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While I was investigating the first comprehensive study on Marquis de Sade, The Revolutionary Ideas of the Marquis de Sade (1934) by Geoffrey Gorer, I stumbled upon this quote:

"The natives of the Trobriand Islands [...] consider eating as private as any other bodily function."

I'd heard this before but never before had I considered the rather obvious link to the food taboo scene in Luis Buñuel's The Phantom of Liberty.

I started to investigate.

Wikipedia has it wrong, it attributes the following citation to a certain Jenefer Shute, who obviously copied it from here:

"Given the social importance of food, it might seem strange to discover that the Trobrianders eat alone, retiring to their own hearths with their portions, turning their backs on one another and eating rapidly for fear of being observed." --Consuming Passions: The Anthropology of Eating (1980), p. 8-9, Peter Farb, ‎George J. Armelagos

Now, there is only one anthropologist associated with the Trobriand Islands and that is

Matins of Bruges

I only now became aware that Austryn Wainhouse (1927 - 2014) passed away. He was best-known for translating the work of Marquis de Sade and the novel Story of O.

It is of course the work of Marquis de Sade that interests us here. It so happens that one of the translations of Wainhouse, Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom, and Other Writings is freely available online. And the most interesting item in that collection is "Yet Another Effort", perhaps the first piece of writing anyone who wishes to acquaint himself with de Sade should read.

Here is that link[1].

I checked the Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics for lemma on pornography

Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom and other writings (1965) compiled and translated by Richard Seaver & Austryn Wainhouse with introductions by Jean Paulhan of L'Academie Française & Maurice Blanchot, published by Grove Press.

Copyright © 1965 by Richard Seaver and Austryn Wainhouse

James Baldwin Ikon Kenmerk 1981

The left (Eric Hulsens[2]) and Christendom (Servais Verherstraeten [3]) find each other in their battle against Patrick Dewael's Proeve van Preambule bij de Belgische Grondwet. Zie Belgische Grondwet

"Constitutional Principles as State Territory" Paul B. Cliteur.

De zonen van Godfried van Bouillon: de zionistische lobby in België by Lucas Catherine

Google "Zineb El Rhazoui" + "Ayaan Hirsi Ali" + Chahdortt Djavann + Abnousse Shalmani + Seyran Ateş

"Zineb El Rhazoui ... Talloze mensen hebben de gevolgen ondervonden, van Salman Rushdie tot Raif Badawi, en verder Nawal el-Saadawi, Tasleema Nasree, Boualem Sansal, Kamel Daoud, Waleed el-Husseini, Mohamed Cheikh Ould Mkhaitir, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nahad Hattar... Vermoord zijn ze niet, maar ze zijn allemaal afvallig geweest. Ze hebben in ballingschap moeten gaan, moeten onderduiken, hebben in de gevangenis gezeten, zijn gemarteld en sociaal uitgesloten. Maar in ..."--Vernietig het islamitisch fascisme (2016), Zineb El Rhazoui, 2018
"Medinamoslims, om het met Ayaan Hirsi Ali te duiden. Sociale media lopen over van steunbetuigingen aan de moordenaars. De dagen na de slachtpartij weigeren ... In Charlie Hebdo van 24 juni 2015 schrijft Zineb El Rhazoui, die ontsnapt is aan de aanslag want met vakantie, dat het onder radicale moslims in Algerije de bon ton is zich publiekelijk te verheugen over de aanslag. De jonge Algerijnse tekenaar Ghilas Aïnouche (25), vriend van de vermoorde redactieleden, wordt dan ..." --Een jaar na Charlie Hebdo: een pamflet , Willy Laes, 2015



Aisha en de vrouwen van Medina (2000) by Gerrit Timmers, verboden onder dreigementen in Rotterdam, see muslim censorship.

Ignaas Devisch writes a paper on the headscarf but does not answer the question "headscarf as civil servant" (visible pluralism) and draws the burqa line rather arbitrarily.

See Samira Achbita and Eweida v United Kingdom (cross necklace)

I believe in the "neutraliteitsbeginsel" for civil servants. I consider Islam as homophobic and as queer person do not wish to be confronted with islam-related religious symbols. Additionally, Islam to me is the faith which makes live about ten people worldwide live under a fatwa (Muammar al-Gaddafi, Geert Wilders, Jerry Falwell, Salman Rushdie, Taslima Nasreen, Isioma Daniel, Mariwan Halabjaee, Ulil Abshar Abdalla, Farag Foda and Ayaan Hirsi Ali).

Religious freedom cannot supersede the other civil liberties.

As you may have heard, I have resumed my work as pornosopher and I am currently writing my master's thesis which investigates whether porn can be art. In my research I get lost very often (which kind of seems to the purpose).

However, it is time for me to stop getting lost, because I have another paper to finish on political myth, a paper which I have tentatively titled "Mythe, meute, Europa," which translates as "Myth, mob, Europe."

Before I start that work, one of my most satisfying finds of the latest obsessive quest: Annie Besant's sublime pamphlet: "Is the Bible Indictable?" (illustration).

Besant asks (in 1877, mind you!):

"Does the Bible come within the ruling of the Lord Chief Justice as to obscene literature? Most decidedly it does, and if prosecuted as an obscene book, it must necessarily be condemned, if the law is justly administered." --"Is the Bible Indictable?" (c. 1877), a pamphlet by Annie Besant

RIP Gillo Dorfles (1910 – 2018) was an Italian art critic, painter, and philosopher best known for his 1968 book on kitsch, Kitsch: The world of Bad Taste.

He was 107.

The photo: When I just started buying books, somewhere in the late 1990s, I saw this at Vulcanus, a book store in the Volkstraat 3 run by a lady named Yvette. I didn't buy the book. I see they have it at my university. Maybe I'll lend it one day.

RIP Linda Nochlin

Linda Nochlin (1931 – 2017) was an American art historian and writer. A prominent feminist art historian, she became well known for her pioneering articles "Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?" (1971) and "Eroticism and Female Imagery in Nineteenth-Century Art" (1972).

Left: Achetez des Pommes ,(Buy Apples), anonymous nineteenth-century photograph, courtesy of Linda Nochlin. Right: Linda Nochlin, Achetez Bananes (Buy My Bananas)

Julius Brockington

I visited the Jozef Peeters apartment. De Gerlachekaai 32.

The apartment overlooks the Schelde and features artwork by Peeters himself, including murals and furniture he designed. Also, there is work by Michel Seuphor (big personal favorite) and Jo Delahaut.

Photo: On the table of the living room: The last book Godelieve Peeters (his daughter who preserved the apartment as total artwork) was reading before she died. On it are her glasses. It has been conserved as a crime scene. I imagine her falling dead on her books. There is a letter from De Witte Raaf under the book. The book is The Sublime Void .

"vrouwen met hoofddoeken" propageren een mensbeeld dat de man weinig flatterend is. Niet elke man is een MeToo.

Bovendien vind ik de hoofddoek een religieus symbool. En de religie waarvoor dat symbool staat, vind ik fascistisch van inslag. Het gedachtegoed (de vrouwenhaat, de homofobie, het eenheidsdenken) doet mij huiveren. Het doet me denken aan de laatste beweging die de pensée unique hoog in het vaandel droeg.

Gisteren keek ik nog naar een documentaire over The Satanic Verses (1989-2000), eergisteren naar de affaire Rudi Carrell (1987), ooit waren er de Mohammed cartoons (2005), de moord op Theo van Gogh (2004) en in 2015, het toppunt van religieuze onverdraagzaamheid, de zaak Charlie Hebdo (2015). Genoeg is genoeg. Moeten wij met z'n allen het nu de facto bestaande blasfemieverbod accepteren?

En liever word ik niet aangesproken op hoe de christenen doorheen de geschiedenis censureerden. Het is uiteraard een schande dat Giordano Bruno levend verbrand werd en dat Galileo Galilei diende te knielen in het Vaticaan maar die tijden hebben wij al lang achter ons gelaten.

De islam hier importeren is de islamproblemen hier importeren: interne strijd en terrorisme (waar inderdaad moslims zelf wereldwijd de grootste slachtoffers zijn, ze willen allen aanspraak maken op het "ware geloof")

"The Edible Woman: Athenaeus's Concept of the Pornographic"," in Pornography and Representation in Greece and Rome, ed. Amy Richlin (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), 261-263. 6.

"As Sterling has outlined, “still life painting was originally designated in Greek by the term 'rhopography' (i.e. depiction of insignificant objects, of odds and ends); then, forcing the pejorative nuance a little, it was mockingly baptized. 'rhyparography' (i.e. painting of the sordid)” (27). According to Bryson, there is a paradox." --Material pleasures: the still life in the fiction of A. S.. Byatt. Elizabeth Hicks

"Froese chooses the term ‘rhopography’ to explain his practice. This appears to be a direct reference to a distinction utilised by Norman Bryson (1990) in his powerfully argued examination of the still life genre."[4]

"A HISTORY OF “PORNOGRAPHY” (the word)"[5] is text by PanopticonsRus first published on 29 June, 2015.

Gustave Geffroy and Auguste Clot and Rodin and Mirbeau --> The Torture Garden

One thing regarding circumcision vrijzinnigen are against, but they are in favor of abortion.

The Language of Morals R. M. Hare

Charles Stevenson

, his examples of the former are paradigmatic thin concepts and some of his examples of the latter are paradigmatic thick concepts. (Hare 1952: 121–2; see also the discussion of persuasive definitions in Stevenson 1938.)

Road from Killar to Kishtwar, see Dharwas is a dangerous road.

World's Most Dangerous Roads

Road from Killar to Kishtwar, see Dharwas

A Billion Wicked Thoughts and Everybody Lies

Swimming Club du Zoute is a former swimming pool facility in Het Zoute.

Perhaps the most researched non-tactile form of sexual stimulation is visual sexual stimulation:

Hotel St. Pol (Bronlaan 23, 8300 Knokke-Heist) is a hotel in the Scapa Sports-stijl dat zeer rustig gelegen is. Het bevindt zich in de mooie villawijk van het Zoute. Alles is op wandelafstand van het hotel te vinden: het strand, natuurreservaat het Zwin, de boetiekjes van het mondaine Zoute. Het Oosthoekplein.

Guy T'Sjoen, Piet Hoebeke and Petra De Sutter against male circumcision in De Morgen

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on 'erotic art' by Hans Maes (2014)

"Pornography is [...] like the Western and science fiction [...] a form of pop art" --Leslie Fiedler

While I'm researching my master thesis on the possibility of pornographic art I stumble across new information all the time.

One of the best finds was the cluster theory of art by Berys Gaut which I found via Ian Jarvie (was happy to see mentioned by Simon Fokt).

But the best was this: as I was writing a possible rationale for why pornograpy had become salonfähig in the 1960s and 1970s and I wanted to write about nobrow and Sontag and Fiedler I did some extra research on Cross the Border — Close the Gap and found the whole transcript of the 1969 Playboy article[6] including the page scans and including the illustration by Karl Wirsum (above).

"Regarding the definitions and debates over what constitutes pornography, seeLaurence O’Toole, Pornocopia , 1-26. Its thorny and elusive nature is summed upby O’Toole with these words: “Despite all the talk and trials over porn, any attempt to fix upon a satisfactory, abiding definition has failed” (6). AlthoughO’Toole does discuss the differences between what is considered pornography and eroticism, perhaps the most succinct definition was provided by RomanPolanski during the making of his film, Bitter Moon : “Eroticism is where you usea feather and pornography is where you use the whole chicken” (Peter Howarth)"[7]

See also

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