Learning from Las Vegas  

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"I. M. Pei will never be happy on Route 66."--Learning from Las Vegas (1972) by Venturi, Scott Brown and Izenour

"Learning from Las Vegas published studies of the Las Vegas Strip undertaken by a 1970 research and design studio Venturi taught with Scott Brown at Yale's School of Architecture and Planning. Learning from Las Vegas was a further rebuke to orthodox modernism and elite architectural tastes. The book coined the terms "Duck" and "Decorated Shed" as applied to opposing architectural building styles." --Sholem Stein

Not innovating wilfulness,
But reverence for the Archetype.

--"Greek Architecture" (1891) by Herman Melville from Timoleon

"Incessant new beginnings lead to sterility"--Wallace Stevens

"I like boring things." --Andy Warhol

Related e



Learning from Las Vegas: the Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form (1972) is a book by Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, and Steven Izenour. Translated into 18 languages, the book had a major impact on the emergence of postmodernism. On the book's cover was a billboard advertising “Tan Hawaiian with Tanya”[1]. The book was influenced by Peter Blake, God's Own Junkyard (1964) and it reproduced two of its photos: "Big Duck" and Highway, U.S.A. with sign LAST STOP before Phila. Bridge.



In March 1968, Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown wrote and published “A Significance for A&P Parking Lots, or Learning from Las Vegas” (Architectural Forum, March 1968). That following fall, the two created a research studio for graduate students at Yale School of Art and Architecture. The studio was called "Learning from Las Vegas, or Form Analysis as Design Research".

Izenour, a graduate student in the studio, accompanied his senior tutor colleagues, Venturi and Scott Brown, to Las Vegas in 1968 together with nine students of architecture, and four planning and graphics students to study the urban form of the city.

Las Vegas was regarded as a "non-city" and as an outgrowth of a "strip", along which were placed parking lots and singular frontages for gambling casinos, hotels, churches and bars. The research group studied various aspects of the city, including the commercial vernacular, lighting, patterns, styles and symbolism in the architecture. Venturi and Scott Brown created a taxonomy for the forms, signs, and symbols they encountered. The two were inspired by the emphasis on sign and symbol they found on the Las Vegas strip. The result was a critique of Modern architecture, demonstrated most famously in the comparison between the "duck" and "decorated shed."

The "duck" represents a large part of modernist architecture, which was expressive in form and volume. In contrast, the "decorated shed" relies on imagery and sign. Virtually all architecture prior to the Modern Movement used decoration to convey meaning, often profound but sometimes simply perfunctory, such as the signage on medieval shop fronts. Only Modernist architecture eschewed such ornament, relying only on corporeal or structural elements to convey meaning. As such, argued the authors, Modern buildings became mute and vacuous, especially when built for corporate or government clients.


Learning from Las Vegas caused a stir in the architectural world upon its publication, as it was hailed by progressive critics for its bold indictment of Modernism, and by the status quo as blasphemous. A split among young American architects occurred during the 1970s, with Izenour, Venturi, Robert A.M. Stern, Charles Moore and Allan Greenberg defending the book as "The Greys", and Richard Meier, Peter Eisenman, John Hejduk, and Michael Graves writing against its premises as "The Whites." It became associated with post-modernism when magazines such as Progressive Architecture published articles citing its influence on the younger generation. When Tom Wolfe wrote his often-pilloried book, From Bauhaus to Our House, Venturi, Scott Brown and Izenour were among the heroes the author praised for their stand against heroic Modernism.


Learning from Las Vegas created a healthy controversy on its appearance in 1972, calling for architects to be more receptive to the tastes and values of "common" people and less immodest in their erections of "heroic," self-aggrandizing monuments.
This revision includes the full texts of Part I of the original, on the Las Vegas strip, and Part II, "Ugly and Ordinary Architecture, or the Decorated Shed," a generalization from the findings of the first part on symbolism in architecture and the iconography of urban sprawl. (The final part of the first edition, on the architectural work of the firm Venturi and Rauch, is not included in the revision.) The new paperback edition has a smaller format, fewer pictures, and a considerably lower price than the original. There are an added preface by Scott Brown and a bibliography of writings by the members of Venturi and Rauch and about the firm's work. --from the publisher


BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Writings about Venturi and Rauch B. Writings by Robert Venturi C. Writings by Denise Scott Brown D. Writings by Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown E. Writings by Denise Scott Brown and Robert Venturi F. Writings by Others at Venturi and Rauch A. WRITINGS ABOUT VENTURI AND RAUCH 1960 "From Repainting to Redesign," Architectural Forum, January 1960, pp. 122-130. (Duke House, New York University.) "NYU-Duke House," Interiors, March 1960, pp. 120-125. 1961 "New Talent USA-Architecture," Art in America, vol. 49, No. l, 1961, p. 63. (Article concerns Robert Venturi; discusses 2 architectural projects.) Rowan, Jan C., "Wanting to Be: The Philadelphia School," Progressive Architecture, April 1961, pp. 131-163. 1963 "FDR Memorial Competition: Discussion," Casabella, November 1963, pp. 12-13. "High Style for a Campus Eatery," Progressive Architecture, December 1963, pp. 132-136. (Grand's Restaurant.) 1964 "Americans to Watch in 1964: Architecture-Robert Venturi," Pageant, February 1964,p. 72. Moore, Charles, "Houses: The Architect Speaks to Man's Needs," Pro gressive Architecture, May 1964, pp. 124ff. 1965 Architectural League of New York: Architecture and the Arts Awards, 1965. (Venturi House: Honorable Mention.) Charette-Pennsylvania journal of Architecture, November 1965. (Cover: Venturi House.) BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Writings about Venturi and Rauch B. Writings by Robert Venturi C. Writings by Denise Scott Brown D. Writings by Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown E. Writings by Denise Scott Brown and Robert Venturi F. Writings by Others at Venturi and Rauch A. WRITINGS ABOUT VENTURI AND RAUCH 1960 "From Repainting to Redesign," Architectural Forum, January 1960, pp. 122-130. (Duke House, New York University.) "NYU-Duke House," Interiors, March 1960, pp. 120-125. 1961 "New Talent USA-Architecture," Art in America, vol. 49, No. l, 1961, p. 63. (Article concerns Robert Venturi; discusses 2 architectural projects.) Rowan, Jan C., "Wanting to Be: The Philadelphia School," Progressive Architecture, April 1961, pp. 131-163. 1963 "FDR Memorial Competition: Discussion," Casabella, November 1963, pp. 12-13. "High Style for a Campus Eatery," Progressive Architecture, December 1963, pp. 132-136. (Grand's Restaurant.) 1964 "Americans to Watch in 1964: Architecture-Robert Venturi," Pageant, February 1964,p. 72. Moore, Charles, "Houses: The Architect Speaks to Man's Needs," Pro gressive Architecture, May 1964, pp. 124ff. 1965 Architectural League of New York: Architecture and the Arts Awards, 1965. (Venturi House: Honorable Mention.) Charette-Pennsylvania journal of Architecture, November 1965. (Cover: Venturi House.) 168 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Complexities and Contradictions," Progressive Architecture, May 1965, pp. 168-174. Lo.ve, Nancy, "The Architectural Rat Race," Greater Philadelphia Mag azine, December 1965, pp. 55ff. ' O~bom, Michell,: (in con~ultatio~ with ~omaldo Giurgola), "A Personal Kmd of Hous~, The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, October 15, 1965, p. 55. (Ventun House.) "Paths of Younger Architects," The Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine, March 3, 1965. "Robert Venturi," Arts and Architecture, April 1965, p. 22. "Venturi's Philadelphia Fountain Exemplifies Vernacular Urban Scale" South Carolina AJA Review of Architecture, 1965, pp. 29-31. ' 1966 "Are Young Architects Designing Prototypes of Your Future Models?" American Builder, October 1966, pp. 60-71. (Venturi House.) "Dynamic Design with Angular Planes," House and Garden Building Guide, Spring/Summer 1966, pp. 132-135. ' McCoy, Esther, "Young Architects: The Small Office," Arts and Archi tecture, February-March 1966, p. 28. Scott Brown, Denise, "Team 10, Perspecta 10 and the Present State of Architectural Theory" (see Section C). Scully, Vincent, "America's Architectural Nightmare: The Motorized Megalopolis," Holiday, March 1966, pp. 94ff. Stern, Robert A. M., 40 under 40, Architectural League of New York, 1966. (Catalog for exhibit at the Architectural League of New York.) ___ , "Review of L'architecture d'aujourd'hui Issue on USA '65" Progressive Architecture, May 1966, pp. 256, 266. ' "Venturi House-'Mannerist'," Architectural Review, February 1966, p. 49. 1967 Blake, Pe.ter, Architectural Forum, June 1967, pp. 56-57. (Review of Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture; discussion, July 1967, p. 16.) Colquhoun, Alan, "Robert Venturi," Architectural Des(gn, August 1967, p. 362. BIBLIOGRAPHY 169 "Fourteenth Annual Design Awards, Progressive Architecture, January 1967, pp. 144-154. journal of the American Institute of Architects, June 1967, p. 94. (Review of Complexity and Contradiction.) "Maison R. Venturi," L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, January 1967, p. 26. Miller, N., Journal of the Society of Architectural Histor~·an_s, December 1967, pp. 381-389. (Review of Complexity and Contradiction.) "New-Old Guild House Apartments," Progressive Architecture, May 1967, pp. 133-137. "New Schools for New Towns," Design Fete IV, School of Architec ture, Rice University, Houston, Texas, 1967. Pile, J. F., Interiors, July 1967, p. 24. (Review of Complexity and Contrad£ction.) Ramsgard, Birgitte, "Complexity and Contradiction" ("Om Komplek sitet i Arkitektinen"), Arkitekten, 1967, pp. 608-609. Rykwert, J., Domus, August 1967, p. 23. (Review of Complexity and Contrad£ction.) "The Permissiveness of Supermannerism," Progressive Architecture, October 1967, pp. 169-173. "Three Projects," Perspecta 11, 1967, pp. 103-111. Wellemeyer, Marilyn, "An Inspired Renaissance in Indiana," Life, Nov ember 17, 1967, pp. 7 4-84. Whiffen, M., Journal of the Society of Architectural Histo~ia~s, Octo ber 1967, pp. 198-199. (Review of Complexity and Contradiction.) "Young American Architects," Zodiac 17, 1967, pp. 138-151. 1968 Bottero, Maria, "Passanto e presente nell 'architettura 'pop' Americana," Communita, December 1968. "L'Architecture en tant qu'espace, !'architecture en tant que symbole," L 'Architecture d 'aujourd 'hui, September 1968, pp. 36-3 7. "Less is Bore," Toshi-Jukatu: A Monthly Journal of Urban Housing, June 1968, pp. 42-46ff. 168 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Complexities and Contradictions," Progressive Architecture, May 1965, pp. 168-174. Lo.ve, Nancy, "The Architectural Rat Race," Greater Philadelphia Mag azine, December 1965, pp. 55ff. ' O~bom, Michell,: (in con~ultatio~ with ~omaldo Giurgola), "A Personal Kmd of Hous~, The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, October 15, 1965, p. 55. (Ventun House.) "Paths of Younger Architects," The Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine, March 3, 1965. "Robert Venturi," Arts and Architecture, April 1965, p. 22. "Venturi's Philadelphia Fountain Exemplifies Vernacular Urban Scale" South Carolina AJA Review of Architecture, 1965, pp. 29-31. ' 1966 "Are Young Architects Designing Prototypes of Your Future Models?" American Builder, October 1966, pp. 60-71. (Venturi House.) "Dynamic Design with Angular Planes," House and Garden Building Guide, Spring/Summer 1966, pp. 132-135. ' McCoy, Esther, "Young Architects: The Small Office," Arts and Archi tecture, February-March 1966, p. 28. Scott Brown, Denise, "Team 10, Perspecta 10 and the Present State of Architectural Theory" (see Section C). Scully, Vincent, "America's Architectural Nightmare: The Motorized Megalopolis," Holiday, March 1966, pp. 94ff. Stern, Robert A. M., 40 under 40, Architectural League of New York, 1966. (Catalog for exhibit at the Architectural League of New York.) ___ , "Review of L'architecture d'aujourd'hui Issue on USA '65" Progressive Architecture, May 1966, pp. 256, 266. ' "Venturi House-'Mannerist'," Architectural Review, February 1966, p. 49. 1967 Blake, Pe.ter, Architectural Forum, June 1967, pp. 56-57. (Review of Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture; discussion, July 1967, p. 16.) Colquhoun, Alan, "Robert Venturi," Architectural Des(gn, August 1967, p. 362. BIBLIOGRAPHY 169 "Fourteenth Annual Design Awards, Progressive Architecture, January 1967, pp. 144-154. journal of the American Institute of Architects, June 1967, p. 94. (Review of Complexity and Contradiction.) "Maison R. Venturi," L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, January 1967, p. 26. Miller, N., Journal of the Society of Architectural Histor~·an_s, December 1967, pp. 381-389. (Review of Complexity and Contradiction.) "New-Old Guild House Apartments," Progressive Architecture, May 1967, pp. 133-137. "New Schools for New Towns," Design Fete IV, School of Architec ture, Rice University, Houston, Texas, 1967. Pile, J. F., Interiors, July 1967, p. 24. (Review of Complexity and Contrad£ction.) Ramsgard, Birgitte, "Complexity and Contradiction" ("Om Komplek sitet i Arkitektinen"), Arkitekten, 1967, pp. 608-609. Rykwert, J., Domus, August 1967, p. 23. (Review of Complexity and Contrad£ction.) "The Permissiveness of Supermannerism," Progressive Architecture, October 1967, pp. 169-173. "Three Projects," Perspecta 11, 1967, pp. 103-111. Wellemeyer, Marilyn, "An Inspired Renaissance in Indiana," Life, Nov ember 17, 1967, pp. 7 4-84. Whiffen, M., Journal of the Society of Architectural Histo~ia~s, Octo ber 1967, pp. 198-199. (Review of Complexity and Contradiction.) "Young American Architects," Zodiac 17, 1967, pp. 138-151. 1968 Bottero, Maria, "Passanto e presente nell 'architettura 'pop' Americana," Communita, December 1968. "L'Architecture en tant qu'espace, !'architecture en tant que symbole," L 'Architecture d 'aujourd 'hui, September 1968, pp. 36-3 7. "Less is Bore," Toshi-Jukatu: A Monthly Journal of Urban Housing, June 1968, pp. 42-46ff. 170 BIBLIOGRAPHY Lobell, John, "Both-And: A New Architectural Concept," Arts, Feb ruary 1968, pp. 12-13. McCoy, Esther, "Buildings in the United States," Lotus, vol. 4, 1967/8, pp. 15-123. Nor?erg-Schulz, Christian, "Less or More?," Architectural Review, Apnl 1968, p. 25 7-258. Osbo~n, Miche~le, "~ilemma in a Time of Change," The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, Apnl 26, 1968. (Brighton Beach.) "Pop Architecture," Architecture Canada, October 1968. Record of Submissions and Awards, Competition for Middle Income Housing at Br(f{hton Beach, HDA, City of New York, Brooklyn, 1968. Qury comments.) "Two New Buildings by Venturi and Rauch," Progressive Architecture, November 1968, pp. 116-123. (Fire Station #4, Columbus Indiana and the Medical Office Building, Bridgeton, N.J.) ' ' 1969 Berson, Lenore, "South Street Insurrection," Philadelphia Magazine, September 1969, pp. 87-91ff. "Education and Extension," Art Gallery of Ontario Annual Report 1969-70. (On Bauhaus Lectures by Venturi.) Huxtable, Ada Louise, "The Case for Chaos," The New York Times, January 26, 1969, Section 2. Reprinted in Will They Ever Finish Bruckner Boulevard?, 1970. Jencks, Charles, "Points of View," Architectural Design December 1969. (Football Hall of Fame.) ' ' Jenson, Robert, "Resort Hotels: Symbols and Associations in Their Design," Architectural Record, December 1969, pp. 119-123. Love, Nancy, "The De~atable Fair," Philadelphia Magaz£ne, April 1969, pp. 137-140. (Demse Scott Brown and Robert Venturi on the Bicentennial.) Richard, Paul, "Learning from Las Vegas," The Washington Post, Janu ary 19, 1969, The Arts, pp. kl, k8. __ , "Learning from Las Vegas," Today's Family Digest November 1969,pp. 12-17. ' ' Scully, Vincent, '. 'A Search. ~or Principle Between Two Wars," Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, June 1969, pp. 240-247. {A . i BIBLIOGRAPHY 171 discussion of architectural aesthetics, philosophy, etc., with reference to Venturi.) __ , American Architecture and Urbanism. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1969. Stern, Robert A. M., New Directions in American Architecture. New York: George Braziller, 1969. (Chapter on Venturi, pp. 50-59.) Watson, Donald, "LLV, LLV:? VVV," Novum Organum 5. New Haven: Yale School of Art and Architecture, 1969. (Review of Las Vegas studio.) Wolfe, Tom, "Electrographic Architecture," Architectural Design, July 1969, pp. 380-382. 1970 "A Question of Values," American Heritage, August 1970, p. 119. (On planning for South Street.) "Academic Village: State University College, Purchase, New York; Social Science and Humanities Building," Architectural Forum, Novem ber 1970, pp. 38-39. Annual Report 1970 of the Director of University Development, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1970, PP'· 19-23. (Yale Mathe matics Building.} Berkeley, Ellen Perry, "Mathematics at Yale," Architectural Forum, July/August 1970, pp. 62-67. See readers' response, October 1970. Berson, Lenore, "Dreams for a New South Street are Spun at Theatre Meetings," Center City Philadelphia, February 1970. "Choosing a Non-Monument," Architectural Forum, June 1970, p". 22. (Yale Mathematics Building.) "Competition-Winning Building to Provide Yale Mathematicians with New Quarters," Journal of the American Institute of Architects, July 1970, p. 8. "Co-op City Controversy," Progressive Architecture, April 1970, p. 9. (See also letters to the editor on "Co-op City: Learning to Like It," ibid., February 1970.) Davis, Douglas, "Architect of Joy," Newsweek, November 2, 1970, pp. 103-106. (Article about Morris Lapidus.) Eberhard, John P., "American Architecture and Urbanism," Journal of the American Institute of Architects, August 1970, pp. 64-66. Huxtable, Ada Louise, "Heroics are Out, Ordinary is In," The New York Times,January 18, 1970, Section 2. 170 BIBLIOGRAPHY Lobell, John, "Both-And: A New Architectural Concept," Arts, Feb ruary 1968, pp. 12-13. McCoy, Esther, "Buildings in the United States," Lotus, vol. 4, 1967/8, pp. 15-123. Nor?erg-Schulz, Christian, "Less or More?," Architectural Review, Apnl 1968, p. 25 7-258. Osbo~n, Miche~le, "~ilemma in a Time of Change," The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, Apnl 26, 1968. (Brighton Beach.) "Pop Architecture," Architecture Canada, October 1968. Record of Submissions and Awards, Competition for Middle Income Housing at Br(f{hton Beach, HDA, City of New York, Brooklyn, 1968. Qury comments.) "Two New Buildings by Venturi and Rauch," Progressive Architecture, November 1968, pp. 116-123. (Fire Station #4, Columbus Indiana and the Medical Office Building, Bridgeton, N.J.) ' ' 1969 Berson, Lenore, "South Street Insurrection," Philadelphia Magazine, September 1969, pp. 87-91ff. "Education and Extension," Art Gallery of Ontario Annual Report 1969-70. (On Bauhaus Lectures by Venturi.) Huxtable, Ada Louise, "The Case for Chaos," The New York Times, January 26, 1969, Section 2. Reprinted in Will They Ever Finish Bruckner Boulevard?, 1970. Jencks, Charles, "Points of View," Architectural Design December 1969. (Football Hall of Fame.) ' ' Jenson, Robert, "Resort Hotels: Symbols and Associations in Their Design," Architectural Record, December 1969, pp. 119-123. Love, Nancy, "The De~atable Fair," Philadelphia Magaz£ne, April 1969, pp. 137-140. (Demse Scott Brown and Robert Venturi on the Bicentennial.) Richard, Paul, "Learning from Las Vegas," The Washington Post, Janu ary 19, 1969, The Arts, pp. kl, k8. __ , "Learning from Las Vegas," Today's Family Digest November 1969,pp. 12-17. ' ' Scully, Vincent, '. 'A Search. ~or Principle Between Two Wars," Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, June 1969, pp. 240-247. {A . i BIBLIOGRAPHY 171 discussion of architectural aesthetics, philosophy, etc., with reference to Venturi.) __ , American Architecture and Urbanism. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1969. Stern, Robert A. M., New Directions in American Architecture. New York: George Braziller, 1969. (Chapter on Venturi, pp. 50-59.) Watson, Donald, "LLV, LLV:? VVV," Novum Organum 5. New Haven: Yale School of Art and Architecture, 1969. (Review of Las Vegas studio.) Wolfe, Tom, "Electrographic Architecture," Architectural Design, July 1969, pp. 380-382. 1970 "A Question of Values," American Heritage, August 1970, p. 119. (On planning for South Street.) "Academic Village: State University College, Purchase, New York; Social Science and Humanities Building," Architectural Forum, Novem ber 1970, pp. 38-39. Annual Report 1970 of the Director of University Development, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1970, PP'· 19-23. (Yale Mathe matics Building.} Berkeley, Ellen Perry, "Mathematics at Yale," Architectural Forum, July/August 1970, pp. 62-67. See readers' response, October 1970. Berson, Lenore, "Dreams for a New South Street are Spun at Theatre Meetings," Center City Philadelphia, February 1970. "Choosing a Non-Monument," Architectural Forum, June 1970, p". 22. (Yale Mathematics Building.) "Competition-Winning Building to Provide Yale Mathematicians with New Quarters," Journal of the American Institute of Architects, July 1970, p. 8. "Co-op City Controversy," Progressive Architecture, April 1970, p. 9. (See also letters to the editor on "Co-op City: Learning to Like It," ibid., February 1970.) Davis, Douglas, "Architect of Joy," Newsweek, November 2, 1970, pp. 103-106. (Article about Morris Lapidus.) Eberhard, John P., "American Architecture and Urbanism," Journal of the American Institute of Architects, August 1970, pp. 64-66. Huxtable, Ada Louise, "Heroics are Out, Ordinary is In," The New York Times,January 18, 1970, Section 2. 172 BIBLIOGRAPHY __ ,Will They Ever Finish Bruckner Boulevard?, New York: Macmil lan Company, 1970, pp. 186-187. "In Defense of the Strip," journal of the American Institute of Archi tects, December 1970, p. 64. {On Las Vegas.) Jacobs, Jay, "A Commitment to Excellence," The Art Gallery, Decem ber 1970, pp. 17-32. Kurtz, Stephen A., "Toward an Urban Vernacular," Progressive Archi tecture,July 1970, pp. 100-105. "Mathematics at Yale: Readers' Response," Architectural Forum, Oc tober 1970, pp. 64-66. See also "Your Point of View," Progressive Architecture, November 1970. "Ordinary as Artform," Progressive Architecture, April 1970, pp. 106- 109. {Lieb House.) Osborn, Michelle, "The Ugly American Architect," Philadelphia Maga zine, April 1970, pp. 52-56. Pawley, Martin, "Leading from the Rear," Architectural Design, J anu ary 1970, p. 45. {See also reply to Pawley, Architectural Des(~n, July 1970.) Reif, Rita, "A Family Who Built a 'Real Dumb House' in a 'Banal Envi ronment'," The New York T£mes, August 17, 1970, p. 22L. (Lieb House.) "Saint Francis de Sales Church," Liturgical Arts, August 1970, pp. 124- 126. Schulze, Franz, "Chaos as Architecture," Art in America, July/August 1970, pp. 88-96. (Discussion of the philosophy and work of Venturi and Rauch. Reply, November 1970.) "Seventeenth Annual Progressive Architecture Design Awards," Pro gressive Architecture, January 1970, pp. 76-135. {Robert Venturi juror.) Sica, Paolo, L 'immagine delta cittd da Sparta a Las Vegas. Bari: Laterza, 1970. Smith, C. Ray, "Electric Demolition, A Milestone in Church Art: St. Francis de Sales, Philadelphia," Progressive Architecture, September 1970, pp. 92-95. "Zoning Rebuilds the Theatre," Progressive Architecture, December 1970, pp. 76ff. ' ' I ·:lf I YI I BIBLIOGRAPHY 173 1971 "A House on Long Beach Island," International Asbestos Cement Re view, April 1971, pp. 6-8. Architecture for the Arts: The State University of New York College at Purchase. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1971. Cliff, Ursula, "Are the Venturis Putting Us On?" Design and Environ ment, Summer 1971, pp. 52-59ff. D avrs, · D 1 oug as, "New Architecture· · Building for Man," Newsweek, April 19, 1971, pp. 78-90. E1. p t et al "The City as an Artifact," Casabella, Vol. 35, senman, e er, ., . R k N 359/360 December 1971. (See articles by Eisenman, Y wert, Ellis, o. Anderson, ' d 1 by Scott Schumacher, and Frampton, an rep Y Brown.) Glueck, Grace, "Don't Knock Sprawl," The New York Times, October 10, 1971, p. 16D. G ldb Paul "Less is More-Mies van der Rohe. Less is a Bore- 0 erger, ' . 0 t b 19 1971 Robert Venturi," The New York Times Magazine, c o er , ' pp. 34-3 7 ff. Goodman, Robert. After the Planners. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1971. Huxtable, Ada Louise, "Celebrating 'Dumb, Ordinary' Architecture," The New York Times, October 1, 1971, p. 43. __ , "Plastic Flowers are Almost All Right," The New York Times, October 10, 1971, p. 220. J ensen, R o e , b rt "Images for a New Cal City," Architectural Record, June 1971, pp. 117-120. Kauffman, Herbert H., "A Sophisticated Setting for Two Suburban G.P.'s," Medical Economics, December 6, 1971, pp. 88-90. Kay, June Holtz, "Champions of Messy Vitality," The Boston Sunday Globe, October 24, 1971, p. 25A. M L hl. p t "Ms Scott Brown Keeps Her Own Taste to Her- c aug m, a sy, . 38 self," The Pennsylvania Gazette, December 1971, p. · Nelson, Nels, "Bonkers Over Billboards-and Very Cereus," The Phila delphia Daily News, September 24, 1971, p. 3F. Osborn, Michelle, "The Crosstown is Dead. Long Live the Crosstown," Architectural Forum, October 1971, pp. 38-42. 172 BIBLIOGRAPHY __ ,Will They Ever Finish Bruckner Boulevard?, New York: Macmil lan Company, 1970, pp. 186-187. "In Defense of the Strip," journal of the American Institute of Archi tects, December 1970, p. 64. {On Las Vegas.) Jacobs, Jay, "A Commitment to Excellence," The Art Gallery, Decem ber 1970, pp. 17-32. Kurtz, Stephen A., "Toward an Urban Vernacular," Progressive Archi tecture,July 1970, pp. 100-105. "Mathematics at Yale: Readers' Response," Architectural Forum, Oc tober 1970, pp. 64-66. See also "Your Point of View," Progressive Architecture, November 1970. "Ordinary as Artform," Progressive Architecture, April 1970, pp. 106- 109. {Lieb House.) Osborn, Michelle, "The Ugly American Architect," Philadelphia Maga zine, April 1970, pp. 52-56. Pawley, Martin, "Leading from the Rear," Architectural Design, J anu ary 1970, p. 45. {See also reply to Pawley, Architectural Des(~n, July 1970.) Reif, Rita, "A Family Who Built a 'Real Dumb House' in a 'Banal Envi ronment'," The New York T£mes, August 17, 1970, p. 22L. (Lieb House.) "Saint Francis de Sales Church," Liturgical Arts, August 1970, pp. 124- 126. Schulze, Franz, "Chaos as Architecture," Art in America, July/August 1970, pp. 88-96. (Discussion of the philosophy and work of Venturi and Rauch. Reply, November 1970.) "Seventeenth Annual Progressive Architecture Design Awards," Pro gressive Architecture, January 1970, pp. 76-135. {Robert Venturi juror.) Sica, Paolo, L 'immagine delta cittd da Sparta a Las Vegas. Bari: Laterza, 1970. Smith, C. Ray, "Electric Demolition, A Milestone in Church Art: St. Francis de Sales, Philadelphia," Progressive Architecture, September 1970, pp. 92-95. "Zoning Rebuilds the Theatre," Progressive Architecture, December 1970, pp. 76ff. ' ' I ·:lf I YI I BIBLIOGRAPHY 173 1971 "A House on Long Beach Island," International Asbestos Cement Re view, April 1971, pp. 6-8. Architecture for the Arts: The State University of New York College at Purchase. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1971. Cliff, Ursula, "Are the Venturis Putting Us On?" Design and Environ ment, Summer 1971, pp. 52-59ff. D avrs, · D 1 oug as, "New Architecture· · Building for Man," Newsweek, April 19, 1971, pp. 78-90. E1. p t et al "The City as an Artifact," Casabella, Vol. 35, senman, e er, ., . R k N 359/360 December 1971. (See articles by Eisenman, Y wert, Ellis, o. Anderson, ' d 1 by Scott Schumacher, and Frampton, an rep Y Brown.) Glueck, Grace, "Don't Knock Sprawl," The New York Times, October 10, 1971, p. 16D. G ldb Paul "Less is More-Mies van der Rohe. Less is a Bore- 0 erger, ' . 0 t b 19 1971 Robert Venturi," The New York Times Magazine, c o er , ' pp. 34-3 7 ff. Goodman, Robert. After the Planners. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1971. Huxtable, Ada Louise, "Celebrating 'Dumb, Ordinary' Architecture," The New York Times, October 1, 1971, p. 43. __ , "Plastic Flowers are Almost All Right," The New York Times, October 10, 1971, p. 220. J ensen, R o e , b rt "Images for a New Cal City," Architectural Record, June 1971, pp. 117-120. Kauffman, Herbert H., "A Sophisticated Setting for Two Suburban G.P.'s," Medical Economics, December 6, 1971, pp. 88-90. Kay, June Holtz, "Champions of Messy Vitality," The Boston Sunday Globe, October 24, 1971, p. 25A. M L hl. p t "Ms Scott Brown Keeps Her Own Taste to Her- c aug m, a sy, . 38 self," The Pennsylvania Gazette, December 1971, p. · Nelson, Nels, "Bonkers Over Billboards-and Very Cereus," The Phila delphia Daily News, September 24, 1971, p. 3F. Osborn, Michelle, "The Crosstown is Dead. Long Live the Crosstown," Architectural Forum, October 1971, pp. 38-42. 174 BIBLIOGRAPHY Papachristou, Tician, and James Stewart Polshek, "Venturi: Style, not Substance," The New York Ti"mes, November 14, 1971, p. 24D. "Robert Venturi," Architecture and Urbanism, Japan, October 1971. (Issue devoted to the work of Venturi and Rauch.) "Robert Venturi," Kenchiku Bunka, March 19 71, pp. 84-94. Scully, Vincent, "The Work of Venturi and Rauch, Architects and Planners," Whitney Museum of American Art, September 1971. (Ex hibit pamphlet.) "Venturi and Rauch," L 'architecture d'aujourd'hui, December-January 1971-1972, pp. 84-104 and cover. (Plans 1964-1970; Yale Mathematics Building; Trubek and Wislocki houses; Crosstown Community; Califor nia City.) "Venturi and Rauch Projects Shown in New York," Arch£tectural Record, November 1971, p. 37. Vrchota, Janet, "Bye, Bye Bauhaus," Print, September/October 1971, pp. 66-67. (On Venturi and Rauch exhibit at Whitney Museum.) "Yale Mathematics Building," Arch£tectural Des(r;n, February 1971, p. 115. 1972 "Aprendiendo de Todas Las Cosas," Arte Y Comento, Bilbao, Novem ber 20, 1972. "Arquitectura Pop," El Comercio, Lima, Aberlardo Oquerdo, April 16, 1972. (Review of Aprendiendo.) Blasi, Cesare and Gabriella, "Venturi," Casabella, No. 364, April 1972, pp. 15-19. "Brown, D.S., y Venturi, R.; 'Aprendiendo de Todas Las Casas'," ABC, Miguel Perer Ferrero, Madrid, April 26, 1972. Corrigan, Peter, "Reflection on a New American Architecture: The Venturis," Architecture in Australia, February 1972, pp. 55-66. Cuadernos de Arquitectura, Barcelona, January 1972. (Review of Aprendiendo.) Davis, Douglas, "From Forum to Strip," Newsweek, October 1972, p. 38. Donohoe, Victoria, "Buildings: Good and Bad," The Philadelphia In quirer, June 30, 1972, p. 18. Drew, Philip, Third Generation: The Chang£ng Meaning of Architec ture. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972, pp. 35, 42, 48, 152ff, 160, , I BIBLIOGRAPHY 175 162. Published in German as Die Dritte Generation: Architektur zwish en Produkt und Prozess. Stuttgart: Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1972. Flanagan, Barbara, "Venturi and Venturi, Architectural Anti-Heroes," 34th Street Magazine, April 13, 1972, pp. 1, 4. Friedman, Mildred S., ed., "Urban Redevelopment: 19th Century Vision, 20th Century Version," Des(r;n Quarterly, no. 85, 1972. Groat, Linda, "Interview: Denise Scott Brown," Networks 1, California Institute of the Arts, 1972, pp. 49-55. Hoffman, Donald, "Monuments and the Strip," The Kansas City Star, December 10, 1972, p. ID. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) Holmes, Ann, "Art Circles," Houston Chronicle, May 7, 1972: Huxtable, Ada Louise, "Architecture in '71: Lively Confusion," The New York Times,January 4, 1972, p. 26L. Jackson, J. B., "An Architect Learns from Las Vegas," Independent, November 30, 1972. Jellinek, Roger, "In Praise (!) of Las Vegas," The New Books of the Times, December 29, 1972, p. 23L. The Harvard York Times, "Learning from Las Vegas by Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour," The New Republic, Book Reviews, December 2, 1972. Maldonado, Thomas. La Speranza progettuale, ambiente_ e socie_ta, Nuovo Politeenico 35. Turin: Einaudi, 1970. In Enghsh, Desigr:-, Nature, and R evolution, Toward a Critical Ecology, trans. Mano Domandi. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. Marvel, Bill, "Can McDonald's, Chartres Find Happiness?" The Miami Herald, February 20, 1972, pp. 49K-50K. "Do you Like the Arches? Sure, Easy, I Love Them!" The Na tional Observer, February 12, 1972, pp. 1, 24. McQuade, Walter, "Giving Them What They Want: The Venturi Influ ence," Life Magazine, April 14, 1972, p. 17. Pious, Phyllis, "The Architecture of Venturi and Rauch," Artweek, Santa Barbara, November 1972, p. 3. "Renovation of St. Francis de Sales, Philadelphia, 1968," Architect ural Des(15n,June 1972, p. 379. Robinson, Lydia, "Leaming from Las Vegas," The Harvard Crimson, December 4, 1972, p. 2. 174 BIBLIOGRAPHY Papachristou, Tician, and James Stewart Polshek, "Venturi: Style, not Substance," The New York Ti"mes, November 14, 1971, p. 24D. "Robert Venturi," Architecture and Urbanism, Japan, October 1971. (Issue devoted to the work of Venturi and Rauch.) "Robert Venturi," Kenchiku Bunka, March 19 71, pp. 84-94. Scully, Vincent, "The Work of Venturi and Rauch, Architects and Planners," Whitney Museum of American Art, September 1971. (Ex hibit pamphlet.) "Venturi and Rauch," L 'architecture d'aujourd'hui, December-January 1971-1972, pp. 84-104 and cover. (Plans 1964-1970; Yale Mathematics Building; Trubek and Wislocki houses; Crosstown Community; Califor nia City.) "Venturi and Rauch Projects Shown in New York," Arch£tectural Record, November 1971, p. 37. Vrchota, Janet, "Bye, Bye Bauhaus," Print, September/October 1971, pp. 66-67. (On Venturi and Rauch exhibit at Whitney Museum.) "Yale Mathematics Building," Arch£tectural Des(r;n, February 1971, p. 115. 1972 "Aprendiendo de Todas Las Cosas," Arte Y Comento, Bilbao, Novem ber 20, 1972. "Arquitectura Pop," El Comercio, Lima, Aberlardo Oquerdo, April 16, 1972. (Review of Aprendiendo.) Blasi, Cesare and Gabriella, "Venturi," Casabella, No. 364, April 1972, pp. 15-19. "Brown, D.S., y Venturi, R.; 'Aprendiendo de Todas Las Casas'," ABC, Miguel Perer Ferrero, Madrid, April 26, 1972. Corrigan, Peter, "Reflection on a New American Architecture: The Venturis," Architecture in Australia, February 1972, pp. 55-66. Cuadernos de Arquitectura, Barcelona, January 1972. (Review of Aprendiendo.) Davis, Douglas, "From Forum to Strip," Newsweek, October 1972, p. 38. Donohoe, Victoria, "Buildings: Good and Bad," The Philadelphia In quirer, June 30, 1972, p. 18. Drew, Philip, Third Generation: The Chang£ng Meaning of Architec ture. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972, pp. 35, 42, 48, 152ff, 160, , I BIBLIOGRAPHY 175 162. Published in German as Die Dritte Generation: Architektur zwish en Produkt und Prozess. Stuttgart: Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1972. Flanagan, Barbara, "Venturi and Venturi, Architectural Anti-Heroes," 34th Street Magazine, April 13, 1972, pp. 1, 4. Friedman, Mildred S., ed., "Urban Redevelopment: 19th Century Vision, 20th Century Version," Des(r;n Quarterly, no. 85, 1972. Groat, Linda, "Interview: Denise Scott Brown," Networks 1, California Institute of the Arts, 1972, pp. 49-55. Hoffman, Donald, "Monuments and the Strip," The Kansas City Star, December 10, 1972, p. ID. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) Holmes, Ann, "Art Circles," Houston Chronicle, May 7, 1972: Huxtable, Ada Louise, "Architecture in '71: Lively Confusion," The New York Times,January 4, 1972, p. 26L. Jackson, J. B., "An Architect Learns from Las Vegas," Independent, November 30, 1972. Jellinek, Roger, "In Praise (!) of Las Vegas," The New Books of the Times, December 29, 1972, p. 23L. The Harvard York Times, "Learning from Las Vegas by Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour," The New Republic, Book Reviews, December 2, 1972. Maldonado, Thomas. La Speranza progettuale, ambiente_ e socie_ta, Nuovo Politeenico 35. Turin: Einaudi, 1970. In Enghsh, Desigr:-, Nature, and R evolution, Toward a Critical Ecology, trans. Mano Domandi. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. Marvel, Bill, "Can McDonald's, Chartres Find Happiness?" The Miami Herald, February 20, 1972, pp. 49K-50K. "Do you Like the Arches? Sure, Easy, I Love Them!" The Na tional Observer, February 12, 1972, pp. 1, 24. McQuade, Walter, "Giving Them What They Want: The Venturi Influ ence," Life Magazine, April 14, 1972, p. 17. Pious, Phyllis, "The Architecture of Venturi and Rauch," Artweek, Santa Barbara, November 1972, p. 3. "Renovation of St. Francis de Sales, Philadelphia, 1968," Architect ural Des(15n,June 1972, p. 379. Robinson, Lydia, "Leaming from Las Vegas," The Harvard Crimson, December 4, 1972, p. 2. 176 BIBLIOGRAPHY Schwartz, Marty, "Radical-Radical Confrontation: LV. Is Almost All Right," UCSB Daily News, November 16, 1972, p. 5. Sealander, John. "Appreciating the Architectural UGLY," The High lander, University of California at Riverside, November 30, 1972. < "Unas notas sobre, 'Aprendiendo de todas las cosas,' de Robert Venturi," Gerardo Delgado, Jose Ramon Sierra, El Correo de Andalu sia, May 2, 1972. "Un diseno per al consumisme," Serra D'Or, Oriul Bohigas, February 1972, p. 18. (Review of Aprendiendo.) Vandevanter, Peter, "Unorthodox Architect," Princeton Alumni Week ly, Alumni Adventures, December 12, 1972, p. 15. __ , "Venturi: Controversial Philadelphia Architect," The Daily Princetonian, February 26, 1972, p. 5ff. Vermel, Ann, On the Scene, Hartford Stage Company, January 1972, pp. 1-2. Waroff, Deborah, "The Venturis-American Selection " Building De- ' ' s(~n, no. 113, August 4, 1972, pp. 12-13. Wines, James, "The Case for the Big Duck: Another View," Architec tural Forum, April 1972, pp. 60-61, 72. 1973 "Award of Merit," House and Home, May 1973, pp. 116-117. "Best Houses of 1973," American Home, September 1973, p. 52. Blanton, John, "Leaming from Las Vegas," Journal of the American Institute of Architects, February 19~3, pp. 56££. Camey, Francis, "The Summa Popologica of Robert ('Call Me Vegas') Venturi," Journal of the Royal Institute of Bn"tish Architects, May 1973, pp. 242-244. Cook, John W. and Klotz, Heinrich, Conversations With Architects. New York: Praeger Publishers, Inc., 1973. Interview with Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, reprinted as "Ugly is Beautiful: The Main Street School of Architecture," The Atlantic Monthly, May 1973, pp. 33-43. "En Passant Par Las Vegas," Architecture, Mouvement, Continuite, September 1973, pp. 28-34. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) l ' ' I "' ' ·;,;:I BIBLIOGRAPHY 177 Fowler, Sigrid H., "Learning from Las Vegas," Journal of Popular Cul ture, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1973, pp. 425-433. French, Philip, "The World's Most Celebrated Oasis," The Times (London), February 26, 1973. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) Glixon, Neil, "Is This Art?" Scholastic Voice, November 29, 1973, pp. 2-8. Hack, Gary, "Venturi View of the Strip Leads to Las Vagueness," Landscape Architecture, July 1973, pp. 376-378. Holland, Laurence B., "Rear-guard Rebellion," The Yale Review, Spring 1973, pp. 456-461. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) Huxtable Ada Louise, "In Love with Times Square," The New York Review ;f Books, October 18, 1973, pp. 45-48. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) Kemper, Alfred M., Sam Mori, and Jacqu~line Thompson, Drawings by American Architects, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1973, pp. 564- 567. Kurtz, Stephen A., Wasteland: Building the Amerz'can Dream. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973, pp. llff. Levine, Stuart G., "Architectural Populism," American Studies (urban issue), Spring 1973, pp. 135-136. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) McCoy, Esther, "Learning from Las Vegas," Historfr Preservation, January-March 1973, pp. 44-46. Matsushita, Kazuyuki, "Learning from Las Vegas," Architecture and Urbanism, Japan, April 1973, p. 116. Merkel, Jayne, "Las Vegas as Architecture," The Cincinnati Enquirer, December 16, 1973, p. 6-G. Moore, Charles, "Learning from Adam's House," Architectural Record, August 1973, p. 43. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) Neil, J. Meredith, "Las Vegas on My Mind," Journal of Popular Culture, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1973, pp. 379-386. Neuman, David J., "Leaming from Las Vegas," Journal of Popular Culture, Spring 1973, p. 873. Pawley, Martin, "Miraculous Expanding Tits versus ~acquered N~p ples," Architectural Design, February 1973, p. 80. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) 176 BIBLIOGRAPHY Schwartz, Marty, "Radical-Radical Confrontation: LV. Is Almost All Right," UCSB Daily News, November 16, 1972, p. 5. Sealander, John. "Appreciating the Architectural UGLY," The High lander, University of California at Riverside, November 30, 1972. < "Unas notas sobre, 'Aprendiendo de todas las cosas,' de Robert Venturi," Gerardo Delgado, Jose Ramon Sierra, El Correo de Andalu sia, May 2, 1972. "Un diseno per al consumisme," Serra D'Or, Oriul Bohigas, February 1972, p. 18. (Review of Aprendiendo.) Vandevanter, Peter, "Unorthodox Architect," Princeton Alumni Week ly, Alumni Adventures, December 12, 1972, p. 15. __ , "Venturi: Controversial Philadelphia Architect," The Daily Princetonian, February 26, 1972, p. 5ff. Vermel, Ann, On the Scene, Hartford Stage Company, January 1972, pp. 1-2. Waroff, Deborah, "The Venturis-American Selection " Building De- ' ' s(~n, no. 113, August 4, 1972, pp. 12-13. Wines, James, "The Case for the Big Duck: Another View," Architec tural Forum, April 1972, pp. 60-61, 72. 1973 "Award of Merit," House and Home, May 1973, pp. 116-117. "Best Houses of 1973," American Home, September 1973, p. 52. Blanton, John, "Leaming from Las Vegas," Journal of the American Institute of Architects, February 19~3, pp. 56££. Camey, Francis, "The Summa Popologica of Robert ('Call Me Vegas') Venturi," Journal of the Royal Institute of Bn"tish Architects, May 1973, pp. 242-244. Cook, John W. and Klotz, Heinrich, Conversations With Architects. New York: Praeger Publishers, Inc., 1973. Interview with Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, reprinted as "Ugly is Beautiful: The Main Street School of Architecture," The Atlantic Monthly, May 1973, pp. 33-43. "En Passant Par Las Vegas," Architecture, Mouvement, Continuite, September 1973, pp. 28-34. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) l ' ' I "' ' ·;,;:I BIBLIOGRAPHY 177 Fowler, Sigrid H., "Learning from Las Vegas," Journal of Popular Cul ture, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1973, pp. 425-433. French, Philip, "The World's Most Celebrated Oasis," The Times (London), February 26, 1973. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) Glixon, Neil, "Is This Art?" Scholastic Voice, November 29, 1973, pp. 2-8. Hack, Gary, "Venturi View of the Strip Leads to Las Vagueness," Landscape Architecture, July 1973, pp. 376-378. Holland, Laurence B., "Rear-guard Rebellion," The Yale Review, Spring 1973, pp. 456-461. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) Huxtable Ada Louise, "In Love with Times Square," The New York Review ;f Books, October 18, 1973, pp. 45-48. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) Kemper, Alfred M., Sam Mori, and Jacqu~line Thompson, Drawings by American Architects, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1973, pp. 564- 567. Kurtz, Stephen A., Wasteland: Building the Amerz'can Dream. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973, pp. llff. Levine, Stuart G., "Architectural Populism," American Studies (urban issue), Spring 1973, pp. 135-136. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) McCoy, Esther, "Learning from Las Vegas," Historfr Preservation, January-March 1973, pp. 44-46. Matsushita, Kazuyuki, "Learning from Las Vegas," Architecture and Urbanism, Japan, April 1973, p. 116. Merkel, Jayne, "Las Vegas as Architecture," The Cincinnati Enquirer, December 16, 1973, p. 6-G. Moore, Charles, "Learning from Adam's House," Architectural Record, August 1973, p. 43. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) Neil, J. Meredith, "Las Vegas on My Mind," Journal of Popular Culture, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1973, pp. 379-386. Neuman, David J., "Leaming from Las Vegas," Journal of Popular Culture, Spring 1973, p. 873. Pawley, Martin, "Miraculous Expanding Tits versus ~acquered N~p ples," Architectural Design, February 1973, p. 80. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) 178 BIBLIOGRAPHY Silver, Nathan, "Leaming from Las Vegas," The New York T£mes Book Review, April 29, 1973, pp. 5-6. "Some Decorated Sheds or Towards an Old Architecture "ProrJressive Architecture, May 1973, pp. 86-89. ' < Stern, Robert, "Stompin' at the Savoye," Architectural Forum, May 1973, pp. 46-48. "Strip Building," Times Literary Supplement, April 6, 1973, p. 366. vo_n _Moos, Stanislaus, "Leaming from Las Vegas/Venturi et al.," Neue Zuncher Zeitung, September 1973. Wolf, G~ry, Review of Learning from Las Vegas, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, October 1973, pp. 258-260. Wright, L., "Robert Venturi and Anti-Architecture," Architectural Re view, April 1973, pp. 262-264. 1974 "A Pair of Seaside Summer Cottages," Second Home, Spring-Summer 1974, pp. 68-71. Allen, Gerald, "Venturi and Rauch's Humanities Building for the Pur chase Campus of the State University of New York," Architectural Rec ord, October 1974, pp. 120-124. Batt, Margaret, "Historical Foundation Picks Strand Planners " The Galveston Daily News, Sunday, November 24, 1974, P- 1. ' ~eardsley, Monroe, "Learning from Las Vegas," The Journal of Aesthe tics and Art Criticism, Winter 1974, pp. 245-246. Cambell, Robert, "Yale Sums Up State of the Arts," The Boston Globe, Sunday, December 22, 1974, p. 26A. ~iuc_ci; Giorgio, "Walt Disney World," Architecture, Mouvement, Con tznuzte, December 1974, pp. 42-51. Cohen, Stuart, "Physical Context/Cultural Context: Including It All " Oppositions 2, January 4, 1974, pp. 1-40. ' DeSeta, Cesare, "Robert Venturi, dissacratore e provocatore," Casa bella, No. 394, October 1974, pp. 2-5. Faghih, Nasrine, "Semiologie du signe sans message " Architecture, Mouvement, Continuite, December 1974, pp. 35-40. ' Farney, Dennis, "The School of 'Messy Vitality'," The Wall Street Journal, January 4, 1974, p. 20. BIBLIOGRAPHY 179 Fitch, James Marston, "Single Point Perspective," Architectural Forum, March 1974. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) Garau, Piero, "Robert Venturi; architetto della strada," Americana, May-June 1974, pp. 37-40. Hall, Peter, "Learning from Las Vegas," Regional Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1974, pp. 98-99. (Review.) Hine, Thomas, "City Planners Often Forget That People Must Live There," The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 6, 1974, p. llE. __ , "Franklin Shrine to Center on Abstract 'Ghost' House," Phila delphia Inquirer, July 19, 1974, pp. 1-D, 3-D. ___ , "Learning from Levittown's Suburban Sprawl," The Philadel phia Inquirer, February 1 7, 19 7 4, Section H,I. Holmes, Ann, "The Pop Artist Who Isn't Kidding Plans to Give Vitality to the Strand," Houston Chronicle, Sunday, November 24, 1974, Part A, Section 4. Kay, Jane Holtz, "Leaming from Las Vegas," The Nation, January 12, 1974. Koetter, Fred, "On Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour's Learning from Las Vegas," Oppositions 3, May 1974, pp. 98- 104. Kramer, Paul R., "Wir lemen vom Rom und Las Vegas," Werk, Archi tektur und Kunst, February 1974, pp. 202-212. (Interview with Robert Venturi.) Kuhns, William, "Learning from Las Vegas," New Orleans Review, Fall 1974, p. 394. Moore, Charles W., and Nicholas Pyle, eds., The Yale Mathematics Building Competition. New Haven and London; Yale University Press, 1974. Navone, Paola and Bruno Orlandoni, Architettura "radicale." Milan: Casabella, 1974, pp. 33ff. "Nears Final Design," The Hartford T£mes,.June 1974. (Hartford Stage Company.) Raynor, Vivien, "Women m Professions, Architecture," VIVA, May 1974, pp. 30-31. Redini, Maria Caterina, and Carla Saggioro, "II tema della decorazione architettonica nell' America degli anni '60 attraverso Perspecta, The 178 BIBLIOGRAPHY Silver, Nathan, "Leaming from Las Vegas," The New York T£mes Book Review, April 29, 1973, pp. 5-6. "Some Decorated Sheds or Towards an Old Architecture "ProrJressive Architecture, May 1973, pp. 86-89. ' < Stern, Robert, "Stompin' at the Savoye," Architectural Forum, May 1973, pp. 46-48. "Strip Building," Times Literary Supplement, April 6, 1973, p. 366. vo_n _Moos, Stanislaus, "Leaming from Las Vegas/Venturi et al.," Neue Zuncher Zeitung, September 1973. Wolf, G~ry, Review of Learning from Las Vegas, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, October 1973, pp. 258-260. Wright, L., "Robert Venturi and Anti-Architecture," Architectural Re view, April 1973, pp. 262-264. 1974 "A Pair of Seaside Summer Cottages," Second Home, Spring-Summer 1974, pp. 68-71. Allen, Gerald, "Venturi and Rauch's Humanities Building for the Pur chase Campus of the State University of New York," Architectural Rec ord, October 1974, pp. 120-124. Batt, Margaret, "Historical Foundation Picks Strand Planners " The Galveston Daily News, Sunday, November 24, 1974, P- 1. ' ~eardsley, Monroe, "Learning from Las Vegas," The Journal of Aesthe tics and Art Criticism, Winter 1974, pp. 245-246. Cambell, Robert, "Yale Sums Up State of the Arts," The Boston Globe, Sunday, December 22, 1974, p. 26A. ~iuc_ci; Giorgio, "Walt Disney World," Architecture, Mouvement, Con tznuzte, December 1974, pp. 42-51. Cohen, Stuart, "Physical Context/Cultural Context: Including It All " Oppositions 2, January 4, 1974, pp. 1-40. ' DeSeta, Cesare, "Robert Venturi, dissacratore e provocatore," Casa bella, No. 394, October 1974, pp. 2-5. Faghih, Nasrine, "Semiologie du signe sans message " Architecture, Mouvement, Continuite, December 1974, pp. 35-40. ' Farney, Dennis, "The School of 'Messy Vitality'," The Wall Street Journal, January 4, 1974, p. 20. BIBLIOGRAPHY 179 Fitch, James Marston, "Single Point Perspective," Architectural Forum, March 1974. (Review of Learning from Las Vegas.) Garau, Piero, "Robert Venturi; architetto della strada," Americana, May-June 1974, pp. 37-40. Hall, Peter, "Learning from Las Vegas," Regional Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1974, pp. 98-99. (Review.) Hine, Thomas, "City Planners Often Forget That People Must Live There," The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 6, 1974, p. llE. __ , "Franklin Shrine to Center on Abstract 'Ghost' House," Phila delphia Inquirer, July 19, 1974, pp. 1-D, 3-D. ___ , "Learning from Levittown's Suburban Sprawl," The Philadel phia Inquirer, February 1 7, 19 7 4, Section H,I. Holmes, Ann, "The Pop Artist Who Isn't Kidding Plans to Give Vitality to the Strand," Houston Chronicle, Sunday, November 24, 1974, Part A, Section 4. Kay, Jane Holtz, "Leaming from Las Vegas," The Nation, January 12, 1974. Koetter, Fred, "On Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour's Learning from Las Vegas," Oppositions 3, May 1974, pp. 98- 104. Kramer, Paul R., "Wir lemen vom Rom und Las Vegas," Werk, Archi tektur und Kunst, February 1974, pp. 202-212. (Interview with Robert Venturi.) Kuhns, William, "Learning from Las Vegas," New Orleans Review, Fall 1974, p. 394. Moore, Charles W., and Nicholas Pyle, eds., The Yale Mathematics Building Competition. New Haven and London; Yale University Press, 1974. Navone, Paola and Bruno Orlandoni, Architettura "radicale." Milan: Casabella, 1974, pp. 33ff. "Nears Final Design," The Hartford T£mes,.June 1974. (Hartford Stage Company.) Raynor, Vivien, "Women m Professions, Architecture," VIVA, May 1974, pp. 30-31. Redini, Maria Caterina, and Carla Saggioro, "II tema della decorazione architettonica nell' America degli anni '60 attraverso Perspecta, The 180 BIBLIOGRAPHY Yale Architectural journal," Rassegna dell'Istituto di architettura e urbanistica, University of Rome, August-December, 1974, pp. 99-125. Schmertz, Mildred F., "Vincent Scully versus Charles Moore," Architec tural Record, December 1974, p. 45. Schulze, Franz, "Toward an 'Impure' Architecture," Dialogue, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1974, pp. 54-63. Scully, Vincent, The Shingle Style Today. New York: Braziller, 1974. Sky, Alison, "On Iconology," On Site 5/6 On Energy, 1974. {Interview with Denise Scott Brown.) Sorkin, Michael, "Robert Venturi and the Function of Architecture at the Present Time," Architectural Association Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1974, pp. 31-35. (See also letters in Vol. 7, No. 1.) Tafuri, Manfredo, "L' Architecture clans le boudoir: The Language of Criticism and the Criticism of Language," Oppositions 3, May 1974, pp. 37-62. Treu, Piera Gentile, Della complessita in architettura: Problemi di com posizione urbana nella teorica di Robert Venturi. Padua: Tipografia "La Garangola," 1974. "21st Awards Program: A Year of Issues," Progressive Architecture, January 1974, pp. 52-89. (Denise Scott Brown juror.) "Venturi," Architecture Plus, March/April 1974, p. 80. "Venturi and Rauch 1970-74," Architecture and Urbanism, Japan, November 1974. (Issue devoted to the work of Venturi and Rauch.) Zobl, Engelbert, "Architektur USA-East II: Robert Venturi-John Rauch," Architektur Aktuell- Fach Journal, April 1974, pp. 17-18. 1975 Berliner, Donna Israel and David C., "Thirty-six Women with Real Power Who Can Help You," Cosmopolitan, April 1975, pp. 195-196. Goldberger, Paul, "Tract House, Celebrated," The New York Times Magazine, September 14, 1975, pp. 68-69, 74. (On the Brant house.) Hine, Thomas, "East Poplar's Curious 'Victory'," Philadelphia Inquirer, June 29, 1975. (Fairmount Manor and Poplar Community project.) ____ , "Pretzel-Land Welcomes the World," The Philadelphia In- ! , I BIBLIOGRAPHY 181 quirer, Today Magazine, Sunday, April 13, 1975, pp. 35-42. (On the City Edges Project.) Polak, Maralyn Lois, "Architect for Pop Culture," The Philadelphia Inquirer, Today Magazine, June 8, 1975, p. 8. (Interview with Denise Scott Brown.) "Robert Venturi," Current Biography,July, 1975. Rykwert, Joseph, "Ornament is No Crime," Studio, September 1975, pp. 95-97. von Moos, Stanislaus, "Las Vegas, et cetera," and "Lachen, um nicht zu weinen," with French translation,Arch£these 13, 1975, pp. 5-32. 1976 Beck, Haig, "Letter from London," Architectural Desz:r;n, February 1976, p. 121. Dixon, John, "Show Us the Way," editorial, Progressive Architecture, June 1976. See also "Views" and "News Report: Scully Refuses AIA Honors," pp. 6, 8, 32, 39. Forgey, Benjamin, "Keeping the Cities' Insight," The Washington Star, February 29, 1976, pp. 1, 24c. (Review of "Signs of Life: Symbols in the American City," a Bicentennial exhibition, Renwick Gallery, Na tional Collection of Fine Arts of the Smithsonian Institution, Washing ton, D.C.) "Franklin Court," Progressive Architecture, April 1976, pp. 69-70. (This issue is devoted to the "Philadelphia Story"; Venturi and Rauch mentioned throughout.) Futagawa, Yukio (editor and photographer), Global Architecture 39: Venturi and Rauch, Tokyo: A.D.A. EDITA, 1976. (Text by Paul Goldberger.) Geddes, Jean, "ls Your House Crawling with Urban Symbolism?, Forecast, May 1976, pp. 40-41. (Review of "Signs of Life" exhibit.) Hess, Thomas B., "White Slave Traffic," New York, April 5, 1976, pp. 62-63. (Review of "200 Years of American Sculpture," Whitney Museum, 1976.) Hoelterhoff, Manuela, "A Little of Everything at the Whitney," The Wall Street Journal, June 9, 1976. 180 BIBLIOGRAPHY Yale Architectural journal," Rassegna dell'Istituto di architettura e urbanistica, University of Rome, August-December, 1974, pp. 99-125. Schmertz, Mildred F., "Vincent Scully versus Charles Moore," Architec tural Record, December 1974, p. 45. Schulze, Franz, "Toward an 'Impure' Architecture," Dialogue, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1974, pp. 54-63. Scully, Vincent, The Shingle Style Today. New York: Braziller, 1974. Sky, Alison, "On Iconology," On Site 5/6 On Energy, 1974. {Interview with Denise Scott Brown.) Sorkin, Michael, "Robert Venturi and the Function of Architecture at the Present Time," Architectural Association Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1974, pp. 31-35. (See also letters in Vol. 7, No. 1.) Tafuri, Manfredo, "L' Architecture clans le boudoir: The Language of Criticism and the Criticism of Language," Oppositions 3, May 1974, pp. 37-62. Treu, Piera Gentile, Della complessita in architettura: Problemi di com posizione urbana nella teorica di Robert Venturi. Padua: Tipografia "La Garangola," 1974. "21st Awards Program: A Year of Issues," Progressive Architecture, January 1974, pp. 52-89. (Denise Scott Brown juror.) "Venturi," Architecture Plus, March/April 1974, p. 80. "Venturi and Rauch 1970-74," Architecture and Urbanism, Japan, November 1974. (Issue devoted to the work of Venturi and Rauch.) Zobl, Engelbert, "Architektur USA-East II: Robert Venturi-John Rauch," Architektur Aktuell- Fach Journal, April 1974, pp. 17-18. 1975 Berliner, Donna Israel and David C., "Thirty-six Women with Real Power Who Can Help You," Cosmopolitan, April 1975, pp. 195-196. Goldberger, Paul, "Tract House, Celebrated," The New York Times Magazine, September 14, 1975, pp. 68-69, 74. (On the Brant house.) Hine, Thomas, "East Poplar's Curious 'Victory'," Philadelphia Inquirer, June 29, 1975. (Fairmount Manor and Poplar Community project.) ____ , "Pretzel-Land Welcomes the World," The Philadelphia In- ! , I BIBLIOGRAPHY 181 quirer, Today Magazine, Sunday, April 13, 1975, pp. 35-42. (On the City Edges Project.) Polak, Maralyn Lois, "Architect for Pop Culture," The Philadelphia Inquirer, Today Magazine, June 8, 1975, p. 8. (Interview with Denise Scott Brown.) "Robert Venturi," Current Biography,July, 1975. Rykwert, Joseph, "Ornament is No Crime," Studio, September 1975, pp. 95-97. von Moos, Stanislaus, "Las Vegas, et cetera," and "Lachen, um nicht zu weinen," with French translation,Arch£these 13, 1975, pp. 5-32. 1976 Beck, Haig, "Letter from London," Architectural Desz:r;n, February 1976, p. 121. Dixon, John, "Show Us the Way," editorial, Progressive Architecture, June 1976. See also "Views" and "News Report: Scully Refuses AIA Honors," pp. 6, 8, 32, 39. Forgey, Benjamin, "Keeping the Cities' Insight," The Washington Star, February 29, 1976, pp. 1, 24c. (Review of "Signs of Life: Symbols in the American City," a Bicentennial exhibition, Renwick Gallery, Na tional Collection of Fine Arts of the Smithsonian Institution, Washing ton, D.C.) "Franklin Court," Progressive Architecture, April 1976, pp. 69-70. (This issue is devoted to the "Philadelphia Story"; Venturi and Rauch mentioned throughout.) Futagawa, Yukio (editor and photographer), Global Architecture 39: Venturi and Rauch, Tokyo: A.D.A. EDITA, 1976. (Text by Paul Goldberger.) Geddes, Jean, "ls Your House Crawling with Urban Symbolism?, Forecast, May 1976, pp. 40-41. (Review of "Signs of Life" exhibit.) Hess, Thomas B., "White Slave Traffic," New York, April 5, 1976, pp. 62-63. (Review of "200 Years of American Sculpture," Whitney Museum, 1976.) Hoelterhoff, Manuela, "A Little of Everything at the Whitney," The Wall Street Journal, June 9, 1976. 182 BIBLIOGRAPHY Hoffman, Donald, "Art Talk," The Kansas City Star, Feburary 8, 1976, p. 3D. (Exhibition at Kansas City Art Institute.) Hughes, Robert, "Overdressing for the Occasion," Time, April 5, 1976, pp. 42, 47. (Review of "200 Years of American Sculpture.") Huxtable, Ada Louise, "The Fall and Rise of Main Street," The New York Times Magazine, May 30, 1976, pp. 12-14. (Includes Galveston project.) ___ , "The Gospel According to Giedion and Gropius is under At tack," The New York Times, June 27, 1976, pp. 1, 29, Section 2. __ , "The Pop World of the Strip and the Sprawl, The New York Times, March 21, 1976, p. 28D. (Review of "Signs of Life.") Kleihues, Josef Paul (Organizer), Dortmunder Architekturausstellung 1976. Dortmund: Dortmunder Architekturhefte No. 3, 1976. (Catalog of an architecture exhibition that includes work of Venturi and Rauch.) Kramer, Hilton, "A Monumental Muddle of American Sculpture," The New York Times, March 28, 1976, pp. 1, 34D. (Review of "200 Years of American Sculpture.") Kron, Joan, "Photo Finishes," New York, March 22, 1976, pp. 56-57. Lebensztejn, Jean-Claude, "Hyperealisme, Kitsch et 'Venturi'," Critique, February 1976, pp. 99-135. Lipstadt, Helene R., "Interview with R. Venturi and D. Scott Brown," Architecture, Mouvement, Continuite, in press. Marvel, Bill, "On Reading the American Cityscape," National Observer, April 19, 1976. (Review of "Signs of Life.") Miller, Robert L., "New Haven's Dixwell Fire Station by Venturi and Rauch," Architectural Record, June 1976, pp. 111-116. Morton, David, "Venturi and Rauch, Brant House, Greenwich, Conn.," Progressive Architecture, August 1976, pp. 50-53. "Off the Skyline and into the Museum," Newsday, April 14, 1976, pp. 4-5 A. Orth, Maureen, with Lucy Howard, "Schlock Is Beautiful," Newsweek, March 8, 1976, p. 56. (Review of "Signs of Life.") Pfister, Harold, "Exhibitions, The Decorative Arts Newsletter, Society of Architectural Historians, Summer 1976, pp. 3-5. Quinn, Jim, "Dumb is Beautiful, "Learning from Our Living Rooms, Philadelphia Magazine, October 1976, pp. 156ff. BIBLIOGRAPHY 183 Quinn, Michael C., and Paul H. Tucker, "Dixwell Fire Station," Drawings for Modern Public Architecture in New Haven. New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery, 1976, pp. 19-24. (Exhibition catalog.) Reichlin, Bruno, and Martin Steinman, eds., Archithese 19, issue on Realism. Richard, Paul, "Rooms with a View on Life," The Washington Post, April 13, 1976, pp. 1-2 B. {Review of "Signs of Life.") Rosenblatt, Roger, "The Pure Soldier," The New Republic, March 27, 1976, p. 32. (Musings on "Signs of Life.") Russell, Beverly, "Real Life: It's Beautiful," House and Garden, August 1976, pp. 79ff. Ryan, Barbara Haddad, "Gaudy Reality of American Landscape Shines in Renwick Show," Denver Post, May 9, 1976. (Review of "Signs of Life.") Stein, Benjamin, "The Art Forms of Everyday Life," The Wall Street Journal, April 22, 1976. {Review of "Signs of Life.") Stephens, Suzanne, "Signs and Symbols as Show Stoppers, Progressive Architecture, May 1976, p. 37. (Review of "Signs of Life.") "Symbols, The New Yorker, March 15, 1976, pp. 27-29. ("Signs of Life.") Von Eckhardt, Wolf, "Signs of an Urban Vernacular, The Washington Post, February 28, 1976, pp. 1, 3C. (Review of "Signs of Life.") Von Moos, S., "Americana: Zwei Ausstellungen in Washington," Nene Zurcher Zeitung, July 1 7-18, 19 76. (Review of "Signs of Life.") B. WRITINGS BY ROBERT VENTURI 1953 "The Campidoglio: A Case Study," The Architectural Review, May 1953, pp. 333-334. 1960 "Project for a Beach House," Architectural Des(r;n, November 1960. 1961 "Weekend House," Progressive Architecture, April 1961, pp. 156-157. 1965 "A Justification for a Pop Architecture," Arts and Architecture, April 1965, p. 22. 182 BIBLIOGRAPHY Hoffman, Donald, "Art Talk," The Kansas City Star, Feburary 8, 1976, p. 3D. (Exhibition at Kansas City Art Institute.) Hughes, Robert, "Overdressing for the Occasion," Time, April 5, 1976, pp. 42, 47. (Review of "200 Years of American Sculpture.") Huxtable, Ada Louise, "The Fall and Rise of Main Street," The New York Times Magazine, May 30, 1976, pp. 12-14. (Includes Galveston project.) ___ , "The Gospel According to Giedion and Gropius is under At tack," The New York Times, June 27, 1976, pp. 1, 29, Section 2. __ , "The Pop World of the Strip and the Sprawl, The New York Times, March 21, 1976, p. 28D. (Review of "Signs of Life.") Kleihues, Josef Paul (Organizer), Dortmunder Architekturausstellung 1976. Dortmund: Dortmunder Architekturhefte No. 3, 1976. (Catalog of an architecture exhibition that includes work of Venturi and Rauch.) Kramer, Hilton, "A Monumental Muddle of American Sculpture," The New York Times, March 28, 1976, pp. 1, 34D. (Review of "200 Years of American Sculpture.") Kron, Joan, "Photo Finishes," New York, March 22, 1976, pp. 56-57. Lebensztejn, Jean-Claude, "Hyperealisme, Kitsch et 'Venturi'," Critique, February 1976, pp. 99-135. Lipstadt, Helene R., "Interview with R. Venturi and D. Scott Brown," Architecture, Mouvement, Continuite, in press. Marvel, Bill, "On Reading the American Cityscape," National Observer, April 19, 1976. (Review of "Signs of Life.") Miller, Robert L., "New Haven's Dixwell Fire Station by Venturi and Rauch," Architectural Record, June 1976, pp. 111-116. Morton, David, "Venturi and Rauch, Brant House, Greenwich, Conn.," Progressive Architecture, August 1976, pp. 50-53. "Off the Skyline and into the Museum," Newsday, April 14, 1976, pp. 4-5 A. Orth, Maureen, with Lucy Howard, "Schlock Is Beautiful," Newsweek, March 8, 1976, p. 56. (Review of "Signs of Life.") Pfister, Harold, "Exhibitions, The Decorative Arts Newsletter, Society of Architectural Historians, Summer 1976, pp. 3-5. Quinn, Jim, "Dumb is Beautiful, "Learning from Our Living Rooms, Philadelphia Magazine, October 1976, pp. 156ff. BIBLIOGRAPHY 183 Quinn, Michael C., and Paul H. Tucker, "Dixwell Fire Station," Drawings for Modern Public Architecture in New Haven. New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery, 1976, pp. 19-24. (Exhibition catalog.) Reichlin, Bruno, and Martin Steinman, eds., Archithese 19, issue on Realism. Richard, Paul, "Rooms with a View on Life," The Washington Post, April 13, 1976, pp. 1-2 B. {Review of "Signs of Life.") Rosenblatt, Roger, "The Pure Soldier," The New Republic, March 27, 1976, p. 32. (Musings on "Signs of Life.") Russell, Beverly, "Real Life: It's Beautiful," House and Garden, August 1976, pp. 79ff. Ryan, Barbara Haddad, "Gaudy Reality of American Landscape Shines in Renwick Show," Denver Post, May 9, 1976. (Review of "Signs of Life.") Stein, Benjamin, "The Art Forms of Everyday Life," The Wall Street Journal, April 22, 1976. {Review of "Signs of Life.") Stephens, Suzanne, "Signs and Symbols as Show Stoppers, Progressive Architecture, May 1976, p. 37. (Review of "Signs of Life.") "Symbols, The New Yorker, March 15, 1976, pp. 27-29. ("Signs of Life.") Von Eckhardt, Wolf, "Signs of an Urban Vernacular, The Washington Post, February 28, 1976, pp. 1, 3C. (Review of "Signs of Life.") Von Moos, S., "Americana: Zwei Ausstellungen in Washington," Nene Zurcher Zeitung, July 1 7-18, 19 76. (Review of "Signs of Life.") B. WRITINGS BY ROBERT VENTURI 1953 "The Campidoglio: A Case Study," The Architectural Review, May 1953, pp. 333-334. 1960 "Project for a Beach House," Architectural Des(r;n, November 1960. 1961 "Weekend House," Progressive Architecture, April 1961, pp. 156-157. 1965 "A Justification for a Pop Architecture," Arts and Architecture, April 1965, p. 22. 184 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture," Perspecta 9-10, 1965, pp. 1 7-56. (Extract.) 1966 Complexity and Contradiction In Architecture. New York: Museum of Modem Art and Graham Foundation, 1966. Translated into Japanese, 1969; into French, 1971; into Spanish, 1972. 1967 "Selection from: Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture," Zodiac 17, 1967, pp. 123-126. "Three Projects: Architecture and Landscape, Architecture and Sculp ture, Architecture and City Planning," Perspecta 11, 1967, pp. 103- 106. "Trois batiments pour une ville de !'Ohio," L 'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, December 1967-January 1968, pp. 37-39. 1968 "A Bill-Ding Board Involving Movies, Relics and Space," Architectural Forum, April 1968, pp. 74-76. (Football Hall of Fame Competition.) "On Architecture," L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, September 1968, pp. 36-39. 1975 "Architecture as Shelter with Decoration on It, and a Plea for a Sym bolism of the Ordinary in Architecture," 1975. (Unpublished.) 1976 "Plain and Fancy Architecture by Cass Gilbert at Oberlin," Apollo, February 1976, pp. 6-9. C. WRITINGS BY DENISE SCOTT BROWN 1962 "Form, Design and the City," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, November 1962. (Film review.) 1963 "City Planning and What It Means to Me to Be a City Planner," March 1963. Unpublished. "Report on the Neighborhood Garden Association," Philadelphia, March 1963. Unpublished. I I BIBLIOGRAPHY 185 1964 "Natal Plans," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, May 1964, pp. 161-166. (On planning in South Africa.) 1965 "The Meaningful City," journal of the American Institute of Archi tects, January 1965, pp. 27-32. (Reprinted in Connection, Spring 1967.) 1966 "Development Proposal for Dodge House Park," Arts and Architecture, April 1966, p. 16. "Will Salvation Spoil the Dodge House?" Architectural Forum, October 1966, pp. 68-71. 1967 "The Function of a Table," Architectural Des(£5n, April 1967. "Housing 1863," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, May 1967. "The People's Architects," Landscape, Spring 1967, p. 38. (Review of The People's Architects, ed. H. S. Ransome.) "Planning the Expo," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, July 1967, pp. 268-272. "Planning the Powder Room," Journal of the American Institute of Architects, April 1967, pp. 81-83. "Teaching Architectural History," Arts and Architecture, May 1967. "Team 10, Perspecta 10, and the Present State of Architectural Theory," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, January 1967, pp. 42-50. 1968 "The Bicentennial's Fantasy Stage," The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, March 8, 1968. "Little Magazines in Architecture and Urbanism," Journal of The American Institute of Planners, July 1968, pp. 223-233. "Mapping the City: Symbols and Systems_," Landscape, Spring 1968, pp. 22-25. (Review of Passoneau and Wurman, Urban Atlas.) "Taming Megalopolis," Architectural Design, November 1968, p. 512. (Review of Taming Megalopolis, ed. H. Wentworth Eldridge.) 184 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture," Perspecta 9-10, 1965, pp. 1 7-56. (Extract.) 1966 Complexity and Contradiction In Architecture. New York: Museum of Modem Art and Graham Foundation, 1966. Translated into Japanese, 1969; into French, 1971; into Spanish, 1972. 1967 "Selection from: Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture," Zodiac 17, 1967, pp. 123-126. "Three Projects: Architecture and Landscape, Architecture and Sculp ture, Architecture and City Planning," Perspecta 11, 1967, pp. 103- 106. "Trois batiments pour une ville de !'Ohio," L 'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, December 1967-January 1968, pp. 37-39. 1968 "A Bill-Ding Board Involving Movies, Relics and Space," Architectural Forum, April 1968, pp. 74-76. (Football Hall of Fame Competition.) "On Architecture," L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, September 1968, pp. 36-39. 1975 "Architecture as Shelter with Decoration on It, and a Plea for a Sym bolism of the Ordinary in Architecture," 1975. (Unpublished.) 1976 "Plain and Fancy Architecture by Cass Gilbert at Oberlin," Apollo, February 1976, pp. 6-9. C. WRITINGS BY DENISE SCOTT BROWN 1962 "Form, Design and the City," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, November 1962. (Film review.) 1963 "City Planning and What It Means to Me to Be a City Planner," March 1963. Unpublished. "Report on the Neighborhood Garden Association," Philadelphia, March 1963. Unpublished. I I BIBLIOGRAPHY 185 1964 "Natal Plans," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, May 1964, pp. 161-166. (On planning in South Africa.) 1965 "The Meaningful City," journal of the American Institute of Archi tects, January 1965, pp. 27-32. (Reprinted in Connection, Spring 1967.) 1966 "Development Proposal for Dodge House Park," Arts and Architecture, April 1966, p. 16. "Will Salvation Spoil the Dodge House?" Architectural Forum, October 1966, pp. 68-71. 1967 "The Function of a Table," Architectural Des(£5n, April 1967. "Housing 1863," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, May 1967. "The People's Architects," Landscape, Spring 1967, p. 38. (Review of The People's Architects, ed. H. S. Ransome.) "Planning the Expo," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, July 1967, pp. 268-272. "Planning the Powder Room," Journal of the American Institute of Architects, April 1967, pp. 81-83. "Teaching Architectural History," Arts and Architecture, May 1967. "Team 10, Perspecta 10, and the Present State of Architectural Theory," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, January 1967, pp. 42-50. 1968 "The Bicentennial's Fantasy Stage," The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, March 8, 1968. "Little Magazines in Architecture and Urbanism," Journal of The American Institute of Planners, July 1968, pp. 223-233. "Mapping the City: Symbols and Systems_," Landscape, Spring 1968, pp. 22-25. (Review of Passoneau and Wurman, Urban Atlas.) "Taming Megalopolis," Architectural Design, November 1968, p. 512. (Review of Taming Megalopolis, ed. H. Wentworth Eldridge.) 186 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Urban Structuring," Architectural Des(r;n, January 1968, p. 7. (Re view of Urban Structuring: Studies of Alison and Peter Smithson.) "Urbino," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, September 1968, pp. 344-46. (Review of Giancarlo de Carlo, Urbino.) 1969 "On Pop Art, Permissiveness and Planning," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, May 1969, pp. 184-186. 1970 "Education in the 1970's-Teaching for an Altered Reality," Architec tural Record, October 1970. "On Analysis and Design," unpublished, 1970. "Reply to Sibyl Moholy-Nagy and Ulrich Franzen," unpublished, Sept ember 4, 1970, p. 6. (Co-op City controversy.) 1971 "Learning from Pop," and "Reply to Frampton," Casabella, 389/360, May-June 1971, pp. 14-46. (Reprinted in Journal of Popular Culture, Fall 1973, pp. 387-401.) 1974 "Evaluation of the Humanities Building at Purchase" (with Elizabeth and Steven Izenour), Architectural Record, October 1974, p. 122. "Giovanni Maria Cosco, 1926-1973," Rassegna dell' Istituto di Archi tettura e Urbanistica, University of Rome, August-December 1974, pp. 127-129. 1975 "On Formal Analysis as Design Research, With Some Notes on Studio Pedagogy," unpublished, 19 7 5. "Sexism and the Star System in Architecture," unpublished, 1975. "Symbols, Signs and Aesthetics: Architectural Taste in a Pluralist Soci ety," unpublished, 197 5. 1976 "House Language" (with Elizabeth Izenour, Missy Maxwell, and Janet Schueren), American Home, August 1976. (On "Signs of Life.") "On Architectural Formalism and Social Concern: A Discourse for Social Planners and Radical Chic Architects," Oppositions 5, Summer 1976, pp. 99-112. r BIBLIOGRAPHY 187 "Signs of Life: Symbols in the American City" (with Elizabeth Izenour, Steven Izenour, Missy Maxwell, Janet Schueren, and Robert Venturi). Text for a Bicentennial exhibition, Renwick Gallery, National Collec tion of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1976. S(r;ns of Life: Symbols in the American City (with Steven Izenour). New York: Aperture Inc., 1976. (Exhibition catalog.) "Suburban Space, Scale and Symbol" (with Elizabeth Izenour, Missy Maxwell, and Janet Schueren), Via, University of Pennsylvania, 1976. (Excerpts from "Signs of Life.") "The Symbolic Architecture of the American Suburb," in catalog for Suburban Alternatives: 11 American Projects, the American Architec tural Exhibition for the 19 7 6 Venice Biennale. (Excerpts from "Signs of Life.") "Zeichen des Lebens, Signes de Vie," Archithese 19, 1976. D. WRITINGS BY ROBERT VENTURI AND DENISE SCOTT BROWN 1968 "A Significance for A&P Parking Lots, or Learning from Las Vegas," Architectural Forum, March 1968, pp. 37-43ff. Reprinted in Lotus, 1968, pp. 70-91. German translation, Werk, April 1969, pp. 256-266. 1969 "Learning from Lutyens," Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, August 1969, pp. 353-354. (Rejoinder to the Smithsons' interpretation of Sir Edwin Lutyens.) "Mass Communications on the People Freeway, or, Piranesi is Too Easy," Perspecta 12, 1969, pp. 49-56. {In conjunction with Bruce Adams; third years tudio project at Yale.) 1970 "Reply to Pawley-'Leading from the Rear'," Architectural Des(r;n, July 1970, pp. 4, 370. (Reply to "Leading from the Rear," Architec tural Design, January 1970.) 1971 "Some Houses of Ill-Repute: A Discourse with Apologia on Recent Houses of Venturi and Rauch," Perspecta 13/14, 1971, pp. 259-267. "Ugly and Ordinary Architecture, or the Decorated Shed," Part I, Architectural Forum, November 1971, pp. 64-67; Part II, December 1971, pp. 48-53. (Discussion, January 1972, p. 12.) 186 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Urban Structuring," Architectural Des(r;n, January 1968, p. 7. (Re view of Urban Structuring: Studies of Alison and Peter Smithson.) "Urbino," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, September 1968, pp. 344-46. (Review of Giancarlo de Carlo, Urbino.) 1969 "On Pop Art, Permissiveness and Planning," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, May 1969, pp. 184-186. 1970 "Education in the 1970's-Teaching for an Altered Reality," Architec tural Record, October 1970. "On Analysis and Design," unpublished, 1970. "Reply to Sibyl Moholy-Nagy and Ulrich Franzen," unpublished, Sept ember 4, 1970, p. 6. (Co-op City controversy.) 1971 "Learning from Pop," and "Reply to Frampton," Casabella, 389/360, May-June 1971, pp. 14-46. (Reprinted in Journal of Popular Culture, Fall 1973, pp. 387-401.) 1974 "Evaluation of the Humanities Building at Purchase" (with Elizabeth and Steven Izenour), Architectural Record, October 1974, p. 122. "Giovanni Maria Cosco, 1926-1973," Rassegna dell' Istituto di Archi tettura e Urbanistica, University of Rome, August-December 1974, pp. 127-129. 1975 "On Formal Analysis as Design Research, With Some Notes on Studio Pedagogy," unpublished, 19 7 5. "Sexism and the Star System in Architecture," unpublished, 1975. "Symbols, Signs and Aesthetics: Architectural Taste in a Pluralist Soci ety," unpublished, 197 5. 1976 "House Language" (with Elizabeth Izenour, Missy Maxwell, and Janet Schueren), American Home, August 1976. (On "Signs of Life.") "On Architectural Formalism and Social Concern: A Discourse for Social Planners and Radical Chic Architects," Oppositions 5, Summer 1976, pp. 99-112. r BIBLIOGRAPHY 187 "Signs of Life: Symbols in the American City" (with Elizabeth Izenour, Steven Izenour, Missy Maxwell, Janet Schueren, and Robert Venturi). Text for a Bicentennial exhibition, Renwick Gallery, National Collec tion of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1976. S(r;ns of Life: Symbols in the American City (with Steven Izenour). New York: Aperture Inc., 1976. (Exhibition catalog.) "Suburban Space, Scale and Symbol" (with Elizabeth Izenour, Missy Maxwell, and Janet Schueren), Via, University of Pennsylvania, 1976. (Excerpts from "Signs of Life.") "The Symbolic Architecture of the American Suburb," in catalog for Suburban Alternatives: 11 American Projects, the American Architec tural Exhibition for the 19 7 6 Venice Biennale. (Excerpts from "Signs of Life.") "Zeichen des Lebens, Signes de Vie," Archithese 19, 1976. D. WRITINGS BY ROBERT VENTURI AND DENISE SCOTT BROWN 1968 "A Significance for A&P Parking Lots, or Learning from Las Vegas," Architectural Forum, March 1968, pp. 37-43ff. Reprinted in Lotus, 1968, pp. 70-91. German translation, Werk, April 1969, pp. 256-266. 1969 "Learning from Lutyens," Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, August 1969, pp. 353-354. (Rejoinder to the Smithsons' interpretation of Sir Edwin Lutyens.) "Mass Communications on the People Freeway, or, Piranesi is Too Easy," Perspecta 12, 1969, pp. 49-56. {In conjunction with Bruce Adams; third years tudio project at Yale.) 1970 "Reply to Pawley-'Leading from the Rear'," Architectural Des(r;n, July 1970, pp. 4, 370. (Reply to "Leading from the Rear," Architec tural Design, January 1970.) 1971 "Some Houses of Ill-Repute: A Discourse with Apologia on Recent Houses of Venturi and Rauch," Perspecta 13/14, 1971, pp. 259-267. "Ugly and Ordinary Architecture, or the Decorated Shed," Part I, Architectural Forum, November 1971, pp. 64-67; Part II, December 1971, pp. 48-53. (Discussion, January 1972, p. 12.) 188 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Yale Mathematics Building," unpublished, 1971. 1972 Learning from Las Vegas (with Steven Izenour). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1972. 1973 "Bicentenaire de L'Independence Americaine, L'architecture d'aujourd'hui, November 1973, pp. 63-69. 1974 "Functionalism, Yes, But ... " in Architecture and Urbanism, Novem ber 1974, pp. 33-34, and in Architecturas Bis, January 1975, pp. 1-2. 1977 Learning from Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form, revised edition (with Steven Izenour). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1977. E. WRITINGS BY DENISE SCOTT BROWN AND ROBERT VENTURI 1968 "On Ducks and Decoration, Architecture Canada, October 1968, p. 48. 1969 "The Bicentennial Commemoration 1976." Architectural Forum, Oct ober 1969, pp. 66-69. "Venturi v. Gowan, Architectural Des(r;n, January 1969, pp. 31-36. 1970 "Co-op City: Learning to Like It," Progressive Architecture, February 1970, pp. 64-73. "The Highway," Philadelphia, Institute of Contemporary Art, 1970. (Text to the catalog for the exhibit by the Institute of Contemporary Art, in collaboration with Rice University and the Akron Art Institute.) 1971 Aprendiendo de Todas Las Casas. Barcelona: Tusquets Editor, 1971. (Compilation of articles; reviews are listed under 19 72 in Section A.) ' ·~·' BIBLIOGRAPHY 189 F. WRITINGS BY OTHERS AT VENTURI AND RAUCH Carroll, Virginia, Denise Scott Brown, and Robert Venturi, "Levittown et Apres," L'architecture d'aujourd'hui, no. 163, August-September 1972, pp. 38-42. Carroll, Virginia, Denise Scott Brown, and Robert Venturi, "Styling, or 'These houses are exactly the same. They just look different.' " Lotus 9, 1975. (In Italian and English; extract from Learning from Levittown, a study in progress.) Hirshorn, Paul, and Steven Izenour, "Learning from Hamburgers: The Architecture of White Towers," Architecture Plus, June 1973, pp. 46-55. Izenour, Steven, "Education in the 1970's-Teaching for an Altered Reality," Architectural Record, October 1970. __ , "Civic Center Competition for Thousand Oaks, California; Entry by Venturi and Rauch in Association with Steven Izenour and Tony Pett," Architectural Design, February 1971, pp. 113-114. 188 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Yale Mathematics Building," unpublished, 1971. 1972 Learning from Las Vegas (with Steven Izenour). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1972. 1973 "Bicentenaire de L'Independence Americaine, L'architecture d'aujourd'hui, November 1973, pp. 63-69. 1974 "Functionalism, Yes, But ... " in Architecture and Urbanism, Novem ber 1974, pp. 33-34, and in Architecturas Bis, January 1975, pp. 1-2. 1977 Learning from Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form, revised edition (with Steven Izenour). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1977. E. WRITINGS BY DENISE SCOTT BROWN AND ROBERT VENTURI 1968 "On Ducks and Decoration, Architecture Canada, October 1968, p. 48. 1969 "The Bicentennial Commemoration 1976." Architectural Forum, Oct ober 1969, pp. 66-69. "Venturi v. Gowan, Architectural Des(r;n, January 1969, pp. 31-36. 1970 "Co-op City: Learning to Like It," Progressive Architecture, February 1970, pp. 64-73. "The Highway," Philadelphia, Institute of Contemporary Art, 1970. (Text to the catalog for the exhibit by the Institute of Contemporary Art, in collaboration with Rice University and the Akron Art Institute.) 1971 Aprendiendo de Todas Las Casas. Barcelona: Tusquets Editor, 1971. (Compilation of articles; reviews are listed under 19 72 in Section A.) ' ·~·' BIBLIOGRAPHY 189 F. WRITINGS BY OTHERS AT VENTURI AND RAUCH Carroll, Virginia, Denise Scott Brown, and Robert Venturi, "Levittown et Apres," L'architecture d'aujourd'hui, no. 163, August-September 1972, pp. 38-42. Carroll, Virginia, Denise Scott Brown, and Robert Venturi, "Styling, or 'These houses are exactly the same. They just look different.' " Lotus 9, 1975. (In Italian and English; extract from Learning from Levittown, a study in progress.) Hirshorn, Paul, and Steven Izenour, "Learning from Hamburgers: The Architecture of White Towers," Architecture Plus, June 1973, pp. 46-55. Izenour, Steven, "Education in the 1970's-Teaching for an Altered Reality," Architectural Record, October 1970. __ , "Civic Center Competition for Thousand Oaks, California; Entry by Venturi and Rauch in Association with Steven Izenour and Tony Pett," Architectural Design, February 1971, pp. 113-114.

See also

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "Learning from Las Vegas" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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