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"Be that as it may, Spain, first civilized by the Phoenicians, and long possessed by the Moors, has indelibly retained many of the original impressions. Test her, therefore, and her natives by an Oriental standard, decypher her by that key,-how analogous will much appear, that seems strange and repugnant, when compared with European usages! This land and people of routine and habit are potted for antiquarians, for here Pagan, Roman, and Eastern customs, long obsolete elsewhere, turn up at every step in church and house, in cabinet and campaign. In this age of practical investigation, the physical features of Spain, her mighty mountain ranges and rivers, her wealth above and below ground, her vegetation and mines, offer a wide and almost new field to our naturalists and men of science."--A Handbook for Travellers in Spain (1845) by Richard Ford

Film directors: Pedro Almodóvar - Alejandro Amenábar - Fernando Arrabal - Luis Buñuel - Jesús Franco - José Ramón Larraz

Actresses: Soledad Miranda - Lina Romay

Artists: Luis Buñuel - Manu Chao - Salvador Dalí - La Fura dels Baus - Francisco Goya

Writers: Cervantes

Architects: Antoni Gaudí

Regions: Ibiza - Barcelona

Don Quixote (c. 1868) by Honoré Daumier
Don Quixote (c. 1868) by Honoré Daumier

Related e



Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain, is a country located in Southern Europe, with two small exclaves in North Africa (both bordering Morocco). The mainland of Spain is bounded on the south and east by Mediterranean Sea (containing the Balearic Islands), on the north by the Bay of Biscay and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean (containing the Canary Islands off the African coast). Spain shares land borders with Portugal, France, Andorra, Gibraltar and Morocco. It is the largest of three sovereign states that make up the Iberian Peninsula — the others being Portugal and Andorra.









See also

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