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  1. (Armor) A kind of small shield or buckler, used as a defensive weapon in war.
  2. (Armor) (Obsolete) A shield resembling the Roman scutum. In modern usage, a smaller variety of shield is usually implied by this term.
  3. A butt or mark to shoot at, as for practice, or to test the accuracy of a firearm, or the force of a projectile.
  4. The pattern or arrangement of a series of hits made by a marksman on a butt or mark; as, he made a good target.
  5. The sliding crosspiece, or vane, on a leveling staff.
  6. (Railroad) A conspicuous disk attached to a switch lever to show its position, or for use as a signal.
  7. the number of runs that the side batting last needs to score in the final innings in order to win
  8. The tenor of a metaphor.
  9. A goal or objective.

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