Abstract expressionism  

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"Abstract expressionism and jazz shared an overlapping audience during much of the 1950s, and from this perspective one can easily understand why. The hipsters who visited the galleries and frequented the jazz clubs were, whether they ..."--The Imperfect Art: Reflections on Jazz and Modern Culture (1988) Ted Gioia

"Abstract expressionism was an American post-World War II art movement. It was the first specifically American movement to achieve worldwide influence and also the one that put New York City at the center of the art world, a role formerly filled by Paris. It was followed by Pop art which re-introduced playfulness which was lacking in Abstract expressionism."--Sholem Stein

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Abstract expressionism was an American post-World War II art movement, exemplified by the work of Jackson Pollock. It was the first specifically American movement to achieve worldwide influence and also the one that put New York City at the center of the art world, a role formerly filled by Paris.

Although the term "abstract expressionism" was first applied to American art in 1946 by the art critic Robert Coates, it had been first used in Germany in 1919 in the magazine Der Sturm, regarding German Expressionism. In the USA, Alfred Barr was the first to use this term in 1929 in relation to works by Wassily Kandinsky.

Bluebeard by Kurt Vonnegut is a fictional autobiography written by fictional Abstract Expressionist Rabo Karebekian.

Michel Tapié was a critic and exhibition organizer important to the dissemination of abstract expressionism in Europe, Japan, and Latin America.

The work of Olga Albizu (1924–2005) on bossanova albums helped disseminate abstract expressionism outside of the art world.

See also

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "Abstract expressionism" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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