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Train wreck at Montparnasse (October 22, 1895) by Studio Lévy and Sons
Train wreck at Montparnasse (October 22, 1895) by Studio Lévy and Sons
D-Day (1944)   # June 6, 1944, the date during World War II when the Allies invaded western Europe.   # The date of any major event planned for the future.
D-Day (1944)
# June 6, 1944, the date during World War II when the Allies invaded western Europe. # The date of any major event planned for the future.

Related e



An event is an occurrence of social or personal importance.

Event can refer to many things such as:

  • A phenomenon, any observable occurrence, or an extraordinary occurrence

A type of gathering:

In science, technology, and mathematics:

  • Event horizon, a boundary in spacetime, typically surrounding a black hole, beyond which events cannot effect an exterior observer
  • Extinction event, a sharp decrease in the number of species in a short period of time

In philosophy:

  • Event (philosophy), an object in time, or an instantiation of a property in an object
  • Mental event, something that happens in the mind, such as a thought


From Middle French event, from Latin ēventus (“an event, occurrence”), from ēveniō (“to happen, to fall out, to come out”), from ē (“out of, from”), short form of ex + veniō (“come”); related to venture, advent, convent, invent, convene, evene, etc.

See also

  • News, new information or information on current events
  • Happening

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "Event" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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