Se telefonando  

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"Se telefonando" is an Italian song performed by Mina first published in 1966. It bears a similarity which seems more than coincidential to "Sunday Morning" by The Velvet Underground. The song was covered by Françoise Hardy as "Je Changerai D’Avis.


In Spring 1966, Maurizio Costanzo and Ghigo De Chiara, the authors of the Aria condizionata TV show, wrote the lyrics of the theme for their TV program. for the dark mode lyrics of "Se telefonando". The encounter of the three authors and Mina took place in a Radiotelevisione Italiana rehearsal room at Via Teulada, Rome. or by his words a "micro-cell" of just three notes at an upright pianoforte. He had caught the piece of melody from the siren of a Marseilles police car. After a few bars Mina grabbed the sheet with the lyrics and started to sing, as if she had known the tune before. The result was a pop song with eight transitions of tonality building tension throughout the chorus. Morricone's arrangement featured melodic trumpet lines, Hal Blaine-style drumming, a string set, a sixties Europop female choir and intense subsonic-sounding trombones. "Se telefonando" was presented in May 1966 in a Studio Uno episode, and in August the same year at Aria condizionata. The single peaked at #7 of the Italian charts and was 53rd in the annual list of sales. Featuring the song as one of the standout tracks among "Ta-ra-ta-ta" and "Una casa in cima al mondo", the Studio Uno 66 album was the 5th biggest selling album of the year in Italy.

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