Ethnography : Castes and Tribes  

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Ethnography : Castes and Tribes[1] by Jervoise Athelstane Baines and Wilhelm Siegling (1880–1946).

A LIST of the more important works on Indian Ethnography

by Dr. W. Siegling.

India, general.

The Census of India, 1901, Vols. I — XXVI.

(Vol. I: India; Part I: Report by H. H. Risley and E. A. Gait; Part II: Tables; Part III; Ethnographic appendices. 3 vols. fol. Calcutta 1903). The Imperial Gazetteer of India, by W. W. Hunter. 9 vols. London 1881 ; — 2"^ ed. 14 vols. London 1885/7; — 26 vols. Oxford 1907/9.

The Imperial Gazetteer of India, provincial series. 1907 sqq.

Faria y Sousa, M. de. Asia Portuguesa ... 3 vols. fol. Lisboa 1666 — 75 ; — The Portugues Asia ; or, the history of the discovery and conquest of India by the Portuguese ; translated by J. Stevens. 3 vols. London 1695.

Lettres edifiantes et curieuses, ecrites des missions etrangeres. En 34 recueils. 12° Paris 1717 — 74; — 2« ed. 26 tomes 12° Paris 1780 — 83;

• — autre ed. 26 tomes 12° Toulouse 1810; — 4 tomes 8° Paris 1837—43; —

Nouvelles lettres edifiantes des missions de la Chine et des Indes Orien- tales. 8 tomes 12° Paris 1818 — 23; —

Ed. nouvelle: Lettres edifiantes et curieuses, ecrites par des mission- naires de la Compagnie de Jesus; collationnees sur les meilleures editions, et enrichies de nouvelles notes. Mem. du Levant, t. i — 9; mem. d’Amerique, t. 10—16; mem. des Indes, t. 17 — 24; mem. de la Chine, t. 25 — 38; mem. des Indes et de la Chine, t. 39 — 40. 20 vols. 8° Paris 1829 — 32.

Hamilton, Capt. A. A new account of the East Indies: being the obser- vations and remarks of Capt. A. Hamilton, who resided in those parts from the year 1688 to 1723. 2 vols. Edinburgh 1727; — 2"'i ed. 2 vols. London 1739; — 3*1 ed. 2 vols. London 1744.

Tieffenthaler, J. Historisch-geographische Beschreibung von Hindustan. Aus dessen latein. Handschrift ubersetzt. Herausgeg. von J. Bernoulli. 2 Bde. Berlin und Gotha 1785 — 86; — Description historique et geographique de I’lnde, qui presente en 3 vols., enrichis de 68 cartes et autres planches : i) La geographie de I’lndoustan, ecrite en latin, dans le pays meme, par le pere Joseph Tieffenthaler. 2) Des recherches historiques et chronologiques sur I’lnde, et la description du cours du Gauge et du Gagra, avec une tres grande carte, par Anquetil du Perron. 3) La carte generale de I’lnde, celles du cours du Brahma- poutra, et de la navigation interieure du Bengale, avec des memoires relatifs a ces cartes, publics en anglois, par Jacques Rennell. Le tout, augmente de remarques et d’autres additions, redige et public en franqois, par Jean Bernoulli. 3 vols. 4° Berlin 1786 — 91.

Rennell, Maj. J. Memoir of a map of Hindoostan, or, the Mogul empire ; and a map of the countries between the Indian rivers and the Caspian, account of the Ganges and Barrampooter rivers, etc. 4° London 1788;


5. Ethnography.

— 2"‘* ed., with additions, corrections, etc. 4° London 1792; — 3^* ed., with additional map and geography of the peninsula of India. 4° London 1793; —

(Trad, frangaise, par J. B. Boucheseiche, etc. 3 tomes Paris 1800).

Forbes, J. Oriental memoirs; written during 17 years’ residence in India (1766 — 84), including observations on parts of Africa and South America, and a narrative of occurrences in four Indian voyages. 4 vols. 4° London 1813; — 2"'^ ed., abridged, 2 vols. 8° and i vol. 4° (illustra- tions) London 1834/5. -

Hamilton, W. The East India gazetteer; containing particular descriptions of the empires of Hindostan and the adjacent countries; India beyond the Ganges, and the Eastern Archipelago; together with sketches ... of their various inhabitants. London 1815; — 2"'* ed. 2 vols. London 1828.

Craufurd, Q. Researches concerning the laws, theology, learning, com- merce, etc., of ancient and modern India. 2 vols. London 1817.

Hamilton, W. Geographical, statistical, and historical description of Hin- dostan and the adjacent countries. 2 vols. 4° London 1820.

Langles, L. Monuments anciens et modernes de I’Hindostan, decrits sous le double rapport archeologique et pittoresque, et precedes d’une notice geographique, d’une notice historique, et d’un discours sur la religion, la legislation et les moeurs des Hindoos. 2 vols. fol. Paris 1821.

Remusat, a. Melanges asiatiques, ou choix de morceaux critiques et de memoires relatifs aux religions, aux sciences, aux coutumes, a I’histoire et a la geographic des nations orientales. 2 tomes Paris 1825/6; — Nouveaux melanges asiatiques. 2 tomes Paris 1829; —

Melanges posthumes. Paris 1843,

CoLEBROOKE, H. T. Miscellaneous essays. 2 vols. London 1837.

Hough, Rev. J. History of Christianity in India, from the commencement of the Christian era. 5 vols. London 1839.

Benfey, Th. Indien. 4° Leipzig 1840 (Part of “Ersch und Gruber’s Encyclopaedic”).

Parkes, Mrs. F. Wanderings of a pilgrim, in search of the picturesque, during the four and twenty years in the East; with revelations of life in the Zenana. 2 vols. London 1850.

Balfour, E. Cyclopiedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia. Madras 1857 — 62; — 2"^ ed. 5 vols. Madras 1871 — 73; — 3^ ed. 3 vols. London 1885.

Lassen, Ch. Indische Altertumskunde. 4 Bde. (i and 2 : 2. Aufl.) Leipzig 1858—74.

Martin, R. M. The Indian empire : its history, topography, government, finance, commerce, and staple products. With a full account of the native troops, and an exposition of the social and religious state of one hundred million subjects of the crown of England. 3 vols. London 1858 — 61.

Prinsep, j. Essays on Indian antiquities, historic, numismatic, and palaeo- graphic ; to which are added his useful tables, illustrative of Indian history, chronology, modern coinages, weights, measures, etc. Ed. by Edw. Thomas. 2 vols. London 1858.

Malleson, G. B. An historical sketch of the native states of India in sub- sidiary alliance with the British government. With a notice of the mediatized and minor states. London 1875.

India, general.


Tagore, S. M. Yantra Kosha, or, a treasury of the musical instruments of ancient and of modern India, and of various other countries. Calcutta 1875.

Wheeler, J. T. Early records of British India; a history of the English settlements in India, as told in the government records, the works of old travellers, and other contemporary documents, from the earliest period to the rise of the British power in India. Calcutta 1878; — 2"d ed. 1879.

Egerton (of Tatton, Lord) W. An illustrated handbook of Indian arms ; being a classified and descriptive catalogue of the arms exhibited at the India Museum, with an introductory sketch of the military history of India. London 1880; ■ — new ed., with considerable additions: A description of Indian and oriental armour. Illustrated from the collection formerly in the India Office, now exhibited at South Ken- sington, and the author’s private collection. London 1896.

Hodgson, B. H. Miscellaneous essays relating to Indian subjects. 2 vols. London 1880.

Phear, Sir J. B. The Aryan village in India and Ceylon. London 1880,

ScHLAGiNTWEiT, E. Indicn in Wort und Bild. Eine Schilderung des indischen Kaiserreiches. 2 Bde. fol. Leipzig 1880/1; — 2. Aufl. 1890/1.

Hunter, W. W. The Indian empire : its peoples, history, and products. London 1882; — 2"'^ ed. 1886; — S'* ed. 1892.

Lyall, Sir A. C. Asiatic studies, religious and social. London 1882; — 2"'* ed. 1884; — First and second series. 2 vols. London 1899; — 2n<t ed. 1907.

Lith, P. a. van der. Livre des merveilles de I’lnde. Texte arabe. Tra- duction frangaise par L. Marcel Devic. 4° Leide 1883 — 86.

Whitworth, G. C. An Anglo-Indian dictionary ; a glossary of Indian terms used in English, and of such English or other non-Indian terms as have obtained special meanings in India. London 1885.

Statistical atlas of India, fol. Calcutta 1886; — • 2"'* ed. fol. Calcutta 1895.

Yule, H., and A. C. Burnell. Hobson-Jobson : being a glossary of collo- quial Anglo-Indian words and phrases of kindred terms, etymological, historical, geographical, and discursive. London 1886; — 2"'* ed., revised by W. Crooke. London 1903.

Le Bon, G. Les civilisations de I’lnde. 4° Paris 1887; — nouv. ed., augmentee. fol. Paris 1900.

Bastian, a. Ideale Welten in Wort und Bild. 3 Bde. 4'’ Berlin 1892.

Bose, P. N. History of Hindu civilisation during British rule. 3 vols. Calcutta 1894 — 6.

Chakrabarti, j. Chandra. The native states of India. Calcutta 1895 ; “ 2"'* ed. I.ondon 1896; — 3'* ed. London 1897.

Baden-Powell, B. H. The Indian village community. Examined with refe- rence to the physical, ethnographic, and historical conditions of the provinces; chiefly on the basis of the revenue-settlement records and

“ district manuals. London 1896.

The Hind Rajasthan, or, the annals of the native states of India. Com- piled by Markand Nandshankar Mehta and Manu Nandshankar Mehta. Baroda 1896.


5. Ethnography.

Temple, G. Glossary of Indian terms, relating to religion, customs, govern- ment, land, and other terms and words in common use. London 1897.

Baden-Powell, B. H. The origin and growth of village communities in India. London 1899; — new ed. London 1908.

La Mazeliere, Marquis de. Essai sur revolution de la civilisation indienne : I’Inde ancienne; I’lnde au moyen age; I’lnde moderne. 2 tomes Paris 1903.

Linguistic survey of India, Ed. by G. A. Grierson, fol. Calcutta 1903 ff.

Crooke, W. Things Indian. Being discursive notes on various subjects connected with India. London 1906.

Manucci, N. Storia do Mogor; or, Mogul India, 1653 — 1708. Translated, with introduction and notes, by W. Irvine. 4 vols. London 1907 — 8.

Ancient India.

Robertson, W. An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India; and the progress of trade with that country prior to the discovery of the passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. With an appendix, containing observations on the civil policy, the laws and judicial proceedings, the arts, the sciences, and religious institutions of the Indians. 4° London 1791; — (8° Basil 1792; Utrecht 1792); — 3*^ ed. London 1799; — 7^*’ ed, London 1817; — 12° Edinburgh 1806; — London 1821; — reprinted Calcutta 1904.

(Historische Untersuchung iiber die Kenntnisse der Alten von Indien. Nebst Anhang, welcher Bemerkungen fiber die gesellschaftlichen Ver- haltnisse usw. der Indier enthMt. Ubersetzt von G. Forster. Berlin 1792;

Recherches historiques sur la connaissance que les Anciens avaient de rinde. Paris 1792.)

Reinaud. Fragments arabes et persans inedits, relatives a I’lnde, ante- rieurement au ii® siecle de I’ere chretienne, recueillis avec traduction franqaise. Paris 1845.

Reinaud, Memoire geographique, historique et scientifique sur I’lnde, anterieurement au milieu du XI® siecle de I’ere chretienne, d’apres les ecrivains arabes, persans et chinois. 4° Paris 1849.

Speir, Mrs. Life in ancient India. London 1856.

Vivien de St. Martin, L. Etudes sur la geographic grecque et latine de rinde, et en particulier sur I’lnde de Ptolemee, dans ses rapports avec la geographic sanscrite. 4° Paris 1858.

Vivien de St. Martin, L. Etude sur la geographic et les populations pri- mitives du nord-ouest de I’lnde d’apres les hymnes vediques. Paris i860.

Manning, Mrs. (Formerly Mrs. Speir). Ancient and mediaeval India, being the history, religion, laws, caste, manners and customs, language, literature, poetry, philosophy, astronomy, algebra, medicine, archi- tecture, manufacture, commerce, etc., of the Hindus, taken from their writings. 2 vols. London 1869.

Me Crindle, J. W. Ancient India as described by Megasthenes and Arrian. Bombay 1877.

Zimmer, H. Altindisches Leben. Die Cultur der vedischen Arier, dargestellt nach den Samhitas. Berlin 1879.

Ancient India. — Travels.


fsAjENDRALALA MiTRA. Indo-Aryans; contributions towards the elucidation of their ancient and mediaeval history. 2 vols. London 1881.

Me Crindle, J. W. Ancient India as described by Ktesias the Knidian. Bombay 1882.

Me Crindle, J. W. Ancient India as described by Ptolemy. Bombay 1885.

Alberuni. India. An account of the religion, philosophy, literature, geo- graphy, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws, and astrology of India, about A.D. 1030. Ed. by E. Sachau. 4° London 1887. — English trans- lation with notes and indices by Ed. Sachau. 2 vols. London 1888; — new ed. 2 vols. London 1910.

Dutt, R. Ch. History of civilisation in ancient India, based on Sanscrit literature. 3 vols. Calcutta 1889/go; — revised ed. 2 vols. London 1893.

Caland, W. Altindischer Ahnencult. Leiden 1893.

Me Crindle, J. W. The invasion of India by Alexander the Great, as des- cribed by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodorus, Plutarch, Justin, and other classical authors. London-Westminster 1893 ; — 2"^^ ed. London 1896.

Caland, W. Die altindischen Toten- und Bestattungsgebrauche. Amster- dam 1896.

Fick, R. Die sociale Gliederung im nordostlichen Indien zu Buddhas Zeit. Kiel 1897.

Goblet d’Alviella. Ce que I’lnde doit a la Grece. Des influences classiques dans la civilisation de I’lnde. Paris 1897.

Hillebrandt, a. Alt-Indien. Kulturgeschichtliche Skizzen. Breslau 1899.

Me Crindle, J. W. Ancient India as described in classical literature : a collection of Greek and Latin texts from Herodotus and other works, translated and annotated. London 1901.

Smith, Vincent A. Asoka, the Buddhist emperor of India. Oxford (London) 1901.

Hardy, E. Konig Asoka ; Indiens Kultur in der Bliitezeit des Buddhismus. Mainz 1902.

Ray, Pr. Ch. History of Hindu chemistry from the earliest times to the middle of the 16* century A. D. Calcutta 1902; — 2 ^^ ed., revised and enlarged. London 1907.

Henry, V. La magie dans I’lnde antique. Paris 1903; — 2« ed. Paris 1909.

Rhys Davids, J. W. Buddhist India. London 1903.

Smith, V. A. The early history of India. Oxford 1904; — 2"<i ed. 1908.

Luders, H. Das Wiirfelspiel im alten Indien. Berlin 1907.

Vaidya, C. V. Epic India, or, India as described in the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Bombay 1907.

Caland, W. Altindische Zauberei. Darstellung der altindischen Wunsch- opfer. Amsterdam 1908.


Fa-Hien; Foe KouS Ki, ou relation des royaumes bouddhiques: voyage dans la Tartarie, dans I’Afghanistan et dans I’lnde, execute a la fin du IV® siecle, par Chy Fa Hian. Traduit du chinois et commente par Abel Remusat. Ouvrage posthume, revu, complete, et augmente d’eclaircissements nouveaux par Klaproth et Landresse. 4° Paris 1836; — (English translation of this ed. Calcutta 1848); —

Indo-arische Philologie. II. 5.



5- Ethnography.

Travels of Fah-Hian and Sung-Yun, Buddhist pilgrims, from China to India, 400 A. D. and 518 A. D. Translated from the Chinese by S. Beal. London 1869; —

Record of the Buddhistic Kingdoms (by Fa-Hian). Translated from the Chinese by H. A. Giles. London 1880; —

Fa-Hien, a record of Buddhistic Kingdoms; being an account of his travels in India and Ceylon (399—414). Translated and annotated by J. Legge. 4° Oxford 1886.

Hiuen-Thsang. Histoire de la vie de Hiouen-Thsang, et de ses voyages dans rinde, depuis I’an 629 jusqu’en 645, par Hoeili et Yen-Thsong, suivie de documents et d’eclaircissements geographiques tires de la relation originale de Hiouen-Thsang. Traduit du chinois par Stanislas Julien. Paris 1853; —

Memoires sur les contrees occidentals, traduits du Sanscrit en chinois, en I’an 648, par Hiouen-Thsang, et du chinois en frangais par Stanislas Julien. 2 tomes Paris 1857/8; —

Hiuen-Tsiang, Si-yu-ki, Buddhist records of the western world. Trans- lated from the Chinese by S. Beal. 3 vols. London 1884/88; — new ed.

2 vols. London 1906; —

Watters, Th. : On Yuan Chwang’s travels in India, 629 — 45. Ed. after ^ the author’s death by T. W. Rhys Davids and S. W. Bushell. 2 vols. London 1904/5.

Relation des voyages faits par les Arabes et les Persans dans I'Inde et a la Chine dans le IX^ siecle de I ere chretienne, Texte arabe, imprime en 1811 par les soins de feu Langles, public avec des corrections et additions et accompagne d’une traduction frangaise et d’eclaircisse- ments, par J. T. Reinaud. 2 tomes 16° Paris 1845.

INIarco Polo. The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East. Translated and edited, with notes, by H. Yule. London 1871; — 2"'^ ed. 1875; — 3'^ ed., revised by H. Cordier. 2 vols. London 1903.

Friar Jordanus. Mirabilia descripta, the wonders of the East. Translated from the Latin original as published at Paris in 1839, in the “Recueil de Voyages et de Memoires” etc., by Col. H. Yule. London 1863 (Hakluyt-Society, vol. 31).

India in the century^ being a collection of narratives of voyages of India in the century preceding the Portuguese discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, from Latin, Persian, Russian, and Italian sources, now first translated into English. Ed. with an introduction by R. H. Major. London 1857 (Hakluyt-Society, vol. 22).

Maffei, j. P. Selectarum epistolarum ex India libri quatuor, Joanne Petro Maffeio interprete. 4° Venetiis 1588; — id. 4° Viennae Austriae 1751; —

Historiarum Indicarum libri XVI. 4° Florentia 1588; — id. 4° Viennae Austriae 1751; —

Le istorie dell’ Indie orientali. Tradotte di latino in lingua toscana da Fran- cesco Serdonati. 4° Venezia 1589; — new ed. 3 vols. Milano 1806; —

Historiarum Indicarum libri XVI. Selectarum item ex India epistolarum eodem interprete libri IV. Access. Ign. Loiolae vita postremo recogn. 4° Venetiis 1589; —

J. P. Maffeii historiarum Ind. libri XVI. Selectarum item ex Indii epist. libri IV. Accessit liber recentiorum epist. a Joanne Hayo DSfgattiensi



Scoto ex eadem societate nunc primum excusus. 2 partes Antuerpiae 1605 ; — L’histoire des Indes orientales et occidentales. Paris 1669.

Linschoten, Huyghen van. Itinerario, voyage of te schipvaert . . . van Jan Huygen van Linschoten. 4° To t’Amstelredam 1596; —

Navigatio ac itinerarium Joh. Hug. Linscotani in orientalem sive Lusi- tanorum Indiam. Descriptiones eiusdem terrae. Imagines, habitus gestusque Indorum ac Lusitanorum per Indiam viventium, templorum, idolorum, aedium, arborum, fructuum, etc. Mores gentium circa sacri- ficia, politiam ac rem familiarem. Collecta omnia ac descripta per eundem belgice, nunc vero latino reddita. 2 partes fol. Hagae-Comitis 1599; John Hoighen van Linschoten, his discours of voyages into ye Easte and Weste Indies. Transl. by Wm. Phillips, fol. London 1598; — The first book of the voyage of John Huyghen van Linschoten to the East Indies, from the old English translation of 1598; ed. by Burnell and Tiele. 2 vols. London 1885 (Hakluyt-Society, vols. 70 — 71); — Histoire de la navigation . . . de Jean Hughes de Linscot et de son voyage aux Indes orientales, avec annotations de Bernard Paludanus. 2« ed. 40 Amsterdam 1619; — 3® ed. fol. Amsterdam 1638.

De Bry, J. T. and J. I. Collectiones peregrinationum in Indiam orientalem. Pars I — ^VIII. fol. Francofurti 1598 — 1607.

Hakluyt, R. The principal navigations, voiages, traffiques, and discoveries of the English nation . . . Reprinted from the rare ed. of 1599, with additions. 5 vols. 4° London 1809 — 12; — new ed. 12 vols. Glasgow 1903/5.

CovERTE, R. A true and almost incredible report of an Englishman, that — being cast away in the good ship called the Assension in Cambaya, the farthest part of the East Indies — travelled by land through many unknowne kingdomes, and great cities ... As also a relation of their commodities and manner of traffique, and at what seasons of the yeere they are most in use . . . With a discovery of a great emperour called the Great Mogoll, a prince not till now knowne to our English nation. London 1612; — 4° London 1631.

Roe, Sir Th. The embassy of Sir Th. Roe to the court of the Great Mogul,. 1615 — 19, as narrated in his journal and correspondence. Ed. by W. Foster. 2 vols. London 1899 (Hakluyt-Society, 2"^ series, vols. i — 2).

Wheeler, J. T. Early travels in India: series, from Purchas’s pilgrimage

and Linschoten’s voyages. Calcutta 1864; 2"'^ series, comprising Roe’s- embassy and Fryer’s travels. London 1873.

Valle, Pietro della. Viaggi di Pietro della Valle il pellegrino. Descritti da lui medesimo in 54 lettere familiari. Divisi in tre parte, cioe la Turchia, la Persia e I’India. 3 vols. 4° Rom 1650/8; —

The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East India and Arabia deserta. In which the several countries, together with the customs, manners, traffique and rites, both religious and civil, of those oriental princes and nations, are faithfully described, in familiar letters to his friend Signior Mario Schipano. Translated by G. Havers. Whereunto is added a relation of Sir Thomas Roe’s voyage into the East Indies, fol. London 1665 ; — The travels of Pietro della Valle in India, from the old English translation of 1664, by G. Havers; ed. with a life of the author, and introduction and notes, by Edward Grey. 2 vols. London 1892 (Hakluyt Society, vols. 84, 85); —


5. Ethnography.

Les fameux voyages de Pietro della Valle .. . 3 tomes 4° Paris 1670/84; — nouv. ed. 8 tomes 12° Paris 1745.

Dapper, O. Asia, of naukeurige beschryving van het rijk des grooten Mogols, en een groot gedeelte van Indien, behelsende de landschappen van Kandahar, Kabul, Multan, Hai'kan, Bukkar, Send of Din, Jesselmeer, Attak, Peniab, Kaximir, Jangapore, Dely, Mando, Malva, Chitor, Utrad, Zuratte of Kambaye, Chandisch, Narvar, Gwaliar, Indostan, Sonbat, Bakar, Nagrakat, Dekan en Visiapour . . . fol. Amsterdam 1672.

Bernier, F. Voyages de Frangois Bernier, cont. la description des etats du Grand Mogol, de I’Hindoustan, du royaume de Kachemire, etc. 2 tomes Amsterdam 1699; — do., 1710; — do., 1724; —

Travels in the Mogul Empire, A. D. 1656/68. History of the late revo- lution of the empire of the Great Mogol . . . London 1671 ; — reprinted, Bombay 1830; — Calcutta (i860); — Calcutta (1904); —

Travels in the Mogul Empire. Transl. from the French by Irving Brock. 2 vols. London 1826; — revised and improved by A. Constable. Westminster 1891.

Tavernier, J. B. Les six voyages en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes. 2 tomes 40 Paris 1676; — 3 tomes 12° (Elzevier) 1679; — 6 tomes 12° Paris-Rouen 1713 — 24; — 3 tomes La Haye 1718; —

English translation fol. London 1678; — fol. London 1684; — Travels in India. Translated from the original French ed. of 1676, with a biographical sketch of the author, notes, appendices etc., by V. Bail. 2 vols. London 1889; —

Beschreibung der 6 Reisen in Tiirckey, Persien und Indien innerhalb 40 Jahren . . . Deutsch von J. H. Widerhold. fol. Genf 1681 ; — Vierzigjahrige Reisebeschreibung . . ., sechsmalige Landerreise durch Tiirckey, Persien, Indien . . . Deutsch durch J. Menudier. fol. Nurn- berg 1681 ; — 2. A. 1690.

Fryer, J. A new account of East India and Persia, in 8 letters; being 9 years’ travels, 1672 — 81, containing observations made of the moral, natural, and artificial state of those countries; namely, of their govern- ment, religion, etc. fol. London 1698; — new ed., by W. Crooke. Vol. I. London 1909 (Hakluyt-Society, Series II, vol. 19).

Grose, J. H. A voyage to the East Indies, with observations there (1750 — 56). London 1757; — A voyage to the East Indies, with observations con- tinued to 1764, including authentic accounts of the governments of the Deckan and Bengal, etc. 2 vols. London 1766; — A voyage to the East Indies; containing authentic accounts of the Mogul govern- ment in general, the viceroyalties of the Decan and Bengal, with their several subordinate dependances; of Angria, the Morattoes, and Tan- joreans; of the Mahometan, Gentoo, and Parsee religions; of their customs and antiquities, with general reflections on the trade of India, etc. 2 vols. London 1772.

SoNNERAT. Voyage aux Indes orientales et k la Chine, 1774 — 81. 2 tomes 40 Paris 1782; — (another ed., 3 tomes 8° Paris 1782, is without the plates); — nouvelle ed., augmentee, par Sonnini. 4 tomes 12° et atlas 4° Paris 1806; — do., Paris 1836; —

Reise nach Ostindien und China ... 2 Bde. 4° Zurich 1783; — Voyage to the East Indies and China. Calcutta 1788 — 9.



Forster, G. Journey from Bengal to England through Northern India, Kashmire, Afghanistan, etc., 1783 — 84. Calcutta 1790; — new ed.

2 vols. 4° London 1798; - — new ed. 2 vols. 8° London 1808; — Reise aus Bengalen nach England durch Hindostan, Kaschmir, Afga-

nistan, Persien und Rufiland. Deutsch von Meiners. 2 Bde. Zurich 1796—1800; —

Voyage du Bengale a Petersbourg. Traduit par Langles. 3 tomes Paris 1802.

Hodges, W. Travels in India, 1780—83. 4° London 1793; — 2"'^ ed., corrected. 4° London 1794.

Paolino da S. Bartolomeo. Viaggio alle Indie Orientali. 4° Roma 1796; — Des Fra. Paolino da S. Bartolomeo Reise nach Ostindien. Herausgeg. von J. R. Forster. Berlin 1798; —

A voyage to the East Indies; with notes by J. R. Forster. Transl. from the German by W. Johnston. London 1800; —

Voyage aux Indes orientales, traduit par M(arches) ; avec des obser- vations par Anquetil du Perron, J. R. Forster, et Silvestre de Sacy.

3 tomes Paris 1808.

Heber, Bishop R. Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, 1824 — 25, with notes upon Ceylon, journey to Madras and southern provinces in 1826, and letters written in India. 2 vols. 4° London 1828; ■ — 3*^ ed. 3 vols. 8° London 1828; — 4* ed. do., London 1829; — new ed. 2 vols. London 1844; —

Voyage a Calcutta, a Bombay et dans les provinces superieures de I’Inde. 2 tomes Paris 1830; —

Bericht uber eine Reise durch die oberen Provinzen von Vorderindien. 2 Bde. Weimar 1831/2.

Jacquemont, V. Voyage dans I’Inde pendant les annees 1828 — 32. 6 tomes (2 tomes planches) 4° Paris 1841 — 46.

Orlich, L. V. Reise in Ostindien in Briefen an A. v. Humboldt und C. Ritter. 40 Leipzig 1845; —

Travels in India, including Sinde and the Punjaub. Transl. from the German by H. E. Lloyd. 2 vols. London 1845.

Waldemar, Prinz von Preussen. Zur Erinnerung an die Reise nach Indien, 1844 — 46. Mit Vorwort von A. von Humboldt. 2 Bde. fol. Berlin 1853. Graul, K. Reise nach Ostindien uber Palastina und Egypten, 1849 — 53. 5 Bde. Leipzig 1854 — 56.

Schlagintweit, E. Reisen in Indien und Hochasien. Eine Darstellung der Landschaft, der Cultur und Sitten der Bewohner usw. 4 Bde. Jena 1869 — 80.

Rousselet, L. L’Inde des Rajahs. Voyage dans I’Inde centrale et dans les presidences de Bombay et du Bengale. fol. Paris 1875; — 2® ed. 40 Paris 1877; —

India and its native princes: travels in Central India and in the presi- dencies of Bombay and Bengal. Revised and edited by Lieut.-Col. Buckle. 4° London 1875; — ed. 1876; — 3*^ ed. 1878. Dahlmann, j. Indische Fahrten. 2 Bde. Freiburg i. Br. 1908.

Oaten, E. F. European travellers in India during the 15*, 16 and 17* centuries. London 1909.

i 82

5. Ethnography.

The people of India.

Latham, R. G. Ethnology of India. London 1859.

Watson, J. F., and J. W. Kaye. The people of India. A series of 468 photographic illustrations, with descriptive letterpress, of the races and tribes of Hindostan. 8 vols. 4° London 1868 — 75.

Rowney, H. B. The wild tribes of India. London 1882.

Shoshee Chunder Dutt. The wild tribes of India. London 1884.

Mac Ritchie, D. Account of the Gypsies of India. London 1886.

Oppert, G. On the original inhabitants of Bharatavarsha or India. Madras- London 1888/9; — ed. Madras-Westminster 1893.

The principal nations of India. Madras 1890; — 2"'^ ed. Madras 1892.

Mesroob Seth, J. History of the Armenians in India, from the earliest times to the present day. London 1897.

Bonarjee, P. D. a handbook of the fighting races of India. Calcutta 1899.

Risley, H. H. The people of India. With 8 appendices. Calcutta 1908.

Menpes, M. The people of India. London 1910.


Ramaswamy, C. V. A digest of the different castes of India, with accounts of them. Madras 1837.

Rodriguez, E. A. The Hindoo castes; the history of Braminical castes, containing a minute description of the origin, ceremonies, idolatry, manners, customs, etc., of the forty-two sects of Bramins of the British-Indian empire. 4° Madras 1846.

Wilson, H. H. Sketch of the religious sects of the Hindus. Calcutta 1846.

Sherring, M. a. Hindu tribes and castes. 3 vols. 4° Calcutta, Bombay, London 1872 — 81.

Kitts, E. J. A compendium of the castes and tribes found in India. Com- piled from the census reports for the various provinces (excl. Burmah) and native states of the empire, fob Bombay 1885.

Oman, J. C. The mystics, ascetics, and saints of India. A study of Sadhuism, with an account of the Yogis, Sanyasis, Bairagis, and other strange Hindu sectarians. London 1903; — 2"<i ed. 1905.

Moti Lal Seth. A brief ethnological survey of the Khattris. Agra 1905.

Theory of caste.

Bower, Rev. H. An essay on Hindu caste. Calcutta 1851.

Irving, B. A. Theory and practice of caste in India. 12° London 1853.

Patterson, A. J. Caste considered under its moral, social, and religious aspects. London 1861.

Esquer. Castes dans I’Inde. Pondichery 1870.

Wilson, Rev. J. Indian caste. 2 vols. Edinburgh, London, Bombay 1877.

Hopkins, E. W. The mutual relations of the four castes, according to the Manavadharmagastram. (Diss.) Leipzig 1881.

Jogendra Nath Bhattacharya. Hindu castes and sects; an exposition of the origin of the Hindu caste system and the bearing of the sects towards each other and towards religious systems. Calcutta 1896.

Senart, E. Les castes dans I’Inde; les faits et le systeme. Paris 1896.

Theory of Caste. — The Thugs, — Manners and customs, etc. 183

Chentsal Rao, P. The principles of Pravara and Gotra. 2 ^^ ed., revised. Mysore 1900.

Narayan Chandra Saha. The Vaishya Khondosaha and the Shaundika, and the commentary on Hindu castes. Calcutta 1907.

Bougle, C. Essais sur le regime des castes. Paris 1908.

The Thugs.

Sleeman, W. H. Ramaseeana, or, a vocabulary of the peculiar language used by the Thugs, with an introduction and appendix, descriptive of the system pursued by that fraternity and of the measures which have been adopted by the supreme government of India for its sup- pression. Calcutta 1836.

[Thornton, E.] Illustrations of the history and practices of the Thugs, and notices of some of the proceedings of the government of India, for the suppression of the crime of Thuggee. London 1837.

Sleeman, W. H. The Thugs, or Phansigars of India ; a history of the assassins and their system. 2 vols. Philadelphia 1839.

Taylor, M. Confessions of a Thug. 3 vols. London 1840; — new ed. London 1890.

Hutton, J. A popular account of the Thugs and Dacoits, the hereditary garotters and gang-robbers of India. London 1857.

Hervey, Ch. Operations in the Thuggee and Dacoity department, 1859 — 60. Calcutta 1861 (Indian Govt, records, No. 34).

Manners and customs, rites and ceremonies.

Abul Fazl: AyeenAkbery ; or, the institutes of Akber, transl. by F. Gladwin. 2 vols. 4° London 1800; —

The Ain-i-Akbari, from the Persian by H. Blochmann. 2 vols. Calcutta


Lord, H. A display of two forraigne sects in the East Indies, viz., the sect of the Banians, the ancient natives of India, and the sect of the Parsees, the ancient inhabitants of Persia; together with the religion and manners of each sect, etc. London 1630; — another ed. fob London 1747; —

Histoire de la religion des Banians, avec un traite de la religion des Parsis. Paris 1667.

Palladius. De gentibus Indiae et Bragmanibus ; graece et latine. S. Am- brosius, de moribus Brachmanorum; latine. Anonymus, de Bragmanibus ; latine. Nunc primum edidit Ed. Bissaeus. 4° Londini 1665.

[Craufurd, Q.] Sketches chiefly relating to the history, religion, learning, and manners of the Hindoos. London 1790; — 2'*'^ ed., enlarged. 2 vols. London 1792.

Solvyns, B. a collection of two hundred and fifty coloured etchings, des- criptive of the manners, customs, and dresses of the Hindoos. 2 vols. fol. Calcutta 1799; —

The costumes of Hindustan, elucidated by sixty coloured engravings; with descriptions in English and French, taken in the years 1798 and 1799. 4 ° London 1804; —

Les Hindoos, ou description de leurs moeurs, coutumes, ceremonies, etc., dessines d’aprfes nature dans le Bengale, et representes en 292 planches; avec le texte en frangais et en anglais. 4 tomes fol. Paris 1808— -12.

5- Ethnography.


Moor, E. The Hindu pantheon. 4° London 1810; — new ed., condensed and annotated by W. O. Simpson. Madras 1864.

Moor, E. Hindu infanticide; an account of the measures adopted for suppressing the practice of the systematic murder by their parents of female infants ; with incidental remarks on other customs peculiar to the natives of India. 4° London 1811.

Ward, W. Account of the writings, religion, and manners of the Hindoos. 4 vols. 4° Serampore 1811; — (2’’'^ ed.) A view of the history, lite- rature, and mythology of the Hindoos. 2 vols. 4° Serampore 1815;

— 3d ed. 4 vols. 8° London 1817 — 20; — new (4**') ed. 3 vols. London 1822; — 5* ed., abridged and greatly improved, with biogr. sketch of the author and an ample index. Madras 1863.

D’Oyley, Sir Charles. The costume and customs of modern India ; from a collection of drawings. With a preface and copious descriptions by Capt. Th. Williamson. 4° London (1813).

Dubois, J. A. Description of the character, manners, and customs of the people of India, and of their institutions, religious and civil. Transl. from the French Ms. 4° London 1817; — another ed., with notes and additions by Rev. G. U. Pope. Madras 1862; — reprinted from the orig. ed. of 1817. Madras 1879; — new ed. Calcutta 1905; — Moeurs, institutions et ceremonies des peuples de I’Inde. 2 tomes Paris 1825; —

Hindu manners, customs, and ceremonies. Transl. from the author’s later French Ms., and ed. with notes, corrections, and biography by H. K. Beauchamp. 2 vols. Oxford 1897; — 3*^ ed. Oxford-London 1906.

Malcolm, Sir John. Essays relative to the habits, character, and moral improvement of the Hindoos. London 1823.

Coleman, Ch. The mythology of the Hindus, with notices of various moun- tain and island tribes, and an appendix comprising the minor Avatars, and the mythological and religious terms, etc. 4° London 1832.

]\Ieer Hassan Ali, Mrs. Observations of the Mussulmanns of India, des- criptive of their manners, customs, habits, and religious opinions, made during a twelve years’ residence in their immediate society. 2 vols. London 1832.

Qanoon-e-Islam, or, the customs of the Moosulmans of India; comprising a full and exact account of their various rites and ceremonies. By Jaffur Shurreef, a native of the Deccan. Composed under the direction of, and transl. by G. A. Herklots. London 1832 ; — 2"*^ ed. Madras 1863;

— new ed. Madras 1895.

Bjornstjerna. The theogony of the Hindoos. London 1844.

Belnos, Mrs. S. C. The Sundhya, or, the daily prayers of the Brahmins. Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, together with a descriptive text, etc. fol. Allahabad 1851.

Wilson, Rev. J. History of the suppression of infanticide in Western India under the government of Bombay ; including notices of the provinces and tribes in which the practice has prevailed. Bombay 1855.

Cave-Browne, Rev. J. Indian infanticide; its origin, progress, and sup- pression. London 1857.

Wilson, H. H. Essays and lectures on the religion of the Hindus. Ed. by Dr. R. Rost. 2 vols. London 1862.

Manners and customs, rites and ceremonies.


Wilson, H. H. Hindu religions, or, an account of the various religious sects of India. Calcutta 1899.

West, R., and G. Buhler. Digest of Hindu law, from the replies of the Shastris in the several courts of the Bombay presidency. 2 vols. Bombay 1867/9.

Garrett, J. A classical dictionary of India, illustrative of the mythology, philosophy, literature, antiquities, arts, manners, customs, etc., of the Hindus. Madras 1871/3.

Pratap Chandra Ghosha. Durga Puja, with notes and illustrations. Cal- cutta 1871.

Pratap Chandra Ghosha. Origin of the Durga Puja. Calcutta 1874.

Monier-Williams, M. Indian wisdom, or, examples of the religious, philo- sophical, and ethical doctrines of the Hindus. London 1875; — 3*^ ed. 1876; — ed. 1893.

Kittel, F. tiber den Ursprung des Linga-Cultus in Indien. Mangalore 1876.

Banerjee, G. The Hindu law of marriage and Stridhana (being the Tagore law lectures for 1878). ed., revised. Calcutta 1896.

Monier-Williams, M. Modern India and the Indians, being a series of impressions, notes, and essays. London 1878; — 3‘1 ed. 1879; — 4‘’’ ed. 1887; — 5* ed.

Sanderson, G. P. Thirteen years among the wild beasts of India; their haunts and habits from personal observation; with an account of the modes of capturing and taming elephants. 8° London 1878; — 3'^ ed. 1882; — 6^*^ ed. 4° 1896.

Barth, A. Les religions de I’lnde. Paris 1879; —

The religions of India. Transl. by Rev. J. Wood. London 1882.

Dowson, j. a classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history, and literature. [London 1879.

Monier-Williams, M. Religious thought and life in India. An account of the religions of the Indian peoples. Part I: Vedism, Brahmanism, and Hinduism. London 1883; — 3^^ ed.: Brahmanism and Hinduism, or, religious thought and life in India. London 1887; — 4**^ ed., enlarged. London 1891.

Shoshee Chunder Dutt. Realities of Indian life ; or, stories collected from the criminal reports of India, to illustrate the life, manners, and customs of its inhabitants. London 1885.

Malabari, B. M. Infant-marriage and enforced widowhood in India, fol. Bombay 1887.

Oman, J. C. Indian life, religious and social. London (Philadelphia) 1889.

Kist, L. Indisches, und zwar: Religion, Tempel und Feste der Hindu. Innsbruck 1890.

Lyall, Sir A. C. Natural religion in India. Cambridge 1891.

Ramakrisna, Y. Life in an Indian village. With an introduction by Sir M. E. Grant Duff. London 1891.

ScHERMAN, L. Materialien zur Geschichte der indischen Visionslitteratur. Leipzig 1892.

Billington, Miss M. F. Woman in India. London 1895.

Padfield, j. E. The Hindu at home ; account of domestic rites and cere- monies. London 1895; — 2"<J ed. Vepery-Madras 1908.

Hopkins, E. W. The religions of India. London 1896.

5. Ethnography.

1 86

Mangaldas Nathuboy. Lectures on Hindu castes, ceremonies, customs, and inheritance. Bombay 1896.

Schmidt, R. Beitrage zur indischen Erotik. Leipzig 1902; — 2. Aufl, Berlin 1910.

Sellon, E. Annotations on the sacred writings of the Hindus, being an epitome of some of the most remarkable and leading tenets in the faith of that people, illustrating their priapic rites and phallic prin- ciples. New ed. London 1902.

Natesa Sastri, S. M. Hindu feasts, fasts, and ceremonies. With an in- troduction by H. K. Beauchamp. Madras 1903.

Murdoch, J. Hindu and Muhammadan festivities. Compiled from Wilson, Wilkins, Crooke, Sell, Hughes, and other writers. Madras 1904.

Ram Sahay Mukherji. Indian folklore. Calcutta 1904; — 2"^ ed. Cal- cutta 1906.

Schmidt, R. Liebe und Ehe im alten und modernen Indien. Berlin 1904.

Oman, J. C. The Brahmans, Theists, and Muslims of India. Studies of goddess-worship in Bengal; caste, Brahmaism, and social reform; with descriptive sketches of curious festivals, ceremonies, and faquirs, London 1907; — 2"^ ed. 1909.

Schmidt, R. Fakire und Fakirtum im alten und modernen Indien. Yoga- Lehre und Yoga-Praxis. Nach indischen Originalquellen. Berlin 1907.

Natesa Sastri, S. M. Indian folk-tales. With an introduction by A. G. Cardew. 2"'^ ed., enlarged. Madras 1908.

Oman, J. C. Cults, customs, and superstitions of India. Being a revised and enlarged edition of “Indian life, religious and social”. London 1908.

Ragunatha Rao, R. The Aryan marriage, with special reference to the age-question: a critical and historical study. Madras 1908.

CooMARASVAMY, A. K. The Indian craftsman. London 1909.

Totemism in India: see Vol. II, pp. 218 — 335 of: J. G. Frazer, Totemism and exogamy, a treatise on certain early forms of superstition and society. 4 vols. London 1910.

Art-manufactures and products.

Watson, J. F. The textile manufactures and the costumes of the people of India. 4° London 1866; — another ed. fol. London 1867.

Watson, J. F. Index to the native and scientific names of Indian and other Eastern economic plants and products. London 1868.

Watson, J. F. Collection of specimens and illustrations of the textile manu- factures of India. 2"^ series. 17 vols. fol. and 4° London 1873 — 77.

Birdwood, G. C. M. The industrial arts of India. 2 parts. London 1880; — new ed. 1884.

Indian art-manufactures. 51 photographic illustrations, taken by order of the government of India of some selected objects shown at the 3** exhibition of native fine and industrial art at Simla 1881. With report by H. H. Cole. 4° [Simla] 1883.

Mukharji, T. N. a handbook of Indian products, art-manufactures, and raw materials. Published by J. Patterson. Calcutta 1883.

Mukharji, T. N. Art-manufactures of India. Specially compiled for the Glasgow international exposition 1888. Calcutta 1888.

Arts-manufactures and products. — Journals.


Watt, Sir George. A dictionary of the economic products of India.

Vol. I — VI and index. 10 vols. London-Calcutta 1889 — 93. Preservation of the national monuments of India. (100 plates of the industrial and ornamental arts.) 4° London 1896.

Watt, Sir George. The commercial products of India; being an abridgment of “The dictionary of the economic products of India”. London 1908.


Asiatick Researches., or transactions of the Society, instituted in Bengal for inquiring into the history and antiquities, arts, sciences, and lite- rature of Asia. Vol. I — XX. 4° Calcutta 1788 — 1836; — reprinted, 4° London 1799 sqq.; — reprinted, 8° Vol. I — XII. London 1798 — 1818. (Index to vols. I — XVIII. 4° Calcutta 1835. Index to vols. XIX — XX of Asiatic Researches, and vols. I — XXIII of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta 1856.)

Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vols. I — LXXIII. Calcutta 1832 — 1904. (Part II: Natural history, to vols. 34 — 73; Part III: An- thropology, to vols. 62 — 73.)

Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta 1865 — 1904. Journal and proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol. I etc. Calcutta 1905 sqq.

Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol. I etc. 4° Calcutta 1905 sqq. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols. 40 London 1827 — 35.

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. London 1834 sqq.

Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay 1841 sqq. Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Colombo 1845 sqq. Asiatic Journal., and monthly register for British India and its depen- dencies. London i8i6sqq. ; — (Selections from vols. I — XXVIII. 2 vols. Madras 1875.)

Transactions of the Literary Society of Bombay. 3 vols. 4° London 1819 — 23; — reprinted, 3 vols. Bombay 1876/7.

The Madras Journal of literature and science-, published under the auspices of the Madras Literary Society and auxiliary of the Royal Asiatic Society. Ed. by J. C. Morris, R. Cole, C. D. Brown, etc. Madras 1834 sqq.

The Calcittta Review. Calcutta 1844 sqq.

The Indian Antiquary. 4° Bombay 1872 sqq.

The Bengal Magazine. Ed. by Lai Behari Day. Calcutta 1873 sqq.

The Journal of Indian Arts (from vol. VII: . . . Art and Industry), fol. London 1883 sqq.

The Madras Christian College Magazine. Madras 1883 sqq.

The Orientalist. A journal of oriental literature, arts and sciences, folk- lore, etc. Ed. by W. Goonetilleke. Kandy 1885 sqq.

Journal of the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay 1895 sqq.

The New Asiatic Review. Ed. by C. M. Barrow and J. Collyer Adam. 4“ Madras 1907 sqq.

Journal Asiatiqtie. Public par la Societe Asiatique. Paris 1822 sqq.


5. Ethnography.

Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Herausgeg. von Ewald, v. d. Gabelentz, Kosegarten, Lassen, etc. 7 Bde. Gottingen und Bonn 1837—50.

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. Leipzig 1850 sqq.

Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Ktmde des Morgenlandes. Wien 1887 sqq.

Northern India, general.

Hamilton, Ch. An historical relation of the origin, progress, and final dissolution of the government of the Rohilla Afgans in the northern provinces of Hindostan, etc. London 1787; — 2"'! ed. London 1788.

Tod, J. Travels in Western India, embracing a visit to the sacred mounts of the Jains, and the most celebrated shrines of Hindu faith between Rajpootana and the Indus; with an account of the ancient city of Nehrwalla. 4° London 1839.

Sleeman, W. H. Rambles and recollections of an Indian official (including the authors journey from the banks of the Nerbudda to the Himalayas, 1835 — 36). 2 vols. London 1844; — republished by A. C. Majumdar. 2 vols. Lahore 1888; — new ed., by V. A. Smith, with memoir, notes, index, and a bibliography. 2 vols. Westminster 1893.

Thornton, E. A gazetteer of the countries adjacent to India on the north- west, including Sinde, Afghanistan, Beloochistan, the Punjab, and the neighbouring states. 2 vols. London 1844.

Thornton, E. Gazetteer of the territories under the government of the East India Company, and of the native states on the continent of India. 4 vols. London 1854; — 2"^ ed. London 1857/8; — revised by Sir Roper Lethbridge and A. N. Wollaston. London 1886.

Muir, J. Notes on a trip to Kedarnath and other parts of the snowy range of the Himalayas. With some account of a journey from Agra to Bombay in 1854. Edinburgh 1855.

Ujfalvy, K. E. von. Aus dem westlichen Himalaya. Erlebnisse und Forschungen. Leipzig 1884.

Fallon, S. W. Dictionary of Hindustani proverbs, including many Marwari, Panjabi, Maggah, Bhojpuri and Tirhuti proverbs. Edited and revised by R. C. Temple and Lala Faqir Chand. Benares 1884; — 2"'^ ed. 1886.

Temple, R. Journals kept in Hyderabad, Kashmir, Sikkim and Nepal. Ed., with introduction, by R. C. Temple. 2 vols. London 1887.

Wilkins, W. J. Modern Hinduism, being an account of the religion and life of the Hindus in northern India. London-Calcutta 1887; — 2^'^ed. 1900.

North-Indian Notes and Queries; a monthly periodical, devoted to the systematic collection of authentic notes and scraps of information regarding the country and the people. Ed. by W. Crooke. Vols. I — N. 40 Allahabad 1891/96.

Risley, H. H. The tribes and castes of Bengal, North-Western Provinces, and Punjab. I. Anthropometric data; II. Ethnographic glossary. 4 vols. Calcutta 1891/2.

Crooke, W. Introduction to the popular religion and folklore of northern India. Allahabad 1894; — 2"^ ed. : Popular religion and folklore of northern India. 2 vols. Westminster 1896.

Waddell, L. A. Among the Himalayas. Westminster 1899.

Northern India, general. — Afghanistan. 189

Sherring, C. a. Western Tibet and the British borderland. The sacred country of Hindus and Buddhists. With an account of the govern- ment, religion, and customs of its peoples, etc. London 1906. Crooke, W. Natives of northern India. London 1907.


Klaproth, J. von. Uber die Sprache und den Ursprung der Aghuan oder Afghanen. 4° St. Petersburg 1810.

Elphinstone, Mountstuart. An account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and its dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India; comprising a view of the Afghaun nation, and a history of the Dooraunee monarchy. 4“ London 1815; — new and revised ed. 2 vols. 8° London 1839; (3<i ed.) 2 vols. London 1842.

(Tableau du royaume de Caboul etc.; traduit par M. Breton. 3 tomes 12° Paris 1817.)

Leech, Maj. R. An account of the early Abdalees. Calcutta (1840?).

Wilson, M. H. Ariana antiqua, a descriptive account of the antiquities and coins of Afghanistan, with a memoir of the buildings called Topes by C. Masson. 4° London 1841.

Burnes, a. Cabool, narrative of a journey to, and residence there 1836 — 38. London 1842; — 2"^ ed. London 1843.

(Kabul. Schilderung einer Reise nach dieser Stadt und des Aufenthaltes daselbst 1836 — 38. Aus dem Englischen von Th. Oelkers. Leipzig 1843.)

Hart, Capt. L. W., and J. Atkinson. Character and costumes of Afghau- nistan. fol. London 1843.

Willis, Capt. Character and costumes of Afghanistan, fol. London 1843.

Masson, Ch. Legends of the Afghan countries, in verse, original and translated. London 1848.

Rattray, J. The costumes of the various tribes, portraits of ladies of rank, celebrated princes and chiefs, views and interiors of the cities and temples of Afghaunistaun, from original drawings, fol. London 1848.

Relations of the Government with tribes on the N. IV. Frontier., 1849 — 55. Calcutta 1856 (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 12).

Lumsden, H. B. The mission to Kandahar, with appendices and suppl. report of the expedition into Upper Meeranzye and Koorrum in 1856. Calcutta i860.

Bellew, H. W. Journal of a political mission to Afghanistan, in 1857, under Major Lumsden; with an account of the country and people. London 1862.

Bellew, H. W. A general report on the Yusufzais, in 6 chapters. Lahore 1864.

Mac Gregor, C. M. A contribution towards the better knowledge of the topography, ethnology, resources, and history of Afghanistan. Calcutta 1871 (Govt, reports. Central Asia, part II).

Muhammad Hayat Khan. Afghanistan and its inhabitants. Translated from the “Hayat-i-Afghan”, by H. Priestley. Lahore 1874.

Thorburn, S. S. Bannii, or, our Afghan frontier. London 1876.

Bellew, H. W. Afghanistan and the Afghans, being a brief review of the history of the country, and account of its people. London 1879.

5- Ethnography.


Bellew, H. W. The races of Afghanistan, being a brief account of the principal nations inhabiting that country. Calcutta 1880.

CoLQUHOUN, J. A. S. With the Kurram field force, 1878 — 79. London 1881.

Roskoschny, H. Afghanistan und seine Nachbarlander. 2 Bande 4°’ Leipzig 1885.

Raverty, H. G. Notes on Afghanistan and part of Baluchistan, geogra- phical, ethnographical, and historical, extracts from the writings of little known Afghan and Tajzi'k historians etc., and from personal observations, fol. London 1888.

Yate, a. C. Travels with the Afghan Boundary Commission. London 1887.

Yate, Maj. C. E. Northern Afghanistan; letters from the Afghan Boundary Commission. London 1888.

Bellew, H. W. An inquiry into the ethnography of Afghanistan, prepared for and presented to the 9* International Congress of Orientalists, London 1891.

Murray, J. W. Dictionary of the Pathan tribes on the north-west frontier of India. Calcutta 1899.

Sultan Muhammad Khan. The constitution and laws of Afghanistan. London 1900.

Warburton, Sir R. Eighteen years in the Khyber, 1879 — 98, with remi- niscences of service among the tribes of the N.-W. Frontier of India. London 1900.

Hamilton, A. Afghanistan. London 1906.

Pennell, T. L. Among the wild tribes of the Afghan frontier ; a record of sixteen years’ close intercourse with the natives of the Indian marches ; with introduction by Field Marshal Earl Roberts. London 1909.


PoTTiNGER, H. Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde, with geographical and historical account of those countries. 4° London 1816.

Masson, Ch. Narrative of various journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Panjab; including a residence in those countries from 1826 to 1838. 3 vols. London 1842.

Masson, Ch. Narrative of a journey to Kalat, including an account of the insurrection at that place in 1840; and a memoir on Eastern Balo- chistan. London 1843.

Bellew, H. W. From the Indus to the Tigris : a narrative of a journey through the countries of Balochistan, Afghanistan, Khorassan, and Iran, in 1872; together with a synoptical grammar and vocabulary of the Brahoe language. London 1874.

ScHLAGiNTWEiT, E. Kelat: the Brahui Kingdom on the southern border of Iran. Translated from the German of the “Ausland” by F. Henvey. Simla 1876.

Hughes, A. W. The country of Baluchistan, its geography, topography, ethnology and history. London 1877.

Macgregor, Col. C. M. Wanderings in Balochistan. London 1882.

Oliver, E. E. Across the border, or, Pathan and Biloch. London 1890.

Dames, M. L. The Baloch race: a historical and ethnological sketch. London 1904 (As. Soc. Monographs, IV).

Dames, M. L. Popular poetry of the Baloches. 2 vols. London 1907.

North-West Frontier Province. — Kashmir.


North-West Frontier Province.

Leitner, G. W. Results of a tour in Dardistan, Kashmir, Little Tibet, Ladak, Zanskar etc. Vol. I, part i — 3: The languages and races of Dardistan. Comparative vocabulary and grammar of the Dardu languages. Voca- bulary and dialogues in the Shina dialects. Legends, riddles, proverbs, fables, customs, songs, etc., of the Shina race and the history of the encroachments of Kashmir on Dardistan. 4° Lahore 1866 — 73.

Maclean, C. B. A compendium of Kafir laws and customs. Including genealogical tables of Kafir chiefs and various tribal census returns. 1866; — reprinted. Grahamstown 1906.

Biddulph, J. Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh. Calcutta 1880.

Leitner, G. W. A sketch of the Changars, and of their dialect, fol. Lahore 1880.

Leitner, G. W. The Hunza and Nagyr handbook. Part I: The Kajuhna and Shina languages (vocabulary, dialogues, songs, legends, fables, riddles, etc.), fol. Calcutta 1889.

Leitner, G. W. The Hunza and Nagyr handbook. Being an introduction to a knowledge of the language, race, and countries of Hunza, Nagyr, and a part of Yasin. With a supplement on Dardistan in 1866, 1886 and 1893 • • • 2 vols. 4° and 8° (vol. I: 2"'^ ed.). Woking 1893.

O’Brien, D. J. T. Grammar and vocabulary of the Khowar dialect (Chitrali), with introductory sketch of country and people. Lahore 1895; — ed. Calcutta 1898.

Robertson, G. S. The Kafirs of the Hindu-Kush. London 1896; — new ed. London 1900.

UjFALVY, K. E. VON. Les Aryens au nord et au sud de I’Hindu-Kouch. Paris 1896.

Olufsen, O. Through the unknown Pamirs. The second Danish Pamir expedition, 1898 — 99. London 1904.

North-West Frontier Province district-gazetteer. (Vol. I B.) Peshawar 1907.


Hugel, Baron C. von. Kaschmir und das Reich der Siek. 4 Bde. Stuttgart 1840 — 48. — Travels in Kashmir and the Punjab, with account of the Sikhs; from the German with notes by Major T. B. Jervis. London 1845.

ViGNE, G. T. Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, the countries adjoining the mountain-course of the Indus, and the Himalaya, north of the Panjab. 2 vols. London 1842.

Cunningham, A. Ladak, physical, statistical, and historical; with notices of the surrounding countries. London 1854.

Bates, E. C. Gazetteer of Kashmir and the adjacent districts. Calcutta 1873 (Govt, reports. Central Asia, Part VII, Section I).

Drew, F. The Jummoo and Kashmir territories. London 1875.

Wakefield, W. The happy valley, sketches of Kashmir and the Kashmiris. London 1879.

Knowles, J. H. A dictionary of Kashmiri proverbs and sayings. Explained and illustrated from the rich and interesting folklore of the valley. Bombay 1885.


5. Ethnography.

Knowles, J. H. Folk-tales of Kashmir. London 1888; — 2"'^ ed. 1893. Knight, E. F. Where three empires meet : a narrative of a recent travel in Kashmir, western Tibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining countries. London 1893; — new ed. 1897; — ed. 1905.

Lawrence, W. R. The valley of Kashmir. 4° London 1895.

PiRiE, P. Kashmir, the land of streams and solitudes. 4° London-New York 1909.


Kirkpatrick, Col. W. An account of the Kingdom of Nepaul, being the substance of observations made during a mission to that country in the year 1793. 4° London 1811.

Hamilton, F. An account of the kingdom of Nepal, and of the territories annexed to this dominion by the house of Gorkha. 4° Edinburgh 1819.

Cavenagh, O. Rough notes on the state of Nepal, its government, army, and resources. 12° Calcutta 1851.

Smith, Th. Narrative of a five years’ residence at Nepaul. 2 vols. London 1852.

Wright, D. Sketch of the portion of the country of Nepal open to Europeans. 4° Calcutta 1872.

Hodgson, B. H. Essays on the languages, literature, and religion of Nepal and Tibet. London 1874.

Wright, D. History of Nepal, translated from the Parbatiya by Munshi Shew Shunker Singh and Pandit Shri Gunanand ; with an introductory sketch of the country and people of Nepal by the editor. Cam- bridge 1877.

Oldfield, H. A. Sketches from Nipal, historical and descriptive, with anecdotes of the court life and wild sports of the country in the time of Maharaja Jang Bahadur. 2 vols. London 1880.

Vansittart, Capt. E. Notes on Nepal. With an introduction by H. H. Risley. Calcutta 1896.

Levi, S. Le Nepal. Etude historique d’un royaume hindou. 3 tomes Paris 1905/8. (Annales du Musee Guimet, Bibliotheque d’Etudes, t. XVII— XIX.)

Sikkim and Bhutan.

Turner, S. Account of an embassy to the court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet; narrative of a journey through Bootan, 1783 — 4. 4° London 1800; — 2"'^ ed. 4° London 1806.

Pemberton, R. B. Report on Bootan. Calcutta 1839.

Eden, A. Political missions to Bootan, comprising the reports of the Hon. Ashley Eden, 1864; Capt. R. B. Pemberton, 1837 — 8; with Dr. W. Griffith’s journal, and the account by Baboo Kishen Kant Bose. Calcutta 1865.

Rennie, D. F. Bhotan and the story of the Dooar war, including sketches of a three month’s residence in the Himalayas, and narrative of a visit to Bhotan in may, 1865. London 1866.

Sikkim and Bhutan. — Assam.


Edgar, J. W. Report on a visit to Sikhim and the Thibetan frontier, 1873. Calcutta 1874.

Macaulay, C. Report of a mission to Sikkim and the Tibetan frontier. 4° Calcutta 1885.

The Gazetteer of Sikkim; with an introduction by H. H. Risley. Edited in the Bengal Govt. Secretariat. 4° Calcutta 1894.

Louis, J. A. H. The gates of Thibet. A bird’s eye view of independent Sikkhim, British Bhootan, and the Dooars, as a Doorga Poojah trip. Calcutta 1894.

Donaldson, F. Lepcha land, or, six weeks in the Sikhim Himalayas. London 1900.

White, J. C. Sikhim and Bhutan; 21 years on the North-East frontier, 1887—1908. London 1909.


(cP. H. CoRDiER. Bibliographie, in T’oung Pao, Serie II, Vol. VII, 163 etc. and Vol. IX, 137 etc.)

Robinson, W. A descriptive account of Asam, with a sketch of the local geography, and a concise history of the tea-plant; to which is added a short account of the neighbouring tribes, exhibiting their history, manners, and customs. Calcutta 1841.

Owen, J. Notes on the Naga tribes in communication with Assam. 1844.

[Butler, Maj. J.] A sketch of Assam, with some account of the Hill tribes. London 1847.

Sketch of the Singphos, or the Kakhyens of Biirmah; the position of this tribe as regards Baumo, and the inland trade of the valley of the Irrawaddy with Yunan and their connection with the north-eastern frontier of Assam. Calcutta 1847.

Oldham, Th. On the geological structure of part of the Khasi hills, with observations on the meteorology and ethnology of that district. 4° Calcutta 1854.

Butler, Maj. J. Travels and adventures in Assam during a residence of fourteen years (1841 — 54). London 1855.

Me CuLLOCH, Maj. W. Account of the valley of Munnipore and of the Hill tribes, with comparative vocabulary. Calcutta 1859 (Selections from the records of the Govt, of India, Foreign Department, No. XXVIII).

Cooper, T. T. The Mishmee hills, an account of a journey made in an attempt to penetrate Tibet from Assam, to open^new routes for com- merce. London 1873.

Selection of papers regarding the hill tracts between Assam and Burmah and on the Upper Brahmaputra. Bengal Secretariat Press 1873.

Hunter, W. W. A statistical account of Assam. 2 vols. London 1879.

Goonabhiram Borooah. Assam Buranji, or, the history of Assam. Including the history of the ancient kingdom of Kamrup from the earliest times to the end of 1875; and containing a brief notice of the castes, language, religion, commerce, agriculture, arts and social customs of the people, and the internal government of the province. Calcutta 1876.

Bastian, a. Volkerstamme am Brahmaputra und verwandtschaftliche Nach- barn. Berlin 1883.

Indo-arische Philologie. II. 5.

  • 3


5- Ethnography.

Ward, Mrs. S. R. A glimpse of Assam. Calcutta 1884.

Way, G. a. Report on the Alchas, the Akha country, and the Akha ex- pedition. Simla 1884.

Bishop, S. O. Sketches in Assam. Calcutta 1885.

SoppiTT, C. A. A short account of the Kachcha Naga-Empeo tribe in the North Cachar hills, with an outline grammar. Shillong 1885.

SoppiTT, C. A. An historical and descriptive account of the Kachari tribe in the North Cachar hills, with specimens of tales and folk-lore. Shillong 1885; — reprinted, with an introduction by B. C. Stuart Baker, 1901.

SoppiTT, C. A. A short account of the Kuki-Lushai tribes on the north- east frontier (districts Cachar, Sylhet, Naga-hills etc., and the North Cachar hills). Shillong 1887.

Browne, Capt. H. R. The Lushais 1873 to 1889. fol. Shillong 1889.

Chambers, Capt. O. A. Handbook of the Lushai country. Calcutta 1889.

Davies, A. W. Gazetteer of the North Lushai hills. Shillong 1894.

Anderson, J.D. A collection of Kachari folk-tales and rhymes. [Shillong] 1895.

Carey, B. S., and H. N. Tuck. The Chin hills: a history of the people, our dealings with them, their customs and manners, and a gazetteer of their country. 2 vols. Rangoon 1896.

Mahendranatha Ghoshi. a brief sketch of the religious beliefs of the Assamese people. Calcutta 1896.

Gurdon, P. R. T. Some Assamese proverbs. Transliterated and trans- lated into English with explanatory notes. Shillong 1896; — 2"^* ed. Shillong 1903.

Johnstone, Sir James. My experiences in Manipur and the Naga hills, 1874 — 86. London 1896.

Notes on some industries of Assam, 1884 — 95 - This is a reprint of: i) Silk in Assam, by E. Stack, 1884; — 2) Cotton in Assam, by H. Z. Darrah, 1885; — 3) Three manufactures of Assam: a) the brass work of the Morias, b) the gold enamelling of Jorhat, and c) Iron smelting in the Khasi hills, by H. Z. Darrah, 1885; — 4) The Eri silk of Assam, by H. Z. Darrah, 1890; — 5) Brass and copper wares in Assam, by E. A. Gait, 1894; — 6) Pottery in Assam, by E. A. Gait, 1895. Compiled in the office of the Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of Assam. 1896.

A list of occasional articles relating to Assam and the countries adjoining, to be found in the jojirnals and books in the Shillong Government Library. Shillong 1905.

Gait, E. A. A history of Assam. Calcutta 1906.

Gurdon, P. R. T. The Khasis. With an introduction by Ch. Lyall. London 1907.

Hodson, T. C. The Meitheis. With an introduction by Sir Charles J. Lyall. London 1908.

Stack, E. The Mikirs. From the papers of the late E. Stack. Edited, arranged, and supplemented by Sir Charles Lyall. London 1908.

Playfair, A. The Garos. With an introduction by Sir J. Bampfylde Fuller, London 1909.

Hodson, T. C. The Naga-tribes of Manipur. London 1911.

Bengal, including Orissa and Chittagong.


Bengal, including Orissa and Chittagong.

A rare and most strange relation from Bengalla in the East Indies^ being one of the greatest kingdomes tmder the Great Mogull^ and of their laws, manners and customes, etc. — A briefe relation of the great city of Jaggarnat. 4“ London 1633.

Stirling, A. An account, geographical, statistical, and historical of Orissa proper, or Cuttack. 4° [Serampore 1825. J

Buchanan, Fr. A geographical, statistical, and historical description of the district, or zilla, of Dinajpur, in the province, or soubah, of Bengal. Calcutta 1833.

Taylor, J. A sketch of the topography and statistics of Dacca. Calcutta 1840.

Sterling, A. Orissa; its geography, history, religion, and antiquities. Also history of the Baptist mission by James Peggs. London 1846.

B. Kishore Chose. The history of Pooree, with an account of Juggunnath; also a succinct description of the southern division of zillah Cuttack. Calcutta 1848.

History of the rise and progress of the operations for the suppression of human sacrifice and female infanticide, in the hill tracts of Orissa. Calcutta 1854 (Selections from the records of the Govt, of India, No. V).

Sherwill, Maj. j. L. Geographical and statistical report of the district of Bhaugulpoor. fob Calcutta 1854.

Sherwirj:., Capt. W. S. Geographical and statistical account of the district Beerbhoom. 4° Calcutta 1855.

Gastrell, j. E. Statistical and geographical report of the Moorshedabad district, 4° Calcutta i860.

Gastrell, J. E. Statistical and geographical report of the district of Bancoorah. fol. [Calcutta 1863.]

Thompson, Maj. G. H. A geographical, statistical, and general report on the district of Hazareebaugh. 4° Calcutta 1864.

Sherwill, Maj. J. L. Geographical and statistical report of the Dinagepore district, 1863. 4° Calcutta 1865.

Thompson, Maj. G. H. Notes, geographical, statistical and general, on that portion of the Lohardagga or Chota Nagpore district, known as purgunnah Palamow; written during 1862 to 1866. 4° Calcutta 1866.

Man, E. G. Sonthalia and the Sonthals. Calcutta 1867.

Gastrell, J. E. Geographical and statistical report of the districts of Jessore, Eureedpore, and Backergunge. 4° Calcutta 1868.

Hunter, W. W. The annals of rural Bengal. 3 vols. London 1868/72 — I: The annals. (5* ed. 1872; — 7**^ ed. 1897.) — — HI: Orissa; or,

the vicissitudes of an Indian province under native and British rule.

Lewin, T. H. The hill tracts of Chittagong and the dwellers therein; with comparative vocabularies of the hill dialects. Calcutta 1869. — A new ed., without the vocabularies: Wild races of South-Eastern India. London 1870,

Mitchell, Mrs. M. A missionary’s wife among the wild tribes of South Bengal. Extracts from the journal of Mrs. M. Mitchell. With introduc- tion and supplement by Dr. G. Smith. Edinburgh 1871.

Westland, J. A report on the district of Jessore ; its antiquities, its history, and its commerce. Calcutta 1871 ; — revised ed. Calcutta 1874.


5- Ethnography.


Dalton, E. T. Descriptive ethnology of Bengal. 4° Calcutta 1872.

Lewin, T. H. Hill proverbs of the inhabitants of the Chittagong tracts, fob Calcutta 1873.

Hunter, W. W. A statistical account of Bengal. 20 vols. London 1875/77.

Rajendralala Mitra. Antiquities of Orissa. 2 vols. fob Calcutta 1875/80.

Beveridge, H. The district of Bakarganj (eastern Bengal) ; its history and statistics. London 1876.

Shib Chunder Bose. The Hindoos as they are. Description of the manners, customs, and inner life of Hindoo society in Bengal. London-Calcutta 1881; — 2"d ed., revised and enlarged, 1883.

Bulloram Mullick. Essays on the Hindu family in Bengal. Calcutta 1882.

Lal Behari Day, Rev. Folk-tales of Bengal. London 1883; — new ed. London 1899.

^Iackenzie, Sir Alex. History of the relations of the government with the hill tribes of the N.-E. frontier of Bengal. Calcutta 1884.

Grierson, G. A. Bihar peasant life, being a discursive catalogue of the surroundings of the people of that province. Calcutta 1885.

Bulloram Mullick. Home life in Bengal, an account of the everyday life of a Hindu home at the present day. Calcutta 1885.

Riebeck, E. Die Hiigelstamme von Chittagong. Ergebnisse einer Reise im Jahre 1882. fob Berlin 1885.

Christian, J. Behar proverbs, according to their subject matter, and trans- lation into English with notes, illustrating the social custom, popular superstition, and every-day life of the people. London 1891.

Grierson, G. A. Notes on the district of Gaya. Early history, the geography of the district, system of land measurement, etc.; beggars, food of the poorer classes, their houses, clothes, cooking utensils, ornaments, marriage and funeral expenses; the cattle of the district. Calcutta 1893.

Oldham, W. B. Some historical and ethnical aspects of the Burdwan district. With an explanatory index. Calcutta 1894.

Campbell, A. Santal folk tales, translated from the Santali. Pokhuria [1896].

Lal Behari Day, Rev. Bengal peasant life. (Glossary of Indian terms.) London 1898.

Abinas Chandra Das. The Vaisya caste. I. The Gandhavaniks of Bengal. Calcutta 1903.

Bradley-Birt, F. B. Chota-Nagpore : a little-known province of the Empire; with an introduction by the Earl of Northbrook. London 1903 ; — 2"'^ ed., enlarged. London 1910.

Pramatha Nath Mallik. History of the Vaisyas of Bengal. Calcutta 1903.

Hahn, F. Kurukh folk-lore. Collected and transliterated. Calcutta 1905; — (German translation:) Blicke in die Geisteswelt der heidnischen Kols. Sammlung von Sagen, Marchen und Liedern der Oraon in Chota Nagpur. Giitersloh 1906.

District Gazetteers of Bengal, ed. by L. S. S. O’Malley. Calcutta 1906 sqq.

GovTndra Nath Dutt. The Brahmans and Kayasthas of Bengal. Madras 1906.

Hutchinson, R. H. S. An account of the Chittagong hill-tracts. With 5 appendices. Calcutta 1906.

Hahn, F. Einfiihrung in das Gebiet der Kol-Mission. Geschichte, Gebrauche, Religion und Christianisierung der Kols. Giitersloh 1907.

Kondh. — North-Western Provinces and Oudh.


Eastern Bengal District Gazetteers : Chittagong, by L. S. S. O’Malley. 2 vols. Calcutta 1908.

Bompas, C. H. Folklore of the Santal Parganas, translated. London 1909.

The Kondhs.

Macpherson, S. Ch. Report upon the Khonds of the districts of Ganjam and Cuttack, fol. Calcutta 1842; — new ed. fol. Madras 1863. Campbell, J. A personal narrative of thirteen years’ service among the wild tribes of Khondistan, for the suppression of human sacrifice. London 1864.

Macpherson, S. Ch. Memorials of service in India . . ., ed. by his brother William. London 1865.

For a bibliography on the Kondhs, see the article “Kondh” in Thurston’s : Castes and tribes of southern India. Vol. Ill, 412 sqq.

United Provinces of Agra and Oudh.

IsHUREE Dass. Domestic manners and customs of the Hindoos of northern India, or, more strictly speaking, of the North-West Provinces of India. Benares i860; — 2"<^ ed. Benares 1866.

Moore, W. R. Papers on the subject of Mr. W. R. Moore’s investigation and report regarding female infanticide in the Benares division. Calcutta 1868.

Sherring, M. a. The sacred city of the Hindus: an account of Benares in ancient and modern times. With an introduction by F. Hall. London 1868.

Elliot, H. M. Memoirs on the history, folk-lore, and distribution of the races of the North-Western Provinces of India, being an amplified edition of the supplemental glossary of Indian terms. Revised by J. Beames. 2 vols. London 1869.

Oldham, W. Historical and statistical memoir of the Gazeepoor district. 2 parts fol. Allahabad 1870/6.

Atkinson, E. T. Statistical, descriptive, and historical account of the North- West Provinces of India. 14 vols. Allahabad 1874 — 84 (I Bundelkhand; II, III Meerut; IV Agra; V Rohilkand; VI Cawnpore, Gorakhpore, and Basti; VII Farukhabad and Agra; VIII Muttra, Allahabad, Fatehpur; IX Shahjahanpur, Moradabad, Rampur; X — XII Himalayan Districts; XIII Azamgarh, Ghazipur, and Ballia; XIV Benares, Mirzapur, Jaunpur). Growse, F. S. Mathura, a district memoir ; history, literature, language (with glossary), topography, geography, religion, mythology, antiquities, ethnography, architecture, etc. Printed at the N.-W. Prov. and Oudh Govt. Press 1874; — ed. 4° 1880; — ed., revised and abridged. 4° 1883.

Gazetteer of the provinces of Oudh, published by authority. 3 vols. Luck- now 1877/8.

Atkinson, E. T. Notes on the history of religion in the Himalaya of the North-Western Provinces, India. Calcutta 1883.

Growse, F. S. Bulandshahr, or, sketches of an Indian district; social, historical, and architectural. 4° Benares 1884.

5- Ethnography.


Nesfield, J. C. Brief view of the caste system of the North-Western Provinces and Oudh, together with an examination of the names and figures shown in the census report, 1882. fol. Allahabad 1885.

Crooke, W. An ethnographical handbook for the North-Western Provinces and Oudh. Allahabad 1890.

Crooke, W. The tribes and castes of the North-Western Provinces and Oudh. 4 vols. Calcutta 1896.

Crooke, W. The North-Western Provinces of India, their history, ethnology, and administration. London 1897.

Pm, A. W. A monograph on woollen-fabrics in the united provinces of Agra and Oudh. A monograph descriptive of the process of spinning, warping, weaving, felting namdas, with a sketch of the traditions and customs connected with wool and woollen fabrics at present, and conditions and prospects of the industry. 4° 1898.

Dampier, G. R. a monograph on brass and copper-wares of the united provinces of Agra and Oudh. A monograph on the origin of vessels of domestic use, rules concerning the use of brass and copper vessels in Hindu and Muhammadan scriptures, and popular prejudices con- cerning them. 40 1899.

District Gazetteer of the United Provinces of Agra and Ondh, ed. by H. R. Nevill. Allahabad 1903 sqq.

Havell, E. B. Benares, the sacred city. Sketches of Hindu life and religion. London 1905 (Boston 1905; 1908; — New York 1906); — 2"^ ed. 1911.

Oakley, E. S. Holy Himalaya. Religion, traditions, and scenery of a Himalayan province (Kumaon and Garhwal). London 1905.

Ganga Datt Upreti. Descriptive list of the martial castes of the Almora District, United Provinces. Lucknow 1907.


Ger.^rd, a. Account of Koonawur in the Himalaya. Ed. by G. Lloyd. London 1841.

Thomas, G. P. Views of Simla: twenty-four lithographs and map, with descriptions and accounts of the inhabitants, customs, and productions of the Himalayas, fol. London 1846.

Report showing the relations of the British government with the tribes, in- dependent and dependent, on the N.- W. Frontier of the Punjab. Calcutta 1856 (Selections from the records of the Govt, of India, No. XII).

Baden-Powell, B. H. Handbook of the economic products of the Punjab: economic raw products. Roorkee 1868.

Griffin, L. H. The Rajas of the Punjab; being the history of the principal states in the Punjab and their political relations with the British government. Lahore 1870; — 2 "’^ ed. London 1873.

Harcourt, a. F. P. The Himalayan districts of Kooloo, Lahoul, and Spiti. London 1871.

Baden-Powell, B. H. Handbook of the manufactures and arts of the Punjab. Lahore 1872.

Muhammad Abdul Ghafur. A complete dictionary of the terms used by criminal tribes in the Punjab, together with a short history of each tribe, and the names and places of residence of individual members, etc. Lahore 1879.

Panjab. — Sikh. — Rajputana.


Gazetteer of the Punjaub, 9 vols. 4° Lahore and Calcutta 1883/4.

Ibbetson, D. Ch. J. Outlines of Panjab ethnography, being extracts from the Panjab census report of 1881, treating of religion, language, and caste. 4° Calcutta 1883.

Panjab Notes and Queries, a monthly periodical, ed. by R. C. Temple. 4 vols. 4° Allahabad 1883/87 (Continued as: North-Indian Notes and Queries, by W. Crooke).

Ross, D. The land of the five rivers, and Sindh ; sketches, historical and descriptive. London 1883.

Temple, R.C. The legends ofthe Panjab. 3 vols. Bombay-London 1883 — 1901.

Thorburn, S. S. Musalmans and money-lenders in the Punjab, London 1886.

Muhammad Latif. Lahore: its history, architectural remains, and anti- quities, with an account of its modern institutions, inhabitants, their trade, customs, etc. Lahore 1892.

Wilson, J. Gazetteer of the Shahpur district. Revised ed. Lahore 1897.

Maclagan, E. D. Gazetteer of the Multan district, 1901 — 2. Revised ed. Lahore 1902.

Usborne, C. F. Punjabi lyrics and proverbs. Translations in verse and prose. Lahore 1905 (London 1906).

Dracott, a. E. Simla village tales; or, folk-tales from the Himalayas. London 1906.

Gazetteer of districts in the Panjab. 1904 sqq.

The Sikhs.

Prinsep, H. T. Origin of the Sikh power in the Punjab, and political life of Runjeet Singh, with an account of the present condition, religion, laws, and customs of the Sikhs; compiled from a report by Capt. Wm. Murray and from other sources. Calcutta 1834.

M’Gregor, W. L. The history of the Sikhs, containing the lives of the gooroos, the history of the independent Sirdars, or Missuls, and the life of the great founder of the Sikh monarchy. Maharajah Runjeet Singh. 2 vols. London 1846; — 2"^ ed. 1847.

Cunningham, J. D. A history of the Sikhs, their country, and the battles of the Sutlej. I.ondon 1849; — 2"'^ ed. London 1853; — reprinted. Calcutta 1904.

Honigberger, j. M. Friichte aus dem Morgenlande. Wien 1851.

Trumpp, E. The Adi-Granth, or, the holy scriptures of the Sikhs. Translated from the original Gurmukhi, with introductory essays. 4° London 1877.

Trumpp, E. Die Religion der Sikhs. Nach den Quellen dargestellt. Leipzig 1881.

Macauliffe, M. a. The Sikh religion, its gurus, sacred writings, and authors. 6 vols. Oxford 1909.


Tod, j. Annals and antiquities of Rajasthan, or the central and western Rajpoot states of India. 2 vols. 4° London-Calcutta 1829/32; — 2'“! ed. 2 vols. 4° Calcutta 1877/79; — reprinted, 2 vols. Madras


5. Ethnography.

1873; — do., Madras 1880; — other edd.: 2 vols. 8° Calcutta 1894; — do., Calcutta 1897/99; — do., Calcutta 1902 — 3.

Boileau, a. H. E. Personal narrative of a tour through the western states of Rajwara, in 1835, comprising Beekaner, Jesulmer, and Jodhpoor, with the passage of the Great Desert, and a brief visit to the Indus and to Buhawalpur. 4° Calcutta 1837.

Dixon, C. J. Sketch of Mairwara; giving a brief account of the origin and habits of the Mairs ; their subjugation by a British force ; their civili- sation, and conversion into an industrious peasantry. 4° London 1850.

Walter, Maj. C. K. M. A gazetteer of the Bhurtpore state. Agra 1868.

PowLETT, Maj. P. W. Gazetteer of the Bikanir state. Calcutta 1874.

PowLETT, Maj. P. W. Gazette of the Karauli state. Calcutta 1874.

Latouche, Sir J. J. Digges. Gazetteer of Ajmere-Merwara in Rajputana. Calcutta 1875.

PowLETT, Maj. P. W. Gazetteer of Ulwar. London 1878.

The Rajputana gazetteer, compiled by La Touche, C. A. Bayley, H.B. Abbott, C. K. M. Walter, C. E. Yate, etc. 3 vols. Calcutta and Simla 1879/80.

Jacob, Col. S. S., and T. H. Hendley. Jeypore enamels. 4° London 1886.

Hendley, T. H. Ulwar and its art treasures, fol. London 1888.

Adams, A. The western Rajputana states, a medico-topographical and general account of Marwar, Sirohi, Jaisalmir. London 1899.

The Rajputana district gazetteers ;Vo\.\‘. Ajmer-Merwara, text and statistical tables. Compiled by C. C. Watson. 2 vols. Ajmer 1904.


Pottinger, H. Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde, with geographical and historical account of those countries. 4° London 1816; —

Reisen durch Beloochistan und Sinde, nebst geogr. u. hist. Nachrichten iiber diese Lander. Aus d. Engl. Weimar 1817; —

Voyages dans le Beloutchistan et le Sindh; traduit par Eyries. 2 tomes Paris 1818.

Burnes, j. a narrative of a visit to the court of Sinde, a sketch of the history of Cutch, and some remarks on the medical topography of Bhooj. London 1831; — (also: Edinburgh 1831); — new ed., with appendices by Sir H. Pottinger and Sir Alex. Burnes. Edinburgh 1839.

Postans, T. Personal observations on Sindh; the manners and customs of its inhabitants, and its productive capabilities, with a sketch of its history, etc. London 1843.

Burton, Capt. R. F. Sindh, and the races that inhabit the valley of the Indus ; with notices of the topography and history of the province. London 1851.

Hughes, A. W. A gazetteer of the province of Sind. London 1874: — 2"'i ed. London 1876.

Rochiram Gajumal. Handbook of Sindhi proverbs with English renderings and equivalent sayings. Karachi 1895.




Steele, A. Summary of the law and custom of Hindoo castes within the Dekhun provinces subject to the presidency of Bombay, chiefly affecting civil suits, fob Bombay 1827; — new ed. London 1868.

Mackintosh, A. An account of the origin and present condition of the tribe of Ramoossies, including the life of the chief Oomiah Naik. Bombay 1833.

PosTANS, Mrs. M. Cutch, or, random sketches taken during a residence ; interspersed with legends and traditions. London 1839.

Graham, Capt. D. C. A brief sketch of the Bheel tribes, inhabiting the province of Khandesh. [Bombay 1843.]

PosTANS, Mrs. M. Travels and adventures in Western India; with the domestic manners and customs of its inhabitants. 2 vols. London 1847.

Briggs, H. G. The cities of Gujarashtra, their topography and history. 4° Bombay 1849.

Mody, C. R. An essay on female infanticide. To which the prize offered by the Bombay Govt, for the second best essay against female in- fanticide among the Jadayas and other Rajpoot tribes of Guzerat was awarded. Bombay 1849.

Hervey, Ch. Reports on the Kaikaree, Dacoitee, and predatory tribes infesting Bombay presidency, 1849 — 52. fob Bombay 1853.

Gilder, C. On Hinduism, and the principal Hindu deities worshipped in the Bombay presidency. Bombay 1855.

Forbes, A. K. Ras Mala; or, Hindoo annals of the province of Goozerat, in Western India. 2 vols. London 1856; — new ed., with an intro- duction by Maj. J. W. Watson, and a memoir by A. K. Nairne. London- Calcutta 1878.

Johnson, W. The oriental races and tribes, residents and visitors of Bombay. 2 vols. 4° London 1863/66. (Vob I: Gujarat, Kutch, and Kathiawar; vob II ; Maharashtra.)

[Karsandas Mulji.] History of the sect of Maharajas or Vallabhacharyas in Western India. London 1865.

Stokes, H. J. An historical account of the Belgaum district in the Bombay presidency. Bombay 1870.

Kies, G. Geographical and historical description of the southern Maratha country and North-Kanara, comprising the four collectorates ofKaladgi, Belgaum, Dharwar and North Kanara. fob Bombay 1876.

Wilson, Rev. J. Aboriginal tribes of the Bombay presidency. A fragment. Bombay 1876.

The Gazetteer of the Bombay presidency, by Sir J. M. Campbell. Vols. I — XXVII. Bombay 1877 — 1907.

Gunthorpe, Maj. E. J. Notes on criminal tribes residing in or frequenting the Bombay presidency, Berar, and the Central Provinces. Bombay 1882.

Malabari, B. M. Gujarat and the Gujaratis : pictures of men and manners taken from life. London 1882; — 2"'^ ed. Bombay 1884; — 3*^ ed. Bombay 1889.

Gupte, B. a. Catalogue of Bombay contributions to the economic court of the Calcutta International Exhibition of 1883/84. Part I: Ethnology. Calcutta 1884.


5- Ethnography.

Scott, Col. W. A short account of the Gondal state. Bombay 1886.

Douglas, J. Bombay and Western India, a series of stray papers. 2 vols. London 1893.

Damubhai Dayabhai Mehta. Gujerati proverbs, collected and alphab. arranged with an essay on proverbs. Ahmedabad 1894.

The ethnographical siirvey of Bombay., Monographs. Bombay 1903 sqq. (Govt. Central Press.)

Kincaid, C. A. The outlaws of Kathiawar, and other studies. Bombay 1905.

Enthoven, R. E. Notes for a lecture on the tribes and castes of Bombay. 1907.

Kennedy, M. Notes on criminal classes in the Bombay presidency. Bombay 1908.

Edw.\rds, S. M. Gazetteer of Bombay City and Island. 3 vols. Bombay 1909 — 10.

The Parsis.

Anquetil DU Person. Le Zend Avesta. 3 tomes; tome II: Usages civils et religieux des Parsees. 4° Paris 1771.

Briggs, H. G. The Parsis, or, modern Zerdusthians. Edinburgh 1852.

D0.SABHAI Framjee Karaka. The Parsees; their history, manners, customs, and religion. London 1858.

Haug, ini. Essays on the sacred language, writings, and religion of the Parsis. Bombay 1862; — 2"^^ ed. I.ondon 1878; — 3'^ ed. London 1884.

Dosabhai Framjee Karaka. History of the Parsis, including their manners, customs, religion and present position. 2 vols. London 1884.

Menant, D. Les Parsis, histoire des communautes zoroastriennes de I’Inde. partie. Paris 1898 (Annales du Musee Guimet, bibliotheque d’etudes, tome VII).

Modi, J. J. Marriage customs among the Parsees, their comparison with similar customs of other nations. Bombay 1900.

The Marathas.

Broughton, T. D. Letters written in a Mahratta camp during the year 1809, descriptive of the character, manners, domestic habits, and religious ceremonies of the Mahrattas. 4° London 1813; — new ed., with an introduction by M. E. Grant Duff. Westminster 1892 ; —

Wanderungen unter den Mahratten (1809). Aus dem Englischen. Leipzig 1814; — Les Marattas ou moeurs, usages et costumes de ce peuple ; traduit de I’anglais par M. Breton. 2 tomes 12° Paris 1817.

Duff, J. G. A history of the Mahrattas. 3 vols. London 1826; — reprinted, 3 vols. Bombay 1863; — 3*^ ed. i vol. Bombay 1873.

Taylor, Col. Meadow's. Tara, a Mahratta tale. 3 vols. London 1863; — new ed. 1874.

[Hockley, W. B.] Pandurang Hari, or, memoirs of a Hindoo. With an introductory preface by Sir H. B. E. Frere. 2 vols, 12° London 1873; — new ed, i vol. 8° London 1883.

Manwaring, a. Marathi proverbs, Marathi and English. Oxford 1899.

Ganesh Narayan Deshpande. Dictionary of Marathi proverbs. Poona 1900.

Central India, Central-Provinces, etc. — Southern India, general. 203

Central India, Central-Provinces, Berar and Haidarabad.

Leckie, D. R. Journal of a route to Nagpore, by the way of Cuttac, Burrosumber, and the Southern Bunjare Ghaut in the year 1790, with an account of Nagpore; and a journal from that place to Benares, by the Soohagee pass. 4° London 1800.

Malcolm, Sir John. A memoir of Central India, including Malwa, and adjoining provinces. 2 vols. London 1823; — 2"^ ed. London 1824; — 3'! ed. London 1832; — reprinted from the 3<i ed., 2 vols. London- Calcutta 1880.

Malcolm, Sir John. Report on the provinces of Malwa and adjoining districts. 2 vols. 4° Calcutta 1828.

PoGSON, W. R. A history of the Boondelas. 4° Calcutta 1828.

Hough, W. Bhopal principality. Central India; a brief history, 1700 — 1845. Calcutta 1845.

Hislop, Rev. St. Papers relating to the aboriginal tribes of the Central Provinces, left in Mss. by the late Rev. S. Hislop. Edited, with notes and preface, by R. Temple. [Nagpore] 1866.

Grant, Ch. Gazetteer of the Central Provinces of India. 2n‘ied. Nagpur 1870.

Lyall, a, C. Gazetteer for the Haidarabad assigned districts, commonly called Berar, 1870. Bombay 1870.

Forsyth, J. The highlands of Central India; notes on their forests and wild tribes, etc. London 1871; — 2"^ ed. London 1872; — new ed. London 1889; — new ed. London 1899.

Sayid Husain and C. Wilmott. Historical and descriptive sketch of His Highness the Nizam’s dominions. 2 vols. Bombay 1883/4.

Bloomfield, Lieut.-Col. A. Notes on the Baigas of the Central Provinces of India. Nagpur [1885].

Fuller, J. B. Review of the progress of the Central Provinces during the past 30 years and of the present and past condition of the people, fob Nagpur 1892.

District Gazetteers, Central Provinces. Vol. A, descriptive. Bombay and Allahabad 1906 sqq.

Gordon, E. M. Indian folk-tales. Being side-lights on village life in Bilaspore, Central Provinces. London 1908.

Luard, C. E. a bibliography of the literature dealing with the Central India Agency, to which is added a series of chronological tables. London 1908.

Luard, C. E., and Pandit Kashinath Krishna Lele. The Paramaras of Dhar and Malwa. Bombay 1908.

Ethnographical survey of the Central India Agency, ed. by Capt. C. E. Luard. Lucknow 1909.

Southern India, general.

Baldaeus, Ph. Naauwkeurige beschrijvinge van Malabar en Choromandel . . en het eyland Ceylon, nevens de afgoderije der Oost-Indische Heij- denen etc. fol. Amsterdam 1672; —

Wahrhaftige ausfiihrliche Beschreibung der beriihmten Ost-Indischen Kiisten Malabar und Coromandel, als auch der Insel Zeylon etc. fol. Amsterdam 1672 ; —


5- Ethnography.

A description of ye East India coasts of Malabar and Coromandel, with their adjacent Kingdoms and provinces; and of the empire of Ceylon; and of the idolatry of the pagans in the East Indies, fol. London 17031 — another ed. London 1747.

Buchanan, F. A journey from Madras through the countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar, performed under the orders of the Marquis Wellesley, for the express purpose of investigating the state of agri- culture, arts, and commerce; the religion, manners, and customs; the history, natural and civil, and antiquities of the dominions of the Rajah of Mysore. 3 vols. 4^ London 1807: — new ed. 2 vols. 8° Madras 1870.

L’ Inde frangaise^ ou collection de dessins repres. les divinites, temples, meubles, ornements, armes, ustensiles des peoples hindous qui habitent les possessions frangaises de I’lnde, et en general la cote de Coro- mandel et de Malabar. Publiee par M. J. J. Chabrelie, avec un texte explicant par M. E. Burnouf et M. E. Jacquet. 2 tomes fol. Paris 1827135; — 2^ ed., dessinee et publiee par Geringer et Chabrelie, et accompagnee d’un texte explicatif redige par M. E. Burnouf et M. E. Jacquet. 2 tomes fol. Paris (ca. 1870).

Ramasvami, C. V. Descriptive and historical sketches of cities and places in the Dekkan. With a brief description of the southern peninsula, and a succinct history of its ancient rulers. Calcutta 1828.

Wilson, H. H. Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive catalogue of the oriental manuscripts, and other articles illustrative of the literature, history, statistics and antiquities of the south of India; collected by the late Lieut. -Col. C. Mackenzie. 2 vols. Calcutta 1828; — z"*! ed. Madras 1882.

ZiEGENBALG, B. Gcnealogie der Malabarischen Gotter. Erster, ungean- derter, notdiirftig erweiterter Abdruck, besorgt durch Dr. W. Germann. Madras 1867: —

English translation, with . . additions, by the Rev. G. J. Metzger. Madras 1 869.

Frere, Miss M. Old Deccan days, or, Hindoo fairy legends, current in southern India. London 1868; — 3'* ed., revised. London 1881; — ed. London 1898.

Kearnes, Rev. J. F. Kalayan’a Shat’anku, or, the marriage ceremonies of the Hindus of South India, together with a description of Kariimman- tharum, or, the funeral ceremonies. Madras 1868.

Gover, Ch. E. The folk-songs of southern India. Essay and translations. Madras 1871; — London 1872.

Baierlein, E. R. Nach und aus Indien. Leipzig 1873; —

The land of the Tamulians and its missions. Transl. from the German by J. D. B. Gribble. Madras 1875.

Sewell, R. A sketch of the dynasties of southern India. Compiled under the orders of Government. 4° Madras 1883.

Bhandarkar, R. G. Early history of the Dekkan down to the Mahomedan conquest. Bombay 1884; — 2"<^ ed. Bombay 1895.

Rice, H. Native life in South India, being sketches of the social and religious characteristics of the Hindus. London 1889.

Kingscote, H., and N. Sastri. Tales of the sun, or folklore of southern India. London 1890.

Southern-India, general. — Madras-Presidency.


Day, Capt. C. R. The music and musical instruments of southern India and the Deccan. With an introduction by A. J. Hipkins. 4° London 1891.

Bulletin of the Madras Government Museum. Ed. by E. Thurston. Madras 1894 sqq.

Gribble, J. D. B. a history of the Deccan. Vol. I. London 1896.

Rice, S. P. Occasional essays on native South-Indian life. London (New York) 1901.

Mimande, P. Le Mamoul. Paris 1904. [Religious and social customs of S. India]

Thurston, E. Ethnographic notes in southern India. Madras 1906; — new ed. Madras 1908.

Muller, D^ H. Untersuchungen iiber die Geschichte der polyandrischen Eheformen in Siidindien. (Teil I, Kap. 4 und Teil II, Kap. 1 ) Berlin 1909 (Dissertation, Bonn).

Thurston, E., and K. Rangachari. Castes and tribes of southern India. 7 vols. Madras 1909/10.


Roger, A. Le theatre de I’idolatrie, ou la porte ouverte, pour parvenir a la cognoissance du paganisme cache, et la vraye representation de la vie, des moeurs, de la religion et du service divin des Bramines, qui demeurent sur les costes de Choromandel, et aux pays circon- voisins. 4° Amsterdam 1670.

Le Gentil, G. J. H. J. B. Voyage dans les mers de I’Inde, fait par I’ordre du roi, a I’occasion du passage de Venus, etc. 2 tomes 4° Paris 1779/81; Tome I: Coutumes et usages des Indiens de la cote de Coromandel; de la religion des Indiens tamoults, etc.

Haafner, j. Reize in eenen palanquin, of lotgevallen en merkwaardige aanteekeningen op eene reize langs de Kusten Orixa en Choromandel. Amsterdam 1808 (Haarlem 1809); — 2‘« druk Amsterdam 1826; — Voyages dans la peninsule occidentale de I’Inde et dans I’ile de Ceilan. Traduit du Hollandais par M. J. 2 tomes Paris 1811.

Caldwell, R. The Tinnevelly Shanars, their religion, moral condition, and characteristics. Madras 1849.

Hamilton, Gen. D. Report on the Pulni mountains. [1861.]

Wheeler, J. T. Madras in the olden time, being a history of the presi- dency, from the first foundation of Fort St. George. 3 vols. Madras 1861 ; — new ed. i vol. Madras 1882.

Hamilton, Gen. D. Report on the Shevaroy hills. Madras 1862.

Hamilton, Gen. D. Sketches of the Shevaroy hills, fol. London 1865.

Hamilton, Gen. D. Report on the high ranges of the Annamullay mountains. Madras 1866.

Carr, M. W. Collection of Telugu proverbs, together with some Sanscrit pro- verbs. With a translation, illustr. and explanation. 2 parts Madras 1868.

Nelson, J. H. The Madura country, a manual. Madras 1868.

Carmichael, D. F. Manual of the district of Vizagapatam in the pres, of Madras. Madras 1869.

Descriptive and historical papers relating to the Seven Pagodas on the Coro- mandel coast, by W. Chambers, J. Goldingham, B. G. Babington, Rev.


5. Ethnography.

G. W. Mahon, Lieut. J. Braddock, Rev. W. Taylor, Sir Walter Elliot, and C. Gubbins. Ed. by Capt. M. W. Carr. Madras 1869.

Kelsall, J. Manual of the Bellary district. Madras 1872.

Boswell, J. A. C. A manual of the Nellore district in the presidency of Madras. Madras 1873.

Hickey, W. The Tanjore Mahratta principality in southern India: the land of the Chola, the Eden of the south. Madras 1873; — 2"^ ed. Madras 1874.

Perciv.vl, P. Tamil proverbs, with their English translation. Madras 1874; — new ed. 1877.

Gribble, j. D. B. a manual of the district of Cuddapah, in the presidency of Madras. Madras 1875.

Thomas, E. C. G. Vizagapatam, the port for the Central Provinces, fob Madras 1877.

Garstin, j. H. a manual of the South-Arcot district. Madras 1878.

Moore, L. A manual of the Trichinopoly district in the presidency of IMadras. Madras 1878.

Morris, H. A descriptive and historical account of the Godavery district in the presidency of Madras. London 1878.

Crole, C. S. The Chingleput, late Madras district; a manual. Madras 1879.

Jensen, H. Classified collection of Tamil proverbs. Madras 1879; — new ed. London 1897.

Stuart, A. J. A manual of the Tinnevelly district in the presidency of Madras. Madras 1879.

Caldwell, R. A political and general history of the district of Tinnevelly, in the presidency of Madras, from the earliest period to its cession to the English government in A. D. 1801. Madras 1881.

Cox, A. F. A manual of the North-Arcot district in the Madras-Presidency. Madras 1881 : — 2'’'* ed., revised by H. A. Stuart. 2 vols. Madras 1894/5.

Maltby, T. j. The Ganjam district manual ; ed. by G.D. Leman. Madras 1882.

Le Fanu, H. a manual of the Salem district in the presidency of Madras. 2 vols. Madras 1883.

Mackenzie, G. A manual of the Kistna district in the presidency of Madras. Madras 1883.

Row, T. Venkasami. A manual of the district of Tanjore in the Madras- Presidency. Madras 1883.

Narahari Gopalakrishnama Chetty. a manual of the Kurnool district in the presidency of Madras. Madras 1886.

Nicholson, F. A. Manual of the Coimbatore district in the presidency of Madras. 2 vols. Madras 1887, 1898 (Vol. II revised by H. A. Stuart).

Wilson, F. H. The Shevaroys; a story of their past, present, and prospec- tive future. Madras 1888.

Benson, Ch. An account of the Kurnool district, based on an analysis of statistical information relating thereto, and on personal observations, fob Madras 1889.

Mullaly, F. S. Notes on the criminal classes of the Madras-Presidency. Madras 1892.

Lazarus, J. A dictionary of Tamil proverbs, with an introduction, and hints in English on their meaning and application. Madras 1894.

Madras-Presidency. — The Malabar Coast.


Benson, Ch. A statistical atlas of the Madras-Presidency; compiled from existing records, fol. Madras 1895.

Brown, C. P. Essay on the creed, customs, and literature of the Jangams. Madras-Bangalore 1897.

Sewell, R. A forgotten empire (Vijayanagar) ; a contribution to the history of India. London 1900.

Foote, R. B. Catalogue of the prehistoric antiquities, Government Museum, Madras. Madras 1901.

Gazetteer of districts of the Madras-Presidency. By W. Francis and F. R. Hemingway. Madras 1904 sqq.

SuBRAMiAH Pantulu, G. R. Folk-lore of the Telugus. A collection of 42 highly amusing and instructive tales. Madras 1905.

Papa Rao Naidu. The criminal tribes of India; No. 2: The history of Korawars, Erukalas, or Kaikaries. Madras 1906.

The Baramahal records. Sect. I: Management; Sect. Ill; Inhabitants. Madras 1907.

Martin, A. F. Ethnographic notes on the Maduvars. 2"<i ed. Madras 1907. Wheeler, J. T. Handbook to the Madras records. Being a report on the public records preserved in the Madras Government Office, previous to 1834; with chronological annals of the Madras-Presidency. 2"^ ed. Madras 1907.

Papers relating to the history of the Banganapalle state. Madras 1908.

(Selections from the records of the Madras Govt.)

A statistical atlas of the Madras-Presidency . Madras 1908.

The Malabar Coast.

Barbosa, Duarte. A description of the coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the beginning of the 16'*' century. Translated from an early Spanish manuscript in the Barcelona library, with notes and preface by the Hon. Henry E. J. Stanley. London 1866 (Hakluyt-Society, vol. 35).

Phillips, J. T. An account of the religion, manners, and the learning of the people of Malabar, from the letters of the Danish missionaries. 12° London 1717.

VisscHER, J. C. Mallabaarse brieven, behelzende eene naukeurige be- schrijving van de Kust van Mallabaar, den aardt des landts, de zeden en gewoontens der inwoneren. Uitgegeven door C. T. Visscher. Leeuwarden 1743; —

Letters from Malabar . . . Now first transl. from the original Dutch. To which is added an account of Travancore, and Fra Bartolomeo’s travels in that country, by Major H. Drury. Madras 1862.

Apetz, H. Descriptio terrae Malabar. Ex arabico Ebn Batutae itinerario edita, interpretatione et annotationibus instructa. Jena 1819.

Tohfut-til-Mujahideen (by Sheikh Zeen-ud-deen), an historical work in the Arabic language. Translated into English by Lieut. M. J. Rowlandson. London 1833; — another ed. of the same work: Zinadim Benali Benamede, Historia dos Portugueses no Malabar. Ed. Dav. Lopes. Lisboa 1898.

Lawson, Ch. A. British and native Cochin. 2"^ ed. London 1861.


5. Ethnography.

Day, F. The land of the Permauls, or Cochin; its past and its present. Madras 1863.

Philipos, Rev. E. The Syrian Christians of Malabar, otherwise called the Christians of S. Thomas. Ed. by the Rev. G. B. Howard. Oxford 1869.

Mateer, Rev. S. The land of charity: account of Travancore and its people, with special reference to missionary labour. London 1871.

A ihoiisand Canarese proverbs. Mangalore 1874.

P. Shungoony Menon. a history of Travancore from the earliest times. Madras 1878.

WiGRAM, H. Malabar law and custom. Madras 1882 ; — 2"^^ ed., by L. Moore, Madras 1900; — 3'^ ed. Madras 1905.

Mateer, Rev. S. Native life in Travancore. London 1883.

Miley, S. Canara past and present. Madras 1884., W. a manual of the district of Malabar. 3 vols. Madras 1887 — 91 ; — 2"'^ ed. Madras 1906.

Ward, B. S. Memoir of the survey of Travancore and Cochin, 1816 — 1820. fol. Madras 1891. (Selections from the records of the Madras Govt.)

Rae, Rev. G. M. The Syrian church in India. Edinburgh-London 1892.

Burnell, A. C. The devil worship of the Tuluvas. From the papers of the late A. C. Burnell. Preface by Major R. C. Temple. 4° Bombay 1894. (Reprinted from the “Indian Antiquary”.)

Sturrock, J., and H. a. Stuart. A manual of the district of South-Canara. 2 vols. Madras 1894/5.

Gopal Panikkar, T. K. Malabar and its folk. A systematic description of the social customs and institutions of Malabar. With an introduction by the Rev. F. W. Kellett. Madras 1900; — 2"'^ ed., revised and enlarged. Madras 1904.

Fawcett, F. Nayars of Malabar. Madras 1901.

Mackenzie, G. T. Christianity in Travancore. Trivandrum 1901.

Sh.ankunny, P. Folklore in Malabar. Calicut 1902.

Ethnological stirvey of Cochin., monographs. Madras 1905 sqq.

INIedlycott, a. E. India and the apostle Thomas, an inquiry. With a critical analysis of the Acta Thomae. London 1905.

Malabar district gazetteer. By C. A. Innes and F. B. Evans. Vol. I. Madras 1908,

Rich.\rds, Rev. W. J. The Indian Christians of Saint Thomas, otherwise called the Syrian Christians of Malabar. London 1908.

Ananta Krishna Jyer. The Cochin tribes and castes. With introduction by A. H. Keane. Vol. I. Calcutta igio.

Gopalan Nair, C. Malabar Series: Wynad, its peoples and traditions. Madras 1911.


Burton, Capt. R. F. Goa and the Blue Mountains, or, six months of sick leave. London 1851.

Fonseca, J. N. da. An historical and archaeological sketch of the city of Goa, preceded by a short statistical account of the territory of Goa. Bombay 1878.

Contzen, L. Goa im Wandel der Jahrhunderte. Beitrag zur portugiesischen Kolonialgeschichte. Berlin 1902.

Mysore and Coorg. — The Nilgiri Hills.


Mysore and Coorg.

Michaud, J. Histoire des progres et de la chute de I’empire de Mysore, sous les regnes d’Hyder-Aly et Tippoo-Saib. 2 tomes Paris 1801 — 9.

Wilks, M. Historical sketches of the south of India, in an attempt to trace the history of Mysoor; from the origin of the Hindoo government of that state, to the extinction of the Mohammedan dynasty in 1799. Founded chiefly on Indian authorities. 3 vols. 4° London 1810 — 17; — 2"'^ ed. 2 vols. 8° Madras 1869.

Arthur, Rev. W. A mission to the Mysore ; with scenes and facts illu- strative of India, its people, and its religion. London 1847.

Mogling, Rev. H. Coorg memoirs: an account of Coorg and of the Coorg mission. Bangalore 1855,

Mogling, H., and Th. Weitbrecht. Das Kurgland und die evangelische Mission in Kurg. Basel 1866.

Richter, G. Manual of Coorg; a gazetteer of the natural features of the country, and the social and political condition of its inhabitants. Mangalore 1870.

Foulkes, Rev. T. The legends of the shrine of Harihara, in the province of Mysore. Translated from the Sanskrit. Madras 1876.

Malleson, Col. G. B. Seringapatam, past and present; a monograph. Madras 1876.

Rice, B. L. Mysore and Coorg. A gazetteer compiled for the government of India. 3 vols. Bangalore 1876 — 8; — Mysore gazetteer. Revised ed. 2 vols. London 1897.

Richter, G. Ethnographical compendium on the castes and tribes found in the province of Coorg; with a short description of those peculiar to Coorg. fol. Bangalore 1887.

Harris, L. T. Coorg district gazetteer. Vol. B. Mercara 1906.

The Nilgiris.

Hough, J. Letters on the climate, inhabitants, productions, etc., oftheNeil- gherries, or Blue Mountains of Coimbatoor, South India. London 1829.

Harkness, Capt. H. a description of a singular aboriginal race inhabiting the summit of the Neilgherry hills, or Blue Mountains of Coimbator, in the southern peninsula of India. London 1832.

Baikie, R. Observations on the Neilgherries, including an account of their topography, climate, soil, and productions, and of the effects of the climate on the European constitution. Ed. by W. H. Smoult. Calcutta 1834; — 2'’‘i ed. Calcutta 1857.

Jervis, H. Narrative of a journey to the falls of the Cavery, with an historical and descriptive account of the Neilgherry hills. London 1834.

Metz, J, F. Die Volksstamme der Nilagiris. Basel 1857.

Shortt, D'^ j. An account of the tribes on the Neilgherries, by J. Shortt; and a geographical and statistical memoir of the Neilgherry mountains, by the late Col. Ouchterlony. Madras 1868.

King, W. Ross. The aboriginal tribes of the Nilgiri hills. A paper read before the Anthropological Society. London 1870.

Breeks, j. W. Account of the primitive tribes and monuments of the Nilagiris. 4° London 1873.

Indo-arische Philologie. II. 5.


5- Ethnography.

Marshall, W. E. A phrenologist amongst the Todas, or, the study of a primitive tribe in South India; with grammar of the Tuda. (Appendix: A brief outline of the language, by Rev. G. U. Pope.) London 1873.

Grigg, H. B. a manual of the Nilagiri district in the Madras presidency. Madras 1880.

Erancis, W. The Nilgiris (Madras district gazetteer). 2 vols. Madras 1905 — 8.

Rivers, W. H. R. The Todas of the Nilgiri hills. London 1906.


Knox, R. An historical relation of the island of Ceylon in the East Indies, etc. fob London 1681 ; — republished, with an introductory preface and notes, by W. M. Harvard. London 1821 ; — reprinted. 8° London 1910; — (Ceylanische Reise-Beschreibung oder historische Erzehlung von der in Ost-Indien gelegenen Insel Ceylon etc. 4° Leipzig 1680; — ’T Eyland Ceylon in syn binnenste, of ’t Koningrijck Candy; geopent en nauw- keuriger dan oyt te voren ontdeckt. Vertaald door S. de Vries. 4° Utrecht 1692 ; — Relation du voyage de I’isle de Ceylan . . . les moeurs, les coutumes, et la religion de ses habitans etc. 2 tomes Amsterdam 1693.)

Percival, R. An account of the island of Ceylon : its history, geography, natural history, with the manners and customs of its various inhabitants. London 1803 ; — 2^^ ed. London 1805 ; — ed. in 2 vols. London 1833; — (Beschreibung von der Insel Ceylon etc. Aus dem Englischen mit Zusatz iiber die Perlenfischerey iibersetzt von J. A. Bergk. Leipzig 1803; — Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Ehrmann, Weimar 1804 (Sprengels Bibl. d. Reisebeschr. Bd. ii); — Voyage a Pile de Ceylan, fait de 1797 a 1800; traduit par F. P. Henry. 2 tomes Paris 1803).

Haafner, J. Reize te voet door het eiland Ceilon. Amsterdam 1810; — 2te druk, Amsterdam 1826; — (FuBreise durch die Insel Ceilon; nach dem Hollandischen frei bearbeitet. Magdeburg 1816; — Travels on foot through the island of Ceylon. Translated from the Dutch. London 1821).

Philalethes. The history of Ceylon to 1815, with characteristic details of the religion, laws, and manners of the people, and a collection of their moral maxims and ancient proverbs. To which is subjoined, Robert Knox’s historical relation of the island, with an account of his captivity. 4° London 1817.

Davy. An account of the interior of Ceylon, and of its inhabitants, with travels in that island. 4° London 1821.

Gauttier, E. Ceylan, ou recherches sur I’histoire, la litterature, les moeurs et les usages des Chingulais. 12° Paris 1823,

Saram, a. de. a description of castes in the island of Ceylon, their trades and their services to government ... To which is appended a des- cription of the dress of native headmen, according to their different castes, copied from an old Ceylon Almanac dated 1811. 4° Galle 1823.

Upham, E. The history and doctrine of Budhism, with notices of the Kappooism, or demon-worship, and of the Bali, or planetary incan- tations of Ceylon, fob London 1829.

Yakkim Nattaitnawa, a Cingalese poem, descriptive of the Ceylon system of demonology; to which is appended the practices of a capua, or devil priest, and Kolan Nattannawa. Translated by J. Callaway. London 1829.


21 1

Chitty, S. C. Ceylon gazetteer: accurate account of the districts, pro- vinces, etc., of the island of Ceylon ; together with sketches of the manners, customs, etc., of its various inhabitants. Ceylon 1834.

Journal of the Ceylon Branch, Royal Asiatic Society. Colombo 1845 sqq.

SiRR, H. Ch. Ceylon and the Cingalese, their history, government, religion, produce and capabilities. 2 vols. London 1850.

Tennent, Sir J. Emerson. Christianity in Ceylon : its introduction and progress under the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British, and American missions. With an historical sketch of the brahmanical and buddhist superstitions. London 1850.

Tennent, Sir J. Emerson. Ceylon, an account of the island, physical, historical and topographical; with notices of its natural history, anti- quities, and productions. 2 vols. London 1859: — 2"'^, 3'^ edd. 1859;

— 4th, gth edd. i860.

Itihdsa, or a collection of useful information concerning the natives of Ceylon, as recorded in ancient histories; compiled by Weligama Sri Suwangala Terunnanse. Published by A. Dias. Colombo 1876.

The Taprobanian] a Dravidian Journal of oriental studies in and around Ceylon. Ed. by H. Nevill. Vol. I — III. 4° Bombay-London 1885/87,

Sarasin, P. und F. Ergebnisse naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungen auf Ceylon, Band 3 : Die Weddas von Ceylon und die sie umgebenden Volkerschaften. 4° Wiesbaden 1892/3.

Lewis, J. P. Manual of the Vanni districts (Vavuniya and Mullaittivu) of the Northern Province, Ceylon. Colombo 1895.

Lawrie, a. C. a gazetteer of the Central Province of Ceylon, excluding Walapane. 2 vols. Colombo 1896/8.

Schmidt, E. Ceylon. Berlin [1897].

Jevers, R. W. Manual of the North-Central Province, Ceylon. Colombo 1899.

CooMARASWAMY, A. K. Mediaeval Sinhalese art. Being a monograph on mediaeval Sinhalese arts and crafts, mainly as surviving in the eigh- teenth century, with an account of the structure of society and the status of the craftsmen. 4° Norman Chapel, Broad Campden 1908.

Parker, H. Ancient Ceylon, an account of the aborigines and of part of the early civilisation. London 1909.

Parker, H. Village folk-tales of Ceylon. Vol. I. London 1910.

Seligmann, C. G., and Z. Brenda. The Veddas. London 1911.

• *











Introduction 1—9

Social Organisation 9—24

A. Historical 9

B. Descriptive 21

Castes and Caste-Groups 24 — 145

A. Special Groups 24

B. The Village Community 42

C. Subsidiary Professional Castes 85

D. Urban Castes 94

E. Nomadic Castes 100

F. Hill Tribes 112

G. Muslim Race Titles 139

Appendices 146—172

A. Summary of Caste-Groups 146

B. Caste Index 153

Table of Languages 166

Table of Religions 170

Table of Forest Tribes • 171

List of the more important works on Indian Ethnography 173 — 21 1


P. 6, line 4 for belongs read belong. — P. 6, line 17 for stand read stands. —

P. 13, line 31 for others read other. — P. 25, line 36 for between read about. —

P. 27, line 5 for clouth read South. — P. 30, line 16 for times’ read time’s. —

P. 30, line 42 for Chapter read review.




I r -

■ riX .

Verlag von KARL J. TRUBNER in Strassburg.





Chr. Bartmolomae, C. H. Ethe, K. F. Geldner,

P. Horn, A. V. W. Jackson, F. Justi, W. Miller, Th. Noldeke, C. Salemann, a. SociN, F. H. Weissbach und F. W. West





I. Band, 1. Abteil., Lex. S". VIII, ;)32 S. 1895 — 1901. M. 1/. —

II. » 2. » Lex. 8®. VI, 535 S. 1898—1901. M. 27.—

Anhang zum I. Band. Lex. 8“. VI, 111 S. 1903. M. 6. —

II. Band. Lex. 8«. VII, 791 S. 1896—1904. M. 40.- (auch noch in 5 Lieferungen a M. 8. zu haben).

Inhalt des Werkes;

I. Band. 1. Abteilung. Gr. 8®. VIII, 332 S. 1895—1901. M. 17. — . Erster Abschnitt : SPRACHGESCHICHTE. I.

I. Vorgeschichte der iranischen Sprachen von Chr. Barthoeomae.

II. Awestasprache und Altpersisch von Chr. Bartholomae.

III. Mittelpersisch von C. Salemann.

I. Band. 2. Abteilung. Gr. 8®. IV, 535 S. 1898—1901. M. 27. — .


IV. Neupersische Schriftsprache von Paul Horn.

V. Die Sprache der Afghanen von Wilheeim Geiger.

VI. Die Sprache der Balutschen von Wieheem Geiger.

VII. Die Sprache der Kurden von Aebert Socin.

VIII. Kleinere Dialekte und Dialektgruppen von Wieheem Geiger.

I. Die Pamir-Dialekte. II. Die Kaspischen Dialekte. III. Centrale Dialekte. IV. Allgemeine Ubersicht liber die Dialekte und ihre Gruppirung. Verzeichnis der wichtigsten Abkiirzungen.

Register zum i. Band.

I. Autorenregister. II Sachregister. III. Worter- und Fonnenregister.

Anmang zum I. Band: Die Sprache der Osseten vohWsevvolod Miller. Gr. 8®. VI, 111 S. 1903. M. 6.— .

II. Band. Gr. 8®. VII, 791 S. 1896—1904. M. 40.—.

Zweiter Abschnitt: LITTERATUR.

I. Awestalitteratur von K. F. Geedner.

II. Die altpersischen Inschriften von F. H. Weissbach.

III. Pahlawi Literature by E. W. West.

With Appendix; >The Modern-Persian Zoroastrian Literature of the Parsist.

IV. Das iranische Nationalepos von Th. Noldeke.

V. Neupersische Idtteratur von Hermann Ethe.


I. Geographic von Iran von Wieheem Geiger.

II. Geschichte Irans von den altesten Zeiten bis zum Ausgang der

Sasaniden von Ferd. Juste

III. Geschichte Irans in islamitischer Zeit von Paul Horn.

IV. Nachweisung einer Auswahl von Karten fiir die geographischen

und geschichtlichen Teile des Grundrisses von F. Justi.

V. Die iranische Religion von A. V. Williams Jackson.

Register zum II. Band.

I. Autorenregister. II. Sachregister.


Urteile der Presse.

,,Bei dem grossen Umfange, den die philologischen Disziplinen heutzutage erreicht haben, wird es einem Jeden, der genothigt war, sich seiner Studien wegen in benachbarte Facher einzuarbeiten, als ein ausserordentlich zweck- massiges Unternehmen erscheinen, wenn der Stand des Wissens innerhalb der einzelnen Disziplinen einmal in einer iibersichtlichen und streng wissenschaft- lichen Publikation zusammengefasst und damit einerseits eine feste Grundlage fiir die weitere Forschung, und auf der anderen Seite ein leicht zu hand- habendes Orientirungsmittel fiir Alle, die dem betreffenden Fache ferner stehen, geschaffen wird. In diesem Sinne hat sich der bekannte Triibnersche Verlag durch die Verbffentlichung der weit und breit geschatzten Grundrisse der Germanischen und der Romanischen Philologie ein grosses Verdienst um die Wissenschaft erworben.

Der Germanistik und der Romanistik folgt nun die iranische Philologie, und es ist ein schiines Zeugniss fiir die Vertreter einer Wissenschaft, die offiziell wenigstens keine Stelle unter den Lehrstiihlen an deutschen Hoch- schulen gefunden hat, dass schon nach verhaltnissmassig kurzer Zeit ernsten Betriebes ein Punkt erreicht ist, von dem aus eine Riickschau sich verlohnt. . .

{Deutsche Littcyatnrzeitnng l 8 g^, Nr. g.i.)

,,Dem bereits vollendeten Grundriss der germanischen, dem seiner VolR endung nahen Grundriss der romanischen Philologie schliesst sich, von demselben um fiie linguistischen Studien hoch verdicntcn Verleger ins Leben gerufen, ein ebensolches Handbuch fiir die iranische Philologie an; ein von Biihler herausgegebener Grundriss der indo-arischen Philologie und Alterthums- kunde ist ebenfalls bei Triibner bereits angezeigt, und bei einem anderen Verleger ist ein von Jagic im Verein mit anderen Gelehrten vorbereiteter Grundriss der slavischen Philologie in Sicht. Das zur Neige gehende Jahr- hundert, das in seinen Anfangen die kiihnen und frischen Eroberungsziige in neue und unbekannte Gebiete der Sprachwissenschaft sah, sieht nun in seinem Ausgange diese bequemen Orientierungsbiicher, die auch dem Neuling das Einwohnen in den grossen, von der indogermanischen Linguistik und Philologie jetzt eingenommenen Strecken leichter machen. Jeder, der auf dem Gebiete der vergleichenden Indogermanistik arbeitet, wird dafiir in hohem Grade dankbar sein miissen, dass in die Reihe dieser Grundrisse auch ein iranischer aufgenommen worden ist. Denn gerade die iranischen Sprachen sind es, die, ahnlich wie die keltischen, bei sehr vielen Sprachforschern noch immer etwas im Hintertreffen stehen und wo die Hulfsmittel zum Studium, besonders bei den jiingeren Sprachen und Dialekten, aus naheliegenden Griinden schwerer zuganglich sind, als sonst. Hier wird offenbar der iranische Grundriss eine willkommene und sehr dankenswerthe Abhiilfe schaffen, ab- gesehen davon, dass auch auf dem speciellen Gebiete der iranischen Studien selbst dieser erste Versuch einer zusammenfassenden Darstellung die wohl- thatigsten Folgen haben diirfte. . . .“ (Literarisches Centralhlatt Nr. 21.)


Der Unterzeichnete bestellt bei der Buchhandlung von

Grundrifi der iranischen Philologie, herausgegeben von Wilh. Geiger und Ernst Kuhn

vollstandig Mark go.—.

C)rt und Datum. Name,


’ '■ Hi




Date Due

. 1


Verlag von KARL J. TRUBNER ui Strassborg.

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ord. Professor an der Universitat Erlangen.

I. Teil: Grammatik. — n. Teil: Ubungen and LLese-s^iick-e'; ' > :

- , III. Teil: Wortefverzeichnisse. - ' “ ' -

Zwelte Auflage. 8®. XTV, 227'S. 1909, - '

Geheft^ 7.50 ; kartoniert ul5: 8.— . In drei Bandchen kaftoniert *4 8.50".

„ . . . Es enthalt nicht nur einen systematischen Abrifi der Gramnaatifci sondem auch Ubungen und Lesestucke und verbiridet damit ein sbrgfaltig gearbeitetes Glossar (Sanskrit-Deutsch und Deutsch-Sanskrit);. Di^e Vorziige wurden bereits bei Besprechung der ersten Auflage hervprgehoben. Die sdeben veroffentlichte zweite Auflage zeigt, wie emsig der Verfasser auf die Verbea-, serung seines^ehrbaches bedacht >par, indem er die AcQeniuatiqm diffchfuhrte und die vedische Sprache, die- yielfach die' sprachgeschichlludi wichtigMeh Formen liefert, mehr heranzog. Auch die Zerlegung des Buches^ ip drbi Einzel- hefte, entsprechend den angedeuteten A^ilungen, ist eine praktische Neuerung; welche seine Verwendbarkeit wesentlich fordern wird:“ • _

- Litcrarisches Zentra^blatt tQQQ, N^4Q.

Bartholomae, Christian, Altiranisches WSrtejrbuich, Lex. 8®. XXXII, lOOo S. (2000 Spalten) 1904; , ' ' • *. ' .

Geheftet ^ ^o .- — , in HalbfraBZ gebundefljrJf 53.: —

Zum Altiranisehen Worterbuch. Nacharbeiten und Vor-

arbeiten. 8®. XlII, 287 S. 1906. _ -

Franke, Dr. R. Otto, Geschichte und Kritik der einhei- mischen Pali-Grammatik und -Lexikographie. 8®., VI, 99 S. 1902. " _ : ‘v

Pali und Sanskrit in ihr^m historischen und geographischen

Verhaltnis auf Grund der Inschriften und Mqnzen dargestellt. 8®. VI, 176 S. 1902. '

Die Gatha’s des Awesta, Zaratbushtra’s VerSpredigten dber- selzt von Christian Bartholomae.. 16®. X,. I33 S. 1^5.

Geheftet ^ 3. — , in Lein wand gebunden- ^ .3^60" Reichelt, Mans, Avesta Reader. TextSj Notes, -Glossary and Index. Lex. 8®. Xm, 304 S. 1911. “ e/^^iS.-rr

Das Buch enthalt zuerst eine AuswaEl aus den alteii und echten Yashts d. h. metrischen Lobgesangen zum .Bfeise von Gottern Oder gottahnlicher Gestalten. Darin schliefien sich Teile aus dera Vidcvdat, denv Gesefezbuch der Zoroastrischen Religion, ferner . eine Au^ahl aus den Hyma'en' (Yasna, Vispfat usw.). Den ^blu6 bilden eilie Anzahl GathSs d. h. strophisch gegliederfe Verspredigten, die wohl auf Zarathustra selb^zufuckgehen. ~

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "Ethnography : Castes and Tribes" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic and friends. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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