Order of the British Empire  

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The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is a British order of chivalry established on 4 June 1917 by King George V. The Order includes five classes in civil and military divisions; in decreasing order of seniority, these are:

  • Knight Grand Cross (GBE) or Dame Grand Cross (GBE)
  • Knight Commander (KBE) or Dame Commander (DBE)
  • Commander (CBE)
  • Officer (OBE)
  • Member (MBE)

Only the two highest ranks entail admission into knighthood, an honour allowing the recipient to use the title "Sir" (male) or "Dame" (female) before their first name. Honorary knighthoods, given to individuals who are not nationals of a realm where Queen Elizabeth II is Head of State, permit usage of the honour as a post-nominal but not as a title before their name. These recipients are classified as honorary members of the Order they receive, and do not contribute to the numbers restricted to that Order as full members do.

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