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"The sensuous is commonly regarded as connoting the pleasurable attraction of the sensations of sight, hearing, and the other senses. The sensual, on the other hand, refers to that experience of the senses which is confined to bodily pleasures as contrasted with intellectual satisfaction, where appeal is to the “grosser” bodily sensations, particularly the sexual. Discrimination between these notions is commonly encountered in aesthetic theory and is maintained to be coterminous with the bounds of art, the sensuous being reluctantly admitted into the province of aesthetic experience and the sensual rejected." --"The Sensuous and the Sensual" (1964) by Arnold Berleant

"Inasmuch as the preservation of chastity and morals is one of the most important reasons for the existence of the commonwealth, the state cannot be too careful, as a protector of morality, in the struggle against sensuality."--Psychopathia Sexualis (1886) by Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing

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Sensuality is the state of being sensual, sensuous or sexy. It can also refer to a preoccupation with sensual pleasure, pleasure derived from the senses.

Sexuality and sensuality

There is no clear borderline between sexual and nonsexual enjoyment of touching someone else's body. For example, holding hands may or may not have a sexual connotation, depending on culture, situation and other factors. There are, however, actions that are clearly sexual by almost anyone's definition but which have been argued by an accused as not having sexual relations since the most common form of heterosexual sexual intercourse had not occurred. The distinction between sexual and nonsexual behavior can be relevant due to social rules.

Some criteria that may be applied are:

While enjoying touching the body of someone else implies enjoying one's own body also, the latter may also happen without another person; enjoying one's own body also may or may not be of a sexual nature. If it is, it is called autoeroticism.

The whole of one's sexual activities (including erotic dreams and waking sexual fantasies and daydreams) is called one's sex life.

See also

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