La Caricature (1830–1843)  

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Les Poires, as sold separately to cover the expenses of a trial of Le Charivari, after a version published in Le Charivari of January 17, 1834. The drawing was made by Honoré Daumier after the sketch of Philipon.
Les Poires, as sold separately to cover the expenses of a trial of Le Charivari, after a version published in Le Charivari of January 17, 1834. The drawing was made by Honoré Daumier after the sketch of Philipon.

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La Caricature was a French monthly illustrated satirical publication first published on November 4 1830 under the tile La Caricature morale, religieuse, littéraire et scénique. It was founded by Charles Philipon in response to the freedom of the press promised by Louis-Philippe and the July Monarchy. Featured artists included Daumier, Gavarni, Monnier, Granville, and Traviès. Under the pressure of the September Laws, Charles Philipon closed La Caricature in August 1835.



Daumier started upon his pictorial campaign of satire, targeting the foibles of the bourgeoisie, the corruption of the law and the incompetence of a blundering government. His caricature of the king as Gargantua led to Daumier's imprisonment for six months at Sainte-Pélagie Prison in 1832. Soon after, the publication of La Caricature was discontinued, but Philipon provided a new field for Daumier's activity when he founded the Le Charivari.

French text

Il fut fondé et dirigé par Charles Philipon jusqu'en 1835, avec Auguste Audibert comme rédacteur en chef, puis Louis Desnoyers. Associé avec Philipon à la création du journal, Honoré de Balzac en rédigea le prospectus et y donna sous divers pseudonymes une trentaine d'articles jusqu'en février 1831, ainsi que l'essai Petites Misères de la vie conjugale en 1830. A partir de 1832, le titre change pour devenir La Caricature politique, morale, littéraire et scénique. L'ensemble des 251 numéros parus de 1830 à 1835 représente un corpus de 2000 pages et 530 lithographies.

List of contributors


Les artistes suivants ont contribué aux dessins et lithographies 
Les articles furent rédigés notamment par 

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