Black power  

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"Songs such as “Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud” by Brown, “(Don't Worry) If There's a Hell Below, We're All Going to Go” by Curtis Mayfield, “Message From a Black Man” by the Temptations, and “To Be Young, Gifted and Black” by Aretha ..." --The Lumpen: Music on the Front Lines of the Black Revolution, page 10, Frederick Lewis Vincent, 2008

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Black Power is a political slogan and a name for various associated ideologies aimed at achieving self-determination for people of African/Black descent. It is used by African Americans in the United States. It was prominent in the late 1960s and early 1970s, emphasizing racial pride and the creation of black political and cultural institutions to nurture and promote black collective interests and advance black values.

"Black Power" expresses a range of political goals, from defense against racial oppression, to the establishment of social institutions and a self-sufficient economy. The earliest known usage of the term is found in a 1954 book by Richard Wright entitled Black Power. Although he did not "coin" the phrase, New York politician Adam Clayton Powell Jr. used the term on May 29, 1966 during a baccalaureate address at Howard University: "To demand these God-given rights is to seek black power."

See also

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