Beware of a Religion without Irony  

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"Beware of a Religion without Irony" (2006) is a news article by Roger Scruton on 'Islamofascism' published in the The Wall Street Journal of Sunday, August 20, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT.


"The term "Islamofascism" was introduced by the French writer Maxime Rodinson (1915-2004) to describe the Iranian Revolution of 1978. Rodinson was a Marxist, who described as "fascist" any movement of which he disapproved. But we should be grateful to him for coining a word that enables people on the left to denounce our common enemy. After all, other French leftists--Michel Foucault, for example--had welcomed the revolution as an amusing threat to Western interests. It is only now that people on the left can acknowledge that they are just as much a target as the rest of us, in a war that has global chaos as its goal."

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