Stained Sheets  

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"Who is this and what do you want?"


"Stella? Stella who?"


"I don't remember a Stella."


"Oh. you."


"Well, I've personally found that a bit distasteful."


"Who gave you my number anyway?"


"Yeah, well, remind me to never to speak to him again"


"You know I like [...] give me that stuff."


"You think I like [...] sit around and bored?"

--"Stained Sheets" (1979) by James White and the Blacks

Related e



"Stained Sheets" (1979) is a musical composition written and performed by James White and the Blacks. It features Lydia Lunch (under the alias "Stella Rico") and her moaning. It was first released on the album Off White, released in 1979.

Mixes with

See also

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