The Art of Memory  

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""We see a man with a large 'eye of imagination' in the fore part of his head; and beside him live memory loci containing memory images. Five is Fludd's favourite number for a group of memory places, as will appear later, and the diagram also illustrates his principle of having one main image in a memory room. The main image is an obelisk; the others are the Tower of Babel, Tobias and the Angel, a ship, and the Last Judgment with the damned entering the mouth of Hell—an interesting relic in this very late Renaissance system of the mediaeval virtue of remembering Hell by the artificial memory." --The Art of Memory (1966) by Frances Yates

Method of lociIllustration: Theatrum Orbi engraving by Johann Theodor de Bry
Method of loci
Illustration: Theatrum Orbi engraving by Johann Theodor de Bry

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The Art of Memory (1966) is a book by British historian Frances A. Yates.

The book follows the history of mnemonic systems from the classical period of Simonides of Ceos in Ancient Greece to the Renaissance era of Giordano Bruno, ending with Gottfried Leibniz and the early emergence of the scientific method in the 17th century.

See also

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