Je suis Charlie  

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"Je suis Charlie" ("I am Charlie") is a statement used by supporters of free speech against the 7 January 2015 massacre in which 12 people were killed at the offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris. The statement identifies the speaker with those who died at the Charlie Hebdo shooting, and by extension for freedom of speech and resistance to armed threats. Some journalists embraced the expression as a rallying cry for the freedom of self-expression.

The website of Charlie Hebdo went offline shortly after the shooting, and when it returned it bore the legend Je Suis Charlie on a black background.

The statement was used as the hashtag #jesuischarlie on Twitter, as computer printed or hand-made placards and stickers, and displayed on mobile phones at vigils, and on many websites, particularly media sites.

While other symbols were used, notably holding pens in the air, and tweeting certain images, "Je Suis Charlie" is more widespread.

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