Oswalt Kolle  

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Oswalt Kolle (2 October 1928, Kiel – 24 September 2010, Amsterdam) was a German sex educator, who became famous for Oswalt Kolle: Das Wunder der Liebe (1968) and many other books and films on human sexuality.

His work was translated into all major languages, while his films found an audience of 140 million worldwide. He was awarded the Magnus Hirschfeld Medal in 2000.

He had lived in the relatively more sexually liberal city of Amsterdam, Netherlands since the 1970s with his three children to escape harassment of his family by conservative German journalists, and was also a Dutch citizen. His wife died in 2000.

His films are known as sex report films, white coaters and Aufklärungsfilme.


  • Oswalt Kolle: Das Wunder der Liebe (1968)
  • Oswalt Kolle: Das Wunder der Liebe II - Sexuelle Partnerschaft (1968)
  • Oswalt Kolle: Deine Frau, das unbekannte Wesen (1969)
  • Oswalt Kolle - Zum Beispiel: Ehebruch (1969), auch Regisseur
  • Oswalt Kolle: Dein Mann, das unbekannte Wesen (1970)
  • Oswalt Kolle: Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen (1970)
  • Oswalt Kolle: Was ist eigentlich Pornografie? (1971), auch Regisseur
  • Oswalt Kolle: Liebe als Gesellschaftsspiel (1972)
  • Oswalt Kolle: Sex Report 2008 - So lieben die Deutschen (2008)

See also

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