Horrors of war  

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The Miseries and Disasters of War (1633) by Jacques Callot  With the 16th century The Miseries and Disasters of War, French 17th artist Jacques Callot anticipated Goya's Disasters of War, both of them criticizing the horrors of war in their art
The Miseries and Disasters of War (1633) by Jacques Callot
With the 16th century The Miseries and Disasters of War, French 17th artist Jacques Callot anticipated Goya's Disasters of War, both of them criticizing the horrors of war in their art

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War has been depicted from the beginning of art in many cultures. Many times it has been glorified.

However, artists such as Jacques Callot , Francisco de Goya and Otto Dix have each depicted the horrors of war without embellishment.


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Les Grandes Misères de la guerre (The Large Miseries of War), a series of 18 etchings by French artist Jacques Callot (1592–1635) published in 1633, have been called the first "anti-war statement" in Western art.

With the early 19th century Disasters of War, Goya continued a tradition set in motion by Jacques Callot, both of them criticizing the horrors of war in their art

Der Krieg (1924) is a portfolio of fifty etchings by Otto Dix about the horrors of war.

See also

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