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"Ut pictura poesis" -- Horace

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Horace, (65 BC - 8 BC) was the leading lyric poet during the time of Augustus.



His works, like those of all but the earliest Latin poets, are written in Greek metres, ranging from the hexameters which were relatively easy to adapt into Latin to the more complex measures used in the Odes, such as alcaics and sapphics, which were sometimes a difficult fit for Latin structure and syntax.

The works of Horace are:

Ars Poetica

Ars Poetica (Horace)

In later culture

  • A fifth book of Odes was published in 1921, written by Rudyard Kipling and Charles Graves.
  • Dante, in Inferno ranks him side by side with Lucan, Homer, Ovid and Virgil (Inferno, IV,88).
  • Is the main character of the Oxford Latin Course portrayed by Brian Vassallo.
  • In the film Red Dragon, Hannibal Lecter quotes him.
  • In the Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law episode entitled "Gone Efficien...t", Harvey's frenetic attempt at efficiency is stymied by having to wait for the closing arguments of a drawling defence attorney who, in summation of his arguments, insists on quoting Horace at length.

English translators

  • Perhaps the finest English translator of Horace was John Dryden, who successfully adapted most of the Odes into verse for readers of his own age. These translations are favored by many scholars despite some textual variations. Others favor unrhymed translations.
  • In 1964 James Michie published a translation of the Odes—many of them fully rhymed—including a dozen of the poems in the original Sapphic and Alcaic metres.
  • Ars Poetica was first translated into English by Queen Elizabeth I.

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