17th century  

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 Frontispiece for the 1638 edition of The Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton
Frontispiece for the 1638 edition of The Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton

"When people in the early seventeenth century talk of 'machines' they usually mean theatrical machines."--Theatre of the World (1969) by Frances Yates

"If we substitute mechanics for magic as the operative force used by the Creator, Dee's religion was perhaps not altogether unlike that of Isaac Newton."--Theatre of the World (1969) by Frances Yates

"Nouvelles de la république des lettres was a periodical devoted to reviews of current publications, edited and in large part written by Pierre Bayle. Beginning publication in 1684, it is the first known book review journal and coined the term "Republic of Letters"."--Sholem Stein

Iconologia  (1593) by Cesare Ripa was an emblem book highly influential on Baroque imagery
Iconologia (1593) by Cesare Ripa was an emblem book highly influential on Baroque imagery
Anthropomorphic Landscape (early 17th century) by Joos de Momper
Anthropomorphic Landscape (early 17th century) by Joos de Momper
Method of lociIllustration: Theatrum Orbi engraving by Johann Theodor de Bry
Method of loci
Illustration: Theatrum Orbi engraving by Johann Theodor de Bry
By virtue of his magnum opus, the posthumous Ethics, Spinoza is considered one of Western philosophy's definitive ethicists.
By virtue of his magnum opus, the posthumous Ethics, Spinoza is considered one of Western philosophy's definitive ethicists.

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As a means of recording the passage of time, the 17th century was that century which lasted from 1601-1700.

The 17th century falls into the Early Modern period of Europe and was characterized by the Baroque cultural movement and the beginning of modern science and philosophy, including the contributions of Galileo Galilei, René Descartes, Blaise Pascal, Isaac Newton; Europe was torn by warfare throughout the century by the Thirty Years' War, while European colonization of the Americas began in earnest.

The year 1600 is hailed by many as the beginning of the era of modern freethought, as it is marked by the execution in Italy of Giordano Bruno by the Holy Inquisition.


Significant people

Visual artists

17th century art


17th century in literature

Musicians and composers

17th century music


17th century philosophy

See also

17th century art, 17th century in literature, Baroque

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "17th century" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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