The Erotic Arts  

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"There is a clear dividing line between art and pornography." --p.2

Related e



The Erotic Arts (1975) is an erotic art history book by Peter Webb. It is well referenced and has the typical early seventies "sexual revolution" point of view. On the dust cover of its original edition is the artwork Princess X[1]. The book also features an interview with Hans Bellmer. The book builds on the work of Eduard Fuchs.

During the 1970s, Webb, taught a course on eroticism at the Middlesex Polytechnic, in later years in tandem with Lisa Tickner.

Table of contents

  • Art and Pornography
  • Sexual Themes in Ancient and Primitive Art
  • Eroticism in Oriental Art and Religion
  • Sexual Attitudes in Victorian Art and Literature
  • Twentieth-Century Erotic Art
  • The Erotic Novel
  • Eroticism in Films
  • Eroticism in Performing Arts
  • The Theatre of Celebration.

See also

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "The Erotic Arts" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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