Tutti Frutti (song)  

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"The song "Tutti Frutti" originally had bawdy lyrics full of gay sexual doubles entendres"--The Cambridge Companion to Blues and Gospel Music, 2002 edition

"A-wop-bop-a-loo-bop-a-wop-bam-boom!"-- "Tutti Frutti" (1955) by Little Richard

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"Tutti Frutti" was Little Richard's first hit record, released in 1955. With its opening cry of "Womp-bomp-a-loom-op-a-womp-bam-boom!" (Various transliterations of this have been made. Nik Cohn's book on the history of pop music used the title "A-wop-bop-a-loo-bop-a-wop-bam-boom!" (a verbal rendition of a drum pattern that Little Richard had imagined) and its hard-driving sound and wild lyrics, it became not only a model for many future Little Richard songs, but also one of the models for rock and roll itself.

See also

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