Daniel Dennett  

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"From what can "ought" be derived? The most compelling answer is this: ethics must be somehow based on an appreciation of human nature — on a sense of what a human being is or might be, and on what a human being might want to have or want to be. If that is naturalism, then naturalism is no fallacy."--Darwin's Dangerous Idea (1995) by Daniel Dennett

"If you see a magician sawing a lady in half and you wanna know how it's done, and somebody says, "Well, I'll tell you how it's done. They don't really saw the lady in half. They just make it appear that they're sawing the lady in half."

And you say, "Yeah, okay, great. How do they do that?"

"Oh, that's not my department. That's somebody else's job. I've already given you my explanation."

Sometimes philosophers give answers like that. I think they just don't wanna be bothered. They don't wanna take on the responsibility to explain what's actually happening.

--The 4 biggest ideas in philosophy, with Daniel Dennett on Big Think

"We're awash in toxic memes right now. One of the most toxic, I think because it enables so many others, is the idea that truth doesn't matter, that truth is just relative, that there's no such thing as establishing the truth of anything.

Your truth, my truth, we're all entitled to our own truths.

That's pernicious, it's attractive to many people, and it is used to exploit people in all sorts of nefarious ways.

The truth really does matter."

--The 4 biggest ideas in philosophy, with Daniel Dennett on Big Think

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Daniel Dennett (1942 - 2024) is an American philosopher known for books such as Darwin's Dangerous Idea (1996).

Dennett is an atheist and secularist, as well as an outspoken supporter of the Brights movement. Dennett is referred to as one of the "Four Horsemen of New Atheism".

Selected works

See also

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