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"In typical scene, Duck Soup pokes fun at the Hays Code by showing a woman's bedroom and then showing a woman's shoes on the floor, a man's shoes and horseshoes. Harpo is sleeping in the bed with the horse; the woman is in the twin bed next to them." --Sholem Stein

"He was a gentle soul, Valloton, with a keen wit and a great deal of ambition but a feeling of impotence, the result of being the brother-in-law of picture dealers."--The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1933) by Gertrude Stein

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  • Eduard Fuchs's extensive art collection is destroyed by the Gestapo
    • October 25, 1933 – Eduard Fuchs extensive art collection is confiscated by the Gestapo and partially destroyed. In 1937/38 what's left of the collection is sold off at various auctions. Fuchs dies January 26, 1940 in exile in Paris.
  • The Nazis destroy Magnus Hirschfeld's Institut für Sexualwissenschaft
    • When the Nazis took power, one of their first actions, on May 6, 1933, was to destroy the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Research)and burn the library. (The pictures you see of Nazi book-burnings are usually pictures of Hirschfeld's books ablaze.) Fortuitously, Hirschfeld had left Germany on a world speaking tour in 1930. He never returned, dying in exile in Nice in 1935.







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