetics and Ethics, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1998). [11]

User:Jahsonic/Back from London

"The Origin of Female Adoration of the Buddha" (Honzon memeko nyorai engi)‘ (early 18th Century) by an unidentified artist (Honolulu Museum of Art)[12] [13]

Metamorphic Genitalia and Fantastical Sexual Images

On the origin of the term islamophobia:

"As a result, "Islamophobia" continues to be widespread in the Soviet Union. Nowhere is "Islamophobia" more prevalent than in the country's political leadership. Prozorov argued that Moscow would never have invaded Afghanistan had it understood the nature of that Islamic country; he suggested that Western specialists had these insights and that their Soviet counterparts could have had them too. Concerning Ayatollah Khomeini's suggestion that Gorbachev study the Koran, ..." --Report on the USSR. - Volume 2, Nummers 1-13 - Pagina 23, - Vertaal deze pagina

1990 - ‎Fragmentweergave - ‎Meer edities

Bronisław Malinowski, Luis Buñuel, and the transvaluation of values

While I was investigating the first comprehensive study on Marquis de Sade, The Revolutionary Ideas of the Marquis de Sade (1934) by Geoffrey Gorer, I stumbled upon this quote:

"The natives of the Trobriand Islands [...] consider eating as private as any other bodily function."

I'd heard this before but never before had I considered the rather obvious link to the food taboo scene in Luis Buñuel's The Phantom of Liberty.

I started to investigate.

Wikipedia has it wrong, it attributes the following citation to a certain Jenefer Shute, who obviously copied it from here:

"Given the social importance of food, it might seem strange to discover that the Trobrianders eat alone, retiring to their own hearths with their portions, turning their backs on one another and eating rapidly for fear of being observed." --Consuming Passions: The Anthropology of Eating (1980), p. 8-9, Peter Farb, ‎George J. Armelagos

Now, there is only one anthropologist associated with the Trobriand Islands and that is Bronisław Malinowski.

First I found this in a 1958 issue of The Humanist:

"B. Malinowski in his opus magnum reports that in the Trobriands males and females may have premarital sexual intercourse but never must they be seen eating together."

I then combed through the three books on the Trobriand Islands and eventually found this in The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia:

"Food is displayed in all forms and on all occasions [...] yet meals are never taken in public, and eating is altogether regarded as a rather dangerous and delicate act [...] the custom of eating in common is limited [...] people retire to their own fireplaces with their portion, each group turning its back on the rest [...] they eat rapidly, no one else witnessing the performance [...]."

The photo of the Trobrianders eating seems to contradict what Malinowski says, unless we interpret it that they never ate/eat together in large groups, because the obviously do in small groups (see photo).

Matins of Bruges

I only now became aware that Austryn Wainhouse (1927 - 2014) passed away. He was best-known for translating the work of Marquis de Sade and the novel Story of O.

It is of course the work of Marquis de Sade that interests us here. It so happens that one of the translations of Wainhouse, Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom, and Other Writings is freely available online. And the most interesting item in that collection is "Yet Another Effort", perhaps the first piece of writing anyone who wishes to acquaint himself with de Sade should read.

Here is that link[14].

Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom and other writings (1965) compiled and translated by Richard Seaver & Austryn Wainhouse with introductions by Jean Paulhan of L'Academie Française & Maurice Blanchot, published by Grove Press.

Copyright © 1965 by Richard Seaver and Austryn Wainhouse

James Baldwin Ikon Kenmerk 1981

The left (Eric Hulsens[15]) and Christendom (Servais Verherstraeten [16]) find each other in their battle against Patrick Dewael's Proeve van Preambule bij de Belgische Grondwet. Zie Belgische Grondwet

"Constitutional Principles as State Territory" Paul B. Cliteur.

De zonen van Godfried van Bouillon: de zionistische lobby in België by Lucas Catherine

Google "Zineb El Rhazoui" + "Ayaan Hirsi Ali" + Chahdortt Djavann + Abnousse Shalmani + Seyran Ateş

"Zineb El Rhazoui ... Talloze mensen hebben de gevolgen ondervonden, van Salman Rushdie tot Raif Badawi, en verder Nawal el-Saadawi, Tasleema Nasree, Boualem Sansal, Kamel Daoud, Waleed el-Husseini, Mohamed Cheikh Ould Mkhaitir, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nahad Hattar... Vermoord zijn ze niet, maar ze zijn allemaal afvallig geweest. Ze hebben in ballingschap moeten gaan, moeten onderduiken, hebben in de gevangenis gezeten, zijn gemarteld en sociaal uitgesloten. Maar in ..."--Vernietig het islamitisch fascisme (2016), Zineb El Rhazoui, 2018
"Medinamoslims, om het met Ayaan Hirsi Ali te duiden. Sociale media lopen over van steunbetuigingen aan de moordenaars. De dagen na de slachtpartij weigeren ... In Charlie Hebdo van 24 juni 2015 schrijft Zineb El Rhazoui, die ontsnapt is aan de aanslag want met vakantie, dat het onder radicale moslims in Algerije de bon ton is zich publiekelijk te verheugen over de aanslag. De jonge Algerijnse tekenaar Ghilas Aïnouche (25), vriend van de vermoorde redactieleden, wordt dan ..." --Een jaar na Charlie Hebdo: een pamflet , Willy Laes, 2015



Aisha en de vrouwen van Medina (2000) by Gerrit Timmers, verboden onder dreigementen in Rotterdam, see muslim censorship.

Ignaas Devisch writes a paper on the headscarf but does not answer the question "headscarf as civil servant" (visible pluralism) and draws the burqa line rather arbitrarily.

See Samira Achbita and Eweida v United Kingdom (cross necklace)

I believe in the "neutraliteitsbeginsel" for civil servants. I consider Islam as homophobic and as queer person do not wish to be confronted with islam-related religious symbols. Additionally, Islam to me is the faith which makes live about ten people worldwide live under a fatwa (Muammar al-Gaddafi, Geert Wilders, Jerry Falwell, Salman Rushdie, Taslima Nasreen, Isioma Daniel, Mariwan Halabjaee, Ulil Abshar Abdalla, Farag Foda and Ayaan Hirsi Ali).

Religious freedom cannot supersede the other civil liberties.

As you may have heard, I have resumed my work as pornosopher and I am currently writing my master's thesis which investigates whether porn can be art. In my research I get lost very often (which kind of seems to the purpose).

However, it is time for me to stop getting lost, because I have another paper to finish on political myth, a paper which I have tentatively titled "Mythe, meute, Europa," which translates as "Myth, mob, Europe."

Before I start that work, one of my most satisfying finds of the latest obsessive quest: Annie Besant's sublime pamphlet: "Is the Bible Indictable?" (illustration).

Besant asks (in 1877, mind you!):

"Does the Bible come within the ruling of the Lord Chief Justice as to obscene literature? Most decidedly it does, and if prosecuted as an obscene book, it must necessarily be condemned, if the law is justly administered." --"Is the Bible Indictable?" (c. 1877), a pamphlet by Annie Besant

RIP Gillo Dorfles (1910 – 2018) was an Italian art critic, painter, and philosopher best known for his 1968 book on kitsch, Kitsch: The world of Bad Taste.

He was 107.

The photo: When I just started buying books, somewhere in the late 1990s, I saw this at Vulcanus, a book store in the Volkstraat 3 run by a lady named Yvette. I didn't buy the book. I see they have it at my university. Maybe I'll lend it one day.

RIP Linda Nochlin

Linda Nochlin (1931 – 2017) was an American art historian and writer. A prominent feminist art historian, she became well known for her pioneering articles "Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?" (1971) and "Eroticism and Female Imagery in Nineteenth-Century Art" (1972).

Left: Achetez des Pommes ,(Buy Apples), anonymous nineteenth-century photograph, courtesy of Linda Nochlin. Right: Linda Nochlin, Achetez Bananes (Buy My Bananas)

Julius Brockington

I visited the Jozef Peeters apartment. De Gerlachekaai 32.

The apartment overlooks the Schelde and features artwork by Peeters himself, including murals and furniture he designed. Also, there is work by Michel Seuphor (big personal favorite) and Jo Delahaut.

Photo: On the table of the living room: The last book Godelieve Peeters (his daughter who preserved the apartment as total artwork) was reading before she died. On it are her glasses. It has been conserved as a crime scene. I imagine her falling dead on her books. There is a letter from De Witte Raaf under the book. The book is The Sublime Void .

"Vrouwen met hoofddoeken" propageren een mensbeeld dat de man weinig flatterend is. Niet elke man is een MeToo.

Bovendien vind ik de hoofddoek een religieus symbool. En de religie waarvoor dat symbool staat, vind ik fascistisch van inslag.

Het gedachtegoed (de vrouwenhaat, de homofobie, het eenheidsdenken) doet mij huiveren. Het doet me denken aan de laatste beweging die de pensée unique hoog in het vaandel droeg.

Gisteren keek ik nog naar een documentaire over The Satanic Verses (1989-2000), eergisteren naar de affaire Rudi Carrell (1987), ooit waren er de Mohammed cartoons (2005), de moord op Theo van Gogh (2004) en in 2015, het toppunt van religieuze onverdraagzaamheid, de zaak Charlie Hebdo (2015). Genoeg is genoeg. Moeten wij met z'n allen het nu de facto bestaande blasfemieverbod accepteren?

En liever word ik niet aangesproken op hoe de christenen doorheen de geschiedenis censureerden. Het is uiteraard een schande dat Giordano Bruno levend verbrand werd en dat Galileo Galilei diende te knielen in het Vaticaan maar die tijden hebben wij al lang achter ons gelaten.

De islam hier importeren is de islamproblemen hier importeren: interne strijd en terrorisme (waar inderdaad moslims zelf wereldwijd de grootste slachtoffers zijn, ze willen allen aanspraak maken op het "ware geloof")

"The Edible Woman: Athenaeus's Concept of the Pornographic"," in Pornography and Representation in Greece and Rome, ed. Amy Richlin (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), 261-263. 6.

"As Sterling has outlined, “still life painting was originally designated in Greek by the term 'rhopography' (i.e. depiction of insignificant objects, of odds and ends); then, forcing the pejorative nuance a little, it was mockingly baptized. 'rhyparography' (i.e. painting of the sordid)” (27). According to Bryson, there is a paradox." --Material pleasures: the still life in the fiction of A. S.. Byatt. Elizabeth Hicks

"Froese chooses the term ‘rhopography’ to explain his practice. This appears to be a direct reference to a distinction utilised by Norman Bryson (1990) in his powerfully argued examination of the still life genre."[17]

"A HISTORY OF “PORNOGRAPHY” (the word)"[18] is text by PanopticonsRus first published on 29 June, 2015.

Gustave Geffroy and Auguste Clot and Rodin and Mirbeau --> The Torture Garden

One thing regarding circumcision vrijzinnigen are against, but they are in favor of abortion.

when R. M. Hare distinguishes “primarily” and “secondarily” evaluative words in The Language of Morals, his examples of the former are paradigmatic thin concepts and some of his examples of the latter are paradigmatic thick concepts. (Hare 1952: 121–2; see also the discussion of persuasive definitions in Stevenson 1938.)[19]

Road from Killar to Kishtwar, see Dharwas is a dangerous road.

World's Most Dangerous Roads

Road from Killar to Kishtwar, see Dharwas

A Billion Wicked Thoughts and Everybody Lies

Swimming Club du Zoute is a former swimming pool facility in Het Zoute.

Perhaps the most researched non-tactile form of sexual stimulation is visual sexual stimulation:

Hotel St. Pol (Bronlaan 23, 8300 Knokke-Heist) is a hotel in the Scapa Sports-stijl dat zeer rustig gelegen is. Het bevindt zich in de mooie villawijk van het Zoute. Alles is op wandelafstand van het hotel te vinden: het strand, natuurreservaat het Zwin, de boetiekjes van het mondaine Zoute. Het Oosthoekplein.

Guy T'Sjoen, Piet Hoebeke and Petra De Sutter against male circumcision in De Morgen

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on 'erotic art' by Hans Maes (2014)

"Pornography is [...] like the Western and science fiction [...] a form of pop art" --Leslie Fiedler

While I'm researching my master thesis on the possibility of pornographic art I stumble across new information all the time.

One of the best finds was the cluster theory of art by Berys Gaut which I found via Ian Jarvie (was happy to see mentioned by Simon Fokt).

But the best was this: as I was writing a possible rationale for why pornograpy had become salonfähig in the 1960s and 1970s and I wanted to write about nobrow and Sontag and Fiedler I did some extra research on Cross the Border — Close the Gap and found the whole transcript of the 1969 Playboy article[20] including the page scans and including the illustration by Karl Wirsum (above).

"Regarding the definitions and debates over what constitutes pornography, seeLaurence O’Toole, Pornocopia , 1-26. Its thorny and elusive nature is summed upby O’Toole with these words: “Despite all the talk and trials over porn, any attempt to fix upon a satisfactory, abiding definition has failed” (6). AlthoughO’Toole does discuss the differences between what is considered pornography and eroticism, perhaps the most succinct definition was provided by RomanPolanski during the making of his film, Bitter Moon : “Eroticism is where you usea feather and pornography is where you use the whole chicken” (Peter Howarth)"[21]

See also

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