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'"Benzedrine is a good kick,” she said. “Three strips of the paper or about ten tablets. Or take two strips of benny and two goof balls. They get down there and have a fight. It’s a good drive."' --Junkie

"For radio airplay the drug reference "I get no kick from cocaine," is changed to "I get perfume from Spain." in Cole Porter's classic "I Get a Kick Out of You."" --Sholem Stein

"Get you kicks on Route 66"--"(Get Your Kicks on) Route 66" (1946)

If I could only find
Some new kind of kick
Something I ain't had
Some new kind of buzz

--"New Kind of Kick" (1981) by The Cramps

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A kick, besides being the result of a leg movement is a thrill, something that excites or gives pleasure, something that tickles the fancy; something fun or amusing.

See also

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