Omnis determinatio est negatio  

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"Spinoza's celebrated formula, "Omnis determinatio est negatio, ” might perhaps be less ambiguous if it were “ Omnis determinatio est separatio , " and for this reason : the act of cognition is not primarily a negation , but a ..."--Problems of Life and Mind (1875) by George Henry Lewes

"Of these the Hegelians, of whom there are actually still a few, are specially amusing on account of their traditional reverence for his principle, omnis determinatio est negatio, at which, according to the charlatan spirit of the school, they put on a face as if it was able to unhinge the world; whereas it is of no use at all, for even the simplest can see for himself that if I limit anything by determinations, I thereby exclude and thus negate what lies beyond these limits."--The World as Will and Representation (1818-1859) by Arthur Schopenhauer

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Omnis determinatio est negatio is a dictum by Spinoza meaning "all determination is negation". It was recorded in Spinoza's letter of June 2, 1674 to his friend Jarig Jelles.

See also

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