Peter Flötner  

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Peter Flötner, also Flatner, Flettner, or Floetner (born around 1490 in Thurgau, died 23 October 1546 in Nuremberg) was a German architect, sculptor, goldsmith, and silversmith. The design of Hirschvogel Hall in Nuremberg is his work, as is the Tucherschloss (a museum). He also made the triumphal arch of Emperor Charles V (no longer standing) and may have contributed to parts of Heidelberg Castle.

Flötner probably learned in Augsburg from Adolf Daucher. Under his master's guidance he contributed to the goldwork in the Fugger Chapel. After an interlude in Italy, he became a master craftsman in Ansbach. He moved to Nuremberg in 1522 and took the Bürgereid (Template:Ger "Citizen oath"). As a builder he was self-taught. Flötner was also interested in Vitruvius's scientific work.

Two years after Flötner's death, Petrejus of Nuremberg published the first German translation of Vitruvius, largely on the back of Peter Flötner's previous work. Flötner received most attention around 1900. He was seen as one of the finest German architects of his time and a pioneer of Italianesque architecture in the north. Braun (see "sources") emphasized Flötner's importance for Renaissance art, and said "genius" was not too much praise for him. There was a 1945 exhibition of his work in the German National Museum, but Flötner has not received a great deal of attention since.


  • Choir stalls and organ in the chapel of Fugger in Augsburg, Germany - 1516-18
  • Fountain in Mainz Market (Draft) - 1526
  • Hirsvogelsaal (Hirschvogel Hall), composition, and interior
  • Triumphal arch of Emperor Charles V, Nuremberg - 1541
  • Ottheinrichsbau (design of the facade) of the Heidelberg Castle (not certain) 1546–50

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