The Fine Art of Goofing Off (TV Series 1971–1972)  

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The Fine Art of Goofing Off (TV Series 1971–1972) is a TV series by Henry Jacobs, Bob McClay and Chris Koch for public television station KQED. It has been described as a sort of philosophical Sesame Street.

It was a series of half-hour television programs first aired in 1972 on San Francisco public television station KQED.

It was created by Henry Jacobs with animator Bob McClay and producer Chris Koch and was a sort of philosophical Sesame Street; each program would develop an open-ended theme, like "time" or "work" in an unpredictable collage of brief episodes in a variety of different styles of animation. Alan Watts, improvisational theatre The Committee, artist Victor Moscoso, Woody Leafer, and Jordan Belson contributed to the series.

See also

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