San Francisco  

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"After World War II, the confluence of returning servicemen, significant immigration, liberalizing attitudes, along with the rise of the "hippie" counterculture, the Sexual Revolution, the Peace movement growing from opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War, and other factors led to the Summer of Love and the gay rights movement, cementing San Francisco as a center of liberal activism in the United States.

Beat Generation writers fueled the San Francisco Renaissance and centered on the North Beach neighborhood in the 1950s. Hippies flocked to Haight-Ashbury and in the 1970s the city became a center of the gay rights movement with the emergence of The Castro as an urban gay village and the election of Harvey Milk and George Moscone." --Sholem Stein

Related e



  1. A major coastal city in California of over 800,000 widely known for its unique culture, architecture, and homosexual population
  2. The extinct culture of the city of the same name also known as the Ramaytush
  3. Any place or institution named after St. Francis

See also

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