Francis Joseph Rebman  

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Francis Joseph Rebman (1852 - 1940) was a London-based translator and publisher. He ran the Rebman publishing company. He translated Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis and The Sexual Life of Our Time.

Bibliography from here




A Scientific, Psychological, Hygienic and Sociological Study for the Cultured Classes. By AUGUST FOREL, M.D., PH.D., LL.D., Formerly Professor of Psychiatry at and Director of the Insane Asylum in Zurich (Switzerland). English Adaptation by C. F. MARSHALL, M.D., F.R.C.S., Late Assistant- Surgeon to the Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, London. Royal 8vo. With 23 Illustrations, 17 of which are printed in colours. Cloth, 550 pages, price 2 is. net.


This book is the fruit of long experience and reflection. It has two fundamental ideas the study of nature, and the study of the psychology of man in health and in disease.

To harmonize the aspirations of human nature and the data of the sociology of the different human races and the different epochs of history, with the results of natural science and the laws of mental and sexual evolution which these have revealed to us, is a task which has become more and more necessary at the present day. It is our duty to our^descendants to contribute as far as is in our power to its accomplish- ment. In recognition of the immense progress of education which we owe to the sweat, the blood, and often to the martyrdom of our predecessors, it behoves us to prepare for our children a life more happy than ours.


Professor Forel is well known to English readers through the medium of English translations of his other works on Psychiatry and kindred subjects. The present work has already been translated into several European languages. Whether we agree with all Professor Forel's conclusions or not, we must admit that he has dealt with a difficult and delicate subject in a masterly and scientific manner.

CONTENTS: I. The Reproduction of Living Beings History of the Germ Cell-Division Parthenogenesis Conjugation Mneme Embryonic Development Differences of Sexes Castration Hermaphrodism Heredity Blastophthoria. II. The Evolution or Descent of Living Beings. III. Natural Conditions of Mechanism of Human Coitus Pregnancy Correlative Sexual Characters. IV. The Sexual Appetite in Man and Woman Flirtation. V. Love and other Irradiations of the Sexual Appetite in the Human Mind Psychic Irradiations of Love in Man : Procreative Instinct, Jealousy, Sexual Braggardism, Pornographic Spirit, Sexual Hypocrisy, Prudery and Modesty, Old Bachelors Psychic Irradi- ations of Love in Woman : Old Maids, Passiveness and Desire, Abandon and

Exaltation, Desire for Domination, Petticoat Government, Desire of Maternity and Maternal Love, Routine and Infatuation, Jealousy, Dissimulation, Coquetry, Prudery and Modesty Fetichism and Anti-Fetichism Psychological Relations of Love to Religion. VI. Ethnology and History of the Sexual Life of Man and of Marriage Origin of Marriage Antiquity of Matrimonial Institutions Criticism of theDoctrineof Promiscuity Marriage and Celibacy Sexual Advances and Demands of Marriage Methods ot Attraction Liberty of Choice Sexual Selection Law of Resemblance Hybrids Prohibition of Consanguineous Marriages Rdle of Sentiment and Calculation in Sexual Selection Marriage by Purchase Decadence of Marriage by Purchase Dowry Nuptial Ceremonies Forms of Marriage Duration of Mar- riage History of Extra-Nuptial Sexual Intercourse. VII. Sexual Evolution Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Sexual Life. VIII. Sexual Pathology Pathology of the Sexual Organs Venereal Disease Sexual Psychology Reflex Anomalies Psychic Impotence Sexual Paradoxy Sexual Anaesthesia Sexual Hyperaesthesia Masturbation and Onanism Perversions of the Sexual Appetite : Sadism, Masochism Fetichism, Exhibitionism, Homosexual Love, Sexual Inversion, Pederosis, Sodomy Sexual Anomalies in the Insane and Psychopathic Effects of Alcohol on the Sexual Appetite Sexual Anomalies by Suggestion and Auto-Suggestion Sexual Per- versions due to Habit. IX. The Rdle of Suggestion in Sexual Life Amorous Intoxication. X. The Relations of the Sexual Question to Money and Property Prostitution, Proxenetism and Venal Concubinage. XI. The Influence of Environment on Sexual Life Influence of Climate Town and Country Life Vagabondage Americanism Saloons and Alcohol Riches and Poverty Rank and Social Position Individual Life Boarding Schools. XII. Religion and Sexual Life. XIII. Rights in Sexual Life Civil Law Penal Law A Medico-Legal Case. XIV. Medicine and Sexual Life Prostitution Sexual Hygiene Extra- Nuptial Intercourse Medical Advice Means of Regulating or Preventing Con- ception Hygiene of Marriage Hygiene of Pregnancy Medical Advice as to Marriage Medical Secrecy Artificial Abortion Treatment of Sexual Disorders. XV. Sexual Morality. XVI. The Sexual Question in Politics and in Political Economy. XVII. The Sexual Question in Pedagogy. XVIII. The Sexual Question in Art. XIX. Conclusions Utopian Ideas on the Ideal Marriage of the Future Bibliographical Remarks.


Being an Abridged Edition of " Health and Disease in Relation to Marriage and the Married State." Edited by Prof. H. SENATOR and Dr. S. KAMINER. Translated from the German by J. DULBERG, M.D., J.P. (of Manchester). Demy 8vo., 452 pages. Cloth, price IDS. 6d. net.

A quarter of a century has elapsed since Francis Galton, in his " Inquiries into Human Faculty," drew attention to the urgent need for the foundation of a science and practice of " Eugenics," that is, the improvement of the human stock. " Health and Disease in Relation to Marriage and the Married State," edited by Senator and Kaminer, undoubtedly occupies a very high place among recent works devoted to the elucidation of certain aspects of this important topic, and in the abridged edition an adaptation has been prepared for the enlightenment of the thinking portion of the public on pathological questions in relation to marriage and the married state, and from which all purely technical and professional matter has been excluded.

At a time when such questions as the decline of the birth-rate, the sterilization of the degenerate, the restriction of indiscriminate marriages, the voluntary limitation of families, and so forth, form subjects of daily debate and newspaper articles, it is of the greatest advantage that every man and woman who either contemplates or has embarked on matrimony should be as well acquainted, as the limits of our conventionality permit, with the medical or hygienic aspect of marriage.

To give some idea of the scope of this absorbingly interesting work, we append the chapter headings. These apply to the unabridged as well as to the abridged edition at present under review.

I Introduction. II. The Hygiene of Marriage. III. Congenital and In- herited Diseases and Predispositions to Disease. IV. Consanguinity and Marriage. V. Climate, Race, and Nationality in Relation to Marriage. VI. Sexual Hygiene. VII. Menstruation, Pregnancy, Child-bed and Lactation. VIII. Constitutional (Metabolic) Diseases. IX. Diseases of the Blood. X. Diseases of the Vascular System. XI. Diseases of the Respiratory Organs. XII. Diseases of the Organs of Digestion. XIII. Diseases of the Kidneys. XIV. Gonorrhoeal Diseases. XV. (a) Syphilis. XVI. (6) Diseases of the Skin. XVII. Diseases of the Organs of Locomotion. XVIII. Diseases of the Eyes in Relation to Marriage, with special regard to Heredity. XIX. Diseases of the Lower Uro-Genital Organs and Physical Impotence. XX. Diseases of Women, including Sterility. XXI. Diseases of the Nervous System. XXII. Insanity. XXIII. Perverse Sexual Sensations and Psychical Impotence. XXIV. Alcoholism and Morphinism. XXV. Occupational Injuries. XXVI. Medico- Professional Secrecy. XXVII. The Economic Im- portance of Sanitary Conditions.

Brief as is this sketch of the abridged edition, it will suffice, in conjunction with the following extracts from a few of the many highly laudatory reviews, to show how valuable the work will be to parents and guardians, family advisers, whether lawyers or clergymen, school- masters and schoolmistresses, as well as to those who are already married, and to those who are contemplating marriage.

THE LANCET says: "The progress of sociological investigation in modern times has caused increased attention to be paid to questions of health in relation to marriage and the propagation of the human race, and anything which helps to spread abroad an intelligent appreciation of the dangers incurred, not only by individuals who enter on the married state, but also by their offspring, from the existence of many forms of disease must be regarded as a public benefit. The present book is an attempt to make available for general consumption the gist of the larger work from which it is taken. . . . The material contained in the book is most valuable, and a study of it should be useful to those capable of appreciating it. . . ."

PUBLIC HEALTH says: "It is cleanly, even when dealing with most diffi- cult subjects, and it is a storehouse of information on points on which hygienists are expected to be well informed."

THE SCOTTISH MEDICAL JOURNAL says: " As a guide for the general public many of the articles are well adapted to fulfil their object."

THE DAILY DISPATCH says: "... every work that helps to enlightenment is to be welcomed so long as it comes with credentials as to its honesty and guarantees that it is not merely a device for making money out of ignorance. ' Marriage and Disease ' has all the essential claims to consideration. Dr. Dulberg has very ably condensed the larger manual into one of 450 pages, containing 27 chapters. The volume is of absorbing interest, not only for its arguments and conclusions, but also, and perhaps mainly, for the wealth of information it contains on matrimonial and sex questions in all countries and climes. ' '

From the Twelfth German Edition.


With Special Reference to Antipathic Sexual Instinct. A Medico- Forensic Study by the late Dr. R. VON KRAFFT-EBING, Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology, University of Vienna. Only authorized Translation. (This is the last edition revised by the late author himself.) This book is sold only to the Members of the Medical, Legal and Clerical Professions. Royal 8vo., with Portrait of Author, containing 583 pages. Cloth, price 2 is. net.

This new translation contains much new matter and a great many new cases not referred to in former editions.

The book will be found to be an invaluable aid to the medical practitioner in properly diagnosing certain cases which may be puzzling under ordinary circumstances ; whilst in the law courts it will often assist in properly discriminating between crime and insanity or hidden neuropathic affections, thus saving the accused from mis- carriage of justice and the court from committing a judicial crime.

In the Press.


A Physiological, Pathological, and Hygienic Study. By Dr. E. HEINRICH KISCH, Professor at the German Faculty of the University of Prague, etc. Only authorized Translation by M. EDEN PAUL, M.D. Brux., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Super Royal 8vo., about 700 pages, with 97 Illustrations. Cloth, price about 2 is. net.

The Pasteurisation and Sterilisation of

MilK. By ALBERT E. BELL, F.I.C., F.C.S., District Analyst for Dorset, Lecturer on Chemistry at Westminster College, London. Crown 8vo., 50 pp. Price is. 6d. net.

In writing this little book, the author has been actuated by a desire to bring home to those interested in dairy work the vital importance of sterilising milk, and to set before them those methods by which this may be most cheaply and effectively accomplished.

The author has also endeavoured to avoid the use of such technical terms as would be likely to be unintelligible to the average reader. "... The book will be read by the lay reader with advantage, since it points out the dangers arising from infected milk and the advantages of sterilised milk." Lancet.

"... The author has produced a handbook that will be found intelligible even to those having only an elementary knowledge of dairying. . . ." Dairy World.

Introduction to Infectious and Parasitic

Diseases. Including their Cause and Manner of Transmission. By MILLARD LANGFELD, A.B., M.B. (Johns Hopkins University), Bacteriologist to the Omaha City Board of Health, etc. Just Published. i2mo., 276 pp. With 33 Illustrations. Cloth. Price 55. 6d. net.

A clear description of the fundamental principles of the causation and manner of transmission of Infectious Disease, written for that large and increasing number of persons who are directly or indirectly interested in this important subject. In includes chapters on Bacteriology, Animal Parasites, and Disinfectants and Disinfection. Effort has been made to avoid speculation and to adhere only to accepted doctrines. The author has carefully abstained from the use of terms and the discussion of ques- tions unintelligible to the general reader.

Tuberculosis as a Disease of the Masses,

and How to Combat It. Prize Essay by S. A. KNOPF, M.D., of New York. Adapted for use in England by J. M. BARBOUR, M.B., M.O.H., Isle of Man. Demy 8vo., 76 pp. Paper Covers. Illustrated. Price is. id. net (inclusive of postage).

The International Congress to Combat Tuberculosis as a Disease of the Masses, which was convened at Berlin, May 24th to 27th, 1899, awarded the International Prize to this work.

" Worthy of an extensive circulation." British Medical Journal.

"An excellent treatise." Nature.


The Hygiene of the Lung. By Prof. Dr. L.

VON SCHROTTER, Director of the Third Medical Clinic in the University of Vienna. Translated by H. W. ARMIT, M.R.C.S., L.R.C. P. This little work is intended to lay before th- uninitiated reader (and also before the practitioner) the anatomical and phy- siological charac' eristics of the organs of respiration, and the best methods of protecting 1 these organs. It deals with the more common ailments, and with the rational treat- ments not only of the affected parts but also of the causal agents, thus combining an elementary prophylaxis. In the most readable manner possible this little book tells a useful story of the healthy and diseased lungs, a story -which the practitioner who reads it -mill not despise, and -which he will find of great value to give to his patient to read. Crown Svo, 136 pp. With 16 Illustrations, cloth, price 2s. net.

Lateral Curvature of the Spine and Round

Shoulders. A Book for those interested in Physical Culture, Correction of Bodily Deformity, etc. By ROBERT W. LOVETT, M.D. Boston. Demy 8vo., 188 pp. With 154 Illustrations, cloth, price 75. 6d. net.

Hypnotism ; or, Suggestion and Psycho*

therapy. A Study of the Psychological, Psycho-Physiological and Therapeutic Aspects of Hypnotism. By Dr. AUGUST FOREL, formerly Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Zurich. Translated from the Fifth German Edition by H. W, ARMIT, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. The importance of studying the functional aspects of thought and other psychical exercises is becoming more evident every year. Large Crown Svo., 382 pp., cloth, price 75. 6d. net.

The Effects of Tropical Light on White Men.

By Major CHAS. E. E. WOODRUFF, M.A., M.D., Surgeon, United States Army. This work had its origin in the theory of von Schmaedel, that s_kin pigmentation of man was e\olved for the purpose of excluding the dangerous actinic or short rays of light which destroy living protoplasm. It is a step in the Conquest of the Tropics. Demy 8vo., 358 pp., cloth, price IDS. 6d. net.

Vitality, Fasting, and Nutrition. A Physio-

logical Study of the curative power of fasting, together with a new theory of the relation of food to human vitality. By HEREWARD CARRINGTON, Member of the Society for Psychical Research, London, etc. With an Introduction by A. RABAGLIATI, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S. Royal 8vo., 700 pp., cloth, price 2is. net.

Food and Hygiene. A Scientific Book written in

simple language. By WILLIAM TIBBLES, M.D., LL.D., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., L.S.A., Medical Officer of Health, Fellow of the Royal Institute of Public Health, etc. Large Crown 8vo., 684 pp., cloth, price 8s. net.

Agricultural Bacteriology. Including a Study of

Bacteria as Relating to Agriculture, with Special Reference to the Bacteria in Soil, in the Dairy, in Food Products, in Domestic Animals, and in Sewage. By H. W. CONN, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. 121110.. 412 pp. Illustrated, cloth, pnce us. net.

Bacteria in Milk and its Products. Designed

for the use of Students in Dairying, and for all others concerned in the Handling of Milk, Butter, or Cheese. By H. W. CONN, Ph.D., Author of "Agricultural Bacteriology," etc., etc. I2mo., 306 pp., with 43 Illustrations, cloth, price 6s. net.

A Dictionary of Medicine and the Allied

Sciences. Comprising the Pronunciation, Derivation, and full Explanation of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Dental and Veterinary Terms; together with much collateral descriptive matter, numerous tables, etc. By ALEXANDER DUANE, M.D., Reviser of Medical Terms for Webster's International Dictionary. Fourth Edition, with an Appen- dix, completely revised. Huckram, original price 145. net, now reduced to 95. net.


Entomology. With Special References to its Biological

and Economic Aspects. By JUSTUS WATSON FOLSOM, D.Sc. (Harv.), Instructor in Entomology at the University of Illinois. 300 Illustrations, 485 pp., cloth, price 145. net. A Book for every Library.

Biographic Clinics : The Origin of the Ill-Health

of De Quincey, Carlyle, Darwin, Huxley, and Browning (Vol. 1.); The Origin of the Ill-Health of Georpe Eliot, George Henry Lewes, Wagner, Parkman, Jane Welch, Carlyle, Spencer, Whittier, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, and Nietzsche (Vol. II.); and Vols. III., IV., and V. Visual Function and Health. Essays concerning the Influence of Visual Function, Pathologic and Physiologic. By GEORGE M. GOULD, M.A., M.D. Five crown Svo. volumes (sold separately). Price per volume, bound in cloth, 45. each net.

The Theory of Ions. A Consideration of its place

in Biology and Therapeutics. By WILLIAM TIBBLES, M.D., LL.D., L.R.C.P., Author of "Food and Hygiene." Just Ready. Crown 8vo., 150 pp., cloth, price 2s. 6d. net.

To be Issued in October, 1908.

The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal : Its

Legends and Symbolism. Considered in their Affinity with certain Mysteries of Initiation and other Traces of a Secret Tradition in Christian Times. By ARTHUR EDWARD WAITE.

Orders received by the Publishers in advance of publication, and accompanied by a remittance, will be executed until further notice at i2S. 6d. net. The Publishers reserve to themselves the right to increase the price on or before publication. (Orders may be given through any bookseller.)

The work is now passing through the press and will be issued in October, 1908. Copies will be sent to subscribers immediately on publication.

Monism ? An Antidote to Prof. Haeckel's " The Riddle

of the Universe." By S. PH. MARCUS, M.D., of Pyrmont. Translated by R. W. FELKIN, M.D., etc. Crown 8vo., 144 pp., paper covers, price is. net; by post, is. zd.


A DAUGHTER OF BELIAL. A Sensational Novel. By BASIL TOZER. 6s.

" . . . It has, in fact, kept us from work longer than we like." Times.

THE WIFE. A Story of Smart Suburban and Homely Aristocratic Life. By HORACE W. C. NEWTE, Author of t; The Master Beast." 6s.

" It leaves an impression . . . and there is a good deal of clever satire and humour to be found in it." Times.

MORAG THE SEAL. A Fascinating West Highland Romance. By J. W. BRODIE INNES. 6s.

"A weird, well-handled romance." Times.

THE MASTER BEAST. A.D. 1888-2020 A Peep into the Future. By HORACE W. C. NEWTE. 35. 6d. net.

"A veritable triqmph." Western Morning News.

THE IRONY OF MARRIAGE. A Cynical Indictment of Modern Marriage and its " Methods." By BASIL TOZER. With an Introductory Note by Dr. C. W. SALEEBY, F.R.S. Edin. is. net, by post is. 2d.

Complete Catalogue and Descriptive Circulars sent post free on request.

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