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Hyperbole comes from Greek and is a figure of speech in which statements are exaggerated. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, and is not meant to be taken literally.

Hyperbole is used to create emphasis. It is a literary device often used in poetry, and is frequently encountered in casual speech.

Some examples include:
these books weigh a ton. (weigh a great deal)
I could sleep for a year. (for a long time)

Antonyms to hyperbole include meiosis, litotes, understatement, and bathos (the 'let down' after a hyperbole in a phrase).



Derived from the Greek ὑπερβολή (literally 'overshooting' or 'excess'), it is a cognate of hyperbola. Antonyms to hyperbole include meiosis, litotes, understatement, and bathos (the 'let down' after a hyperbole in a phrase).


Some examples of use of hyperbole include:

  • This cat smells like a year's worth of spoiled milk! ( The cat smells bad )
  • These books weigh a ton. (These books are heavy.)
  • I could sleep for a year. (I could sleep for a long time.)
  • The path went on forever. (The path was really long.)
  • He beat him into a pulp. (He beat him up very harshly.)
  • He must have jumped a mile. (He jumped very high into the air.)
  • I'm doing a million things right now. (I'm busy.)
  • Boston State-House is the hub of the solar system. (Boston State-House is an important place.)
-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table," Ch. 6
  • "Ladies and gentlemen, I've been to Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and I can say without hyperbole that this is a million times worse than all of them put together." This uses hyperbole to illustrate the use of hyperbole.
-Kent Brockman, "The Simpsons"
  • "There are no lessons in winning. In losing, there are a thousand."
-Master Fung, "Xiaolin Showdown"
  • I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse. (I'm very hungry)
  • He was so big he used a tree trunk for a toothpick. (He is a huge person.)
  • This coffee tastes like an old man has been heated to render out the earwax. (This coffee tastes horrible.)
  • I've told you a million times, stop exaggerating. (I've told you many times not to exaggerate.)

A common source of unwitting humour is when hyperbole is preceded by the word "literally":

  • "I literally had to work with both hands tied behind my back. If I wanted time off I literally had to fight for it." [1]

See also

See Also

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