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Shakespeare is bowdlerized between 1807 and 1818 when The Family Shakespeare is published, expurgating "those words and expressions... which cannot with propriety be read aloud in a family."

"With some humour, he descants on the oikophobia, as he calls the English rage for leaving home and going to watering-places, and for picturesque travelling. We give a specimen or his ridicule of the former : • The English migrate as regularly ..." --Don Manuel Alvarez Espriella, Letters from England (1807)

"Gotham" has been a nickname for New York City that first became popular in the nineteenth century; Washington Irving had first attached it to New York in the November 11, 1807 edition of his Salmagundi, a periodical which lampooned New York culture and politics. Irving took the name from the village of Gotham, Nottinghamshire, England: a place inhabited, according to folklore, by fools." --Sholem Stein

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Art and culture

  • Corinne
  • The use of the term Modern art was first attested in 1807[1]. It took more than 50 years to produce the first recognized works of modern art: "The Lunch on the Grass" (1863) and "Olympia" (1863), both by Edouard Manet.


  • Aloysius Bertrand, French writer introduced the prose poem into French literature and inspired Symbolist poets.
  • Jules Gay, clandestine publisher of erotica


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