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"Another time, I wanted to jump over a bog that hadn’t seemed too wide at first. I was already floating in the air, when I decided to turn around to where I came from, for I needed a bigger run-up. Nontheless, I jumped too short the second time. Not far from the other side I fell into the bog. Here I would have undoubtedly died, if not the strength of my own arm, grabbing my own pigtail, had pulled me, including my horse —which I squeezed tightly between my legs—out of it."--Baron Münchhausen pulls himself out of a mire by his own hair

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  1. The probability of a specified outcome; the chance of something happening; probability; the state or degree of being probable.
  2. The probability that some fixed outcome was generated by a random distribution with a specific parameter.
  3. Likeness, resemblance.
  4. Appearance, show, sign, expression.

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