French literature  

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Canon: Georges Bataille, Charles Baudelaire, Maurice Blanchot, Céline, Denis Diderot, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Michel Houellebecq, Georges Perec, Rabelais, Marquis de Sade, Villon

French literary criticism: Sainte-Beuve, Charles Baudelaire

Subgenres: The "frenetic" school of the 1820s/1830s, French pulp fiction, libertine novel, naturalism, nouveau roman, Oulipo

Publishing houses: Obelisk, Olympia, Eric Losfeld, Série Noire

Titles: Clelia, Princess of Cleves, Le Sopha, conte moral, Thérèse Philosophe, Bijoux Indiscrets, The 120 Days of Sodom, La Religieuse, Les Liaisons Dangereuses, L'Histoire de Juliette, Les Fleurs du mal, Madame Bovary, À rebours, Dom Bougre, The Crimes Of Love, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Le Rouge et le Noir, Gamiani, Artificial Paradises, Salammbô, Le Spleen de Paris, The Temptation of Saint Anthony, Les Diaboliques, La Bête Humaine, The She Devils, Torture Garden, Hell, In Search of Lost Time

Authors: Abbé Prévost - Guillaume Apollinaire - Georges Bataille - Sylvia Beach - Jean de Berg - Honoré de Balzac - Charles Baudelaire - Maurice Blanchot - André Breton - Jean-Pierre Brisset - Restif de la Bretonne - Albert Camus - Céline - Robert Desnos - Régine Deforges - Denis Diderot - Alexandre Dumas - Paul Eluard - Gustave Flaubert - Serge Gainsbourg - Théophile Gautier - Alain Robbe-Grillet - Michel Houellebecq - Victor Hugo - Joris Karl Huysmans - Alfred Jarry - Pierre Klossowski - Lautréamont - Gaston Leroux - Pierre Louÿs - André Pieyre de Mandiargues - Guy de Maupassant - Octave Mirbeau - Nerciat - Georges Perec - Pauvert - Marcel Proust - Raymond Queneau - Rachilde - Raymond Radiguet - Pauline Réage - Raymond Roussel - Marquis de Sade - Georges Simenon - Paul Valéry - Jules Verne - Théophile de Viau - Voltaire - Emile Zola

"In the early 20th century, Guillaume Apollinaire radicalized the Baudelairian poetic exploration of modern life in evoking planes, the Eiffel Tower and urban wastelands, and he brought poetry into contact with cubism through his "Calligrammes", a form of visual poetry."--Sholem Stein

The Map of Tendre featured in Clélie
The Map of Tendre featured in Clélie
Collection of 21 Dutch translations of 'romans durs' by Georges Simenon, in the Zwarte Beertjes collection, cover designs by Dick Bruna. Photo © JWG
Collection of 21 Dutch translations of 'romans durs' by Georges Simenon, in the Zwarte Beertjes collection, cover designs by Dick Bruna.
Photo © JWG

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French literature is, generally speaking, literature written in the French language, particularly by citizens of France. For literature written in French by citizens of other Francophone nations see Francophone literature.

During the 20th century, France was more permissive than other countries in terms of censorship, and many important foreign language novels were originally published in France while being banned in America: Joyce's Ulysses (published by Sylvia Beach in Paris, 1922), Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita and William S. Burroughs's Naked Lunch (both published by Olympia Press), and Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer (published by Obelisk Press). Additionally, Paris has been the home-in-exile to two American literary movements: the lost generation and the beat generation.


Selected list of French literary classics





Early underground

Villon (1431 - c. 1463) , Rabelais (c. 1494 - 1553) , Marot (1496–1544), Brantome (c. 1540–1614) Viau (1590 - 1626) , Scarron (1610 - 1660), Évremond (1610 - 1703)

Literary criticism


Main article: French poetry

French decadents


See also

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "French literature" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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