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"Blood, Musk and Hashish", that is to say, War, Love and Dreamland! Amid these heady fumes beats yet, in the wilds of our French possessions in Algeria, the great heart of a People that our European civilization stifles, a People that is vanishing away little by little, dying out with all its wild, fierce vices and its incomparable grandeur." --Musk, Hashish and Blood (1886) by Hector France

A pair of shoes by Vincent van Gogh, Paris, 1886. Martin Heidegger mentions this particular work in The Origin of the Work of Art as an example of a painting that reveals (aletheia) a whole world.
A pair of shoes by Vincent van Gogh, Paris, 1886. Martin Heidegger mentions this particular work in The Origin of the Work of Art as an example of a painting that reveals (aletheia) a whole world.

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1886 was the 86th year of the 19th century, and the 7th year of the 1880s decade.


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