Surreal Documents  

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Surreal Documents (2006-09) is an English-language blog with wide-ranging interests (from surrealism to black metal) by Dutch writer Valter. Its title was probably inspired by Georges Bataille's Documents.

Surreal Documents was interested in the darker strains of anthropology and ethnography, citing such authors as Michael Taussig.

In 2008, its author used David Toop's Exotica as a conceptual framework[1].

Excerpt on coq-à-l'âne

Genealogically, one can link the Medieval coq-à-l'âne to the Renaissance works of Rabelais, to Paul Scheerbart, Christian Morgenstern, Lewis Carroll, Pétrus Borel, Molière, Quirinus Kuhlmann, the Russian and Italian Futurists, and the Dadaists - and from there to 'Les Légions Noires'.

On Black Metal and occidentalism

Continuing the French theme of the last few posts, a review of French Black Metal band Blut Aus Nord's recent cd MoRT ...
A few posts ago, I proposed the idea that Black Metal has drunk deep from occidentalist wells - the term occidentalism referring to Buruma's and Margalit's hastily put together but interesting enough booklet on the western origins of antiwestern thought. In this post, I'll explore this idea a little further. --[2]

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