Bishop John Wilkins on the technicalities of the Noah's Ark  

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John Wilkins’s An Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language (1668) features some technicalities of Noah's Ark.

Citations via [1]:

"some hereticks of old, and some Atheistical scoffers in these later times"
"it will appear that they are much fewer then is commonly imagined, not a hundred sorts of Beasts, nor two hundred of Birds."
"tis not likely that in the time of the deluge, when the whole Earth was overflowed, that there should be any such rough and boisterous winds as might endanger a Vessel of this Figure; such winds usually proceeding from dry Land.’
"40,500 solid cubits of compressed hay, and, for the ‘rapacious beasts,’ 1,825 sheep."
"tis agreed upon as most probable, that the lower story was assigned to contein all the species of beasts, the middle story for their food, and the upper story, in one part of it, for the birds and their food, and the other part for Noah, his family and utensils."

See also

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