Los Angeles  

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"Ain't Nobody Straight in L.A." (1975) The Miracles

"My impression is you know, places like South Central L.A., around the country look more like the real third world countries - They're third world countries without the hope. That is that they have no medical care. They have no real economy - and yet in a third world country, it's developing. There is some onward development. There is some vision for the future."--Dr Bob Arnot cited in Spin

"Welcome to L.A., the city of the one-night stands"--trailer to Welcome to L.A. (1976) by Alan Rudolph

"There are a few Los Angeles landmarks that almost always play themselves: City HallGrauman's Chinese TheatreGriffith Planetarium… the four-level freeway interchange… the concrete channel of the Los Angeles River… the Eastern Columbia Building at Eighth and Broadway… the Bonaventure Hotel at Fifth and Figueroa… the Beverly Hills Hotel at Sunset and Rodeo, the Paradise Motel at Sunset and Beaudry… Clayton Plumbers at Westwood and LaGrange… Circus Liquor at Burbank and Vineland… Pink's Hot Dogs at La Brea and Melrose… the Memorial Coliseum in Exposition Park."--Los Angeles Plays Itself (2003) by Thom Andersen

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Los Angeles is an American city in the state of California. It includes Hollywood and leads the world in the creation of entertainment.

Nearby cities include Las Vegas and San Francisco.

See also

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