Mao Zedong  

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"In the eighty-year-long Hemoclysm sparked by Princip's bullets, three individuals—Stalin, Hitler, and Mao—were responsible for most of the violent deaths. [...] Most of the violence of the twentieth century has been caused by illiberal ideology, namely, Nazism and communism."--Political Questions: Political Philosophy from Plato to Pinker (2015) by Larry Arnhart

I: Have you seen Godard’s La Chinoise?
Mao: Yes. But I have been terrifically unimpressed. I find the interviews dull and irrelevant, and Godard’s fiction that the film is a work in progress does not excuse nor aesthetically conceal the irrelevancy. For Godard the interview has become a convention, an ossification of what once was a fluid technique; La Chinoise has no tension, no internal struggle, no dialectic, and hence, it is a bore. I do think Godard means well, and I have enjoyed other films of his.

--The Adventures of Mao on the Long March (1971) by Frederic Tuten

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Mao Zedong (1893 – 1976) was a Chinese politician, communist philosopher, military strategist, poet, and revolutionary who was the founder of the People's Republic of China (PRC). Ideologically a Marxist–Leninist, his theories, military strategies, and political policies are collectively known as Maoism.



The ideology of Maoism has influenced many Communists, mainly in the Third World, including revolutionary movements such as Cambodia's Khmer Rouge, Peru's Shining Path, and the Nepalese revolutionary movement. Under the influence of Mao's agrarian socialism and Cultural Revolution, Cambodia's Pol Pot conceived of his disastrous Year Zero policies which purged the nation of its teachers, artists and intellectuals and emptied its cities, resulting in the Cambodian Genocide.

The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA also claims Marxism–Leninism-Maoism as its ideology, as do other Communist Parties around the world which are part of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. China itself has moved sharply away from Maoism since Mao's death, and most people outside of China who describe themselves as Maoist regard the Deng Xiaoping reforms to be a betrayal of Maoism, in line with Mao's view of "Capitalist roaders" within the Communist Party.

In art

Andy Warhol modeled his now-iconic portraits of Mao Zedong from 1972 off of the official 1959 state portrait[1] of the Chinese Communist leader.


The July 25, 1966, edition of the Liberation Army Daily reports Mao Zedong’s swimming of the Yangtze.

See also

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "Mao Zedong" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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