Eros and Magic in the Renaissance  

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Eros et magie a la Renaissance, 1484 (Paris, Flammarion, 1984) is a book on Eros and Magic in the Renaissance by Ioan Petru Culianu. It was translated into English as Eros and Magic in the Renaissance.


From the publisher:

It is a widespread prejudice of modern, scientific society that "magic" is merely a ludicrous amalgam of recipes and methods derived from primitive and erroneous notions about nature. Eros and Magic in the Renaissance challenges this view, providing an in-depth scholarly explanation of the workings of magic and showing that magic continues to exist in an altered form even today.
Renaissance magic, according to Ioan Couliano, was a scientifically plausible attempt to manipulate individuals and groups based on a knowledge of motivations, particularly erotic motivations. Its key principle was that everyone (and in a sense everything) could be influenced by appeal to sexual desire. In addition, the magician relied on a profound knowledge of the art of memory to manipulate the imaginations of his subjects. In these respects, Couliano suggests, magic is the precursor of the modern psychological and sociological sciences, and the magician is the distant ancestor of the psychoanalyst and the advertising and publicity agent.
In the course of his study, Couliano examines in detail the ideas of such writers as Giordano Bruno, Marsilio Ficino, and Pico della Mirandola and illuminates many aspects of Renaissance culture, including heresy, medicine, astrology, alchemy, courtly love, the influence of classical mythology, and even the role of fashion in clothing.
Just as science gives the present age its ruling myth, so magic gave a ruling myth to the Renaissance. Because magic relied upon the use of images, and images were repressed and banned in the Reformation and subsequent history, magic was replaced by exact science and modern technology and eventually forgotten. Couliano's remarkable scholarship helps us to recover much of its original significance and will interest a wide audience in the humanities and social sciences.


"This cosmic model certainly stems from Florentine Platonism. Camillo set forth his schema in an obscure little treatise published in Florence in 1550, L'Idea del Teatro. His construction, which had the form of an amphitheater of seven sections"


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Duerr, Hans Peter. Traumzeit: Uber die Grenze zwischen Wildnis und Zivilisation. Frankfurt: Syndikat, 1978.

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Index of Names

Abano, Pietro d', 167 Abu Yahya al Sinhachi, 22 Agamben, Giorgio, 21-22, 48-49 Agrippa of Nettesheim, Henricus Corn- elius, 125, 128, 136, 169, 181, 202, 218; and Bruno, 159, 160; on evil eye, 30; on melancholy, 49; and Renaissance sci- ences, 195, 197-200; and Trithemius, method of, 172, 174-75 Ailly, Pierre d', 186 Alberti, Leon Battista, 37, 170-71 Albert the Great, 11, 47-48, 117-18, 128, 142, 167 Albumasar, 185 Alcemaeon of Croton, 6 Alcher of Clairvaux, 10 Alriato, Giovanni Andrea, 37 Alcibiades, 3

Alexander the Great, 163, 185 Alexander VI, Pope, 53, 56 Alfred the English, 10 Al-Ghazali, 206 All ibn 'Abbas al-Majusi, 19 Al-Kindi, Abu Yusuf Yaqub ibn Ishaq, 118-23, 126-28, 185, 186 Al-Madjriti, 118-19 Alphonso the Wise, 118 Amescua, Mira de, 217 Andreae, Johann Valentin, 186, 196 Andrew, St., 215, 217 An-Nadlm, 119 Anne, St., 168, 199 Apuleius of Madaura, 145 Aquapendente, Aurelio d', 174-75 Aquinas, St. Thomas, 5, 11, 23, 32-33, 78, 152, 206, 20 7

Arbues, Pedro, of Zaragoza, 190 ArchigeneS of Apamea, 9 Aristarchus, 23 Aristophanes, 181

Aristotle, 14, 167; cosmology of, 24, 204- 5; on melancholy, 19, 47, 51; optics of, 29; on phantasmic pneuma, 4-10, 27, 32-33, 66, 113, 134

Arnold, Klaus, 165, 168, 169, 171-72

Asclepius, 65

Astruc, Jean, 189

Athenaeus, 9

Augustine, St., 152

Aulnoy, Countess of, 212-13

Averroes, 22

Avicebron, 14

Avicenna, 11, 19, 21-22

Bacon, Francis, xix, 183, 197 Bacon, Roger, 11, 117-19, 185, 186 Barbaro, Ermolao, 149 Baronius, 215

Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 10-11 Baschwitz, Kurt, 163 Bashshar ibn Burd, 16 Basilides, 25-27 Baudelaire, Charles-Pierre, 52 Beauvais, Vincent de, 216 Bellay, Joachim du, 81 Bellerophon, 51 Bembo, Pietro, 41 Benivieni, Girolamo, 12-13, 54 Berbiguer de Terreneuve de Thym, Alexis Vincent Charles, 124, 126, 154-56 Bergamo, Jordanes de, 149, 153 Bernard of Gordon, 20-21 B6rulle, Pierre, Cardinal de, 61, 205-7 Betz, Hans Dieter, 117 Binswanger, Ludwig, 46 Boase, R., 16

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 39, 211 Boderie, Guy Lefevre de la, 129 Bodin, Jean, 149 Bogomil, 14-15 Bostius, Amoldus, 168 Botticelli, Sandro, 211-12 Bouchet, Guillaume, 72-74 Bouelles, Picard Charles, 168-69 Brahe, Tycho, 23 Brant, Sebastian, 168 Bran tome. Seigneur de, 81 Bresson, Robert, 198



Index of Names

Bruno, Giordano, xx, 24, 32, 39, 118, 119, 128, 164-65, 171, 193, 219, 220; and Agrippa of Nettesheim, 198, 200; and al-Kindi, 126-27; analysis of mnemonic statues in, 77-84; on classification of magic, 109; controversies involving, 60- 64; and demonomagic, 157-62, 244 n.21; on Eros, 67-70; and Ficino, 68, 70-72, 181; and heliocentrism, 23, 59, 204-6; on manipulation through magic, 88-106, 124; mnemonic phantasms in, 65-67; nature of, 58-60, 183, 195, 200- 202; and Pascal, 207; transcendence of phantasmic knowledge in, 70-77; and transformation of magic concept, 107-8 Buonaccorsi, Biagio, 54 Buondelmonti, Cristoforo, 37 Burchard of Worms, 152 Buzzati, Dino, 123

Calcagnini, Celio, 58 Calderdn de la Barca, 215-21 Calvin, John, 192-93 Camillo Delminio, Friulain Giulio, 35-36, 59, 64, 78-79

Campanella, Tommaso, 50, 128-29, 196- 97

Canistris, Opidnus de, 201 Capellanus, Andreas, 19 Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Juan, 169, 171 Cardan, Girolamo, 30, 186 Carion (astrologer), 180, 189 Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo, 72 Cassirer, Ernst, 226 n.23 Castelnau, Michel de, 59, 60, 62, 65 Castiglione, Baldesar, 41, 58 Cavalcanti, Guido, 12-13, 22 Cellarius, Andreas, 201-2 Cellini, Benvenuto, 136 Celtis, Konrad, 165-66 Chapman, George, 82 Charles VIII, King, 189 Charlewood, John, 62 Chastel, Andre, 37, 51 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 211 Christ. See Jesus Christ Chrysippus, 9, 112, 113 Cicero, 33, 112, 115 Cleanthes of Assos, 112, 113 Clement (peasant), 15 Clement, St., of Rome, 215 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 52 Collange, Gabriel de, 170

Colonna, Francesco, 32, 40-42, 57 Columbus, Christopher, 184 Constantine the African, 10, 11, 19 Copernicus, 23, 59-61, 179, 204, 206 Corbin, Henry, 18, 39 Correggio, 211 Corsi, Giovanni, 233 n.l Cortusio, Luigi, 212 Cosimo, Piero de, 211-12 Cossa, Francesco del, 211 Cousin, Gilbert, 35 Crashaw, Richard, 52 Crasso, Leonardo, 40 Credi, Lorenzo di, 211-12 Curiona, Celio Agostino, 58 Cyprian, St., 167, 215-21

D'Alex, d'Aranton, 153 Dante, 18, 22-23, 39, 65, 69, 164 Davalas, Alfonso, 35 Dee, John, 60-63

Delminio, Friulain Giulio Camillo. See Camillo Delminio Del Rio, Martin, 149-51, 169, 203 Democritus, 51 De Quincey, Thomas, 52 Descartes, Rene, 5, 183, 186 Desportes, Philippe, 81 Diacceto, Francesco Cattani da, 129 Dicson, Alexander, 63 Digges, Thomas, 60-61 Diodes of Carystus, 8, 225 n.l Dodds, E. R„ 27 Donne, John, 52 Dullinger, Sigismond, 169 Diirer, Albrecht, 46, 49, 52

Ebrard (peasant), 15 Elich, Philip-Ludwig, 149 Eliot, T. S., 125

Elizabeth I, queen of England, 70, 80-83

Empedocles, 4, 6-7

Engels, Friedrich, 89

Eon of l'Etoile, 15

Epictetus, 9, 29, 113, 114, 132

Epicure, Marco Antonio, 71, 83

Equicola, Mario, 13

Erasistrates, 7

Erasmus, 35, 62

Espieres, Jean d', 169

Estaples, Lefevre d', 199

Eudo of l'Etoile, 15

Eudoxia, 216

Index of Names


Fabert, Marshal, 202 Fatima, St., of Cordova, 18 Faust, Jorg, 214-15, 218 Ficino, Marsilio, 12-13, 27, 40-41, 96, 114, 172, 190, 218, 220; and al-Kindi, 118-19, 123, 126-27; and Bruno, 68, 70-72, 181; and demonomagic, 146, 156, 160, 161; on descent of the soul, 42-45; hiero- glyphics of, 34-38; identity of love and magic in, 87-88; and intersubjective magic, 131-32, 136-43; and Kepler, 24- 25; on melancholy, 20, 46-52; and Nich- olas of Cusa, 24; and Pico della Miran- dola, 53-57; and principle of magic, 107-8, 117, 127-29 Fiorentino, F., 65 Flora, S„ 70 Fludd, Robert, 197, 205 Fosse, Giovan Pietro della, 37, 58 Foucault, Michel, 115 Fouilloux, Jacques du, 72 Francesco, Giovan, 54 Francis, St., of Sales, 153 Francisco of Toledo, 220 Francois I, king of France, 35, 81, 199 Frazer, Sir James, 168 Frei, Andreas, 215

Freud, Sigmund, 38, 39, 46, 51, 90, 107

Galen, 7-10, 22, 29, 114 Galileo, xix, 179, 183 Ganay, Germain de, 54, 168-69 Ganel, 167

Garin, Eugenio, 37, 54-55, 68

Gascoine, George, 83

Gaurico, Luca, 186, 188-89

Geiler, Johannes, of Keisersberg, 210, 214

Gelasius I, Pope, 216

Gent, P. F., 215

Gentile, Giovanni, 68, 84

Gerard of Cremona, 11

Gervais of Tilbury, 16

Ghent, Arnoldus Bostius of, 199

Ghent, Henry of, 48

Gilson, Etienne, 226 n,23

Giorgi, Francesco, 35, 129

Giorgione, 211

Giotto, xxiii

Glauber, Johann Rudolf, 222-23 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 166, 219 Gohory, J., 129 Gramsci, Antonio, 89 Gratian, 152

Gregory of Nazianzus, 216 Greville, Fulke, 60, 62-63, 82 Grevin, Jacques, 81 Grien, Hans Baldung, 214 Grillandi, Paul, 158-60, 174 Griinpeck, Joseph, 189 Guidonis, Bemardus, 16

Haly Abbas, 19

Hansen, Joseph, 190

Hegel, G. W. F„ 59

Heidegger, Martin, 52, 251 n.22

Heidel, Wolfgang Ernest, 163-64, 169,


Heidenberg, Peter, 165 Helen of Troy, 215, 216 Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 101- 2

Helmont, Joannes Baptista van, 101-2

Henninger, S. K., 60-61

Henri II, king of France, 81

Henry (itinerant preacher), 15

Henry III, king of England, 58-59

Henry of Ghent, 48

Heracleides Ponticus, 23

Heraclitus, 51

Herbenus, Matthaeus, 166

Hermes Trismegistus, 25, 139, 167

Hermogenes of Tarsus, 35

Herophilus of Alexandria, 7

Hildegarde, St., of Bingen, 19-20

Hippocrates, 7, 93, 111

Hippolytus, 201

Hitler, Adolf, 90

Hochel, Servatius, 163

Homer, 58

Horapollon, 36-37

Hugh of Saint-Victor, 10

Hugo, Victor, 213

Hunain ibn Ishaq, 10

Hus, Jan, 210-12

Huysmans, Camille, 52

Hyginus, 64

Hypatia, 27, 113

Iamblichus, 114, 145-47 Ibn 'Arab!, 14, 17-18, 22, 69 Ignatius of Loyola, 194-95 Innocent VIII, Pope, 53, 56, 190 Institoris, Henry, 69, 190 Isabelle of Bavaria, 210 Isidore, 25-27


Index of Names

Janet, Pierre, 123

Jesus Christ, 15, 78, 185, 186, 194, 198, 201, 205

Johannes of Hasfurt, 47, 140 Johannitius, 10 John, St., of the Cross, 72 John of Eschenden, 180, 187 Joly, bishop of Agen, 153 Jonas, Hans, 234 n.8 Julian the Chaldean, 132, 145 Julian the Theurgist, 132 Julius Caesar, 163 Jung, Carl Gustav, 31, 32, 123 Justin the Martyr, 145

Kant, Immanuel, 5

Keisersberg, Johannes Geiler of, 210, 214 Kepler, Johannes, xix, 23-25, 183, 185-86, 197

Kierkegaard, Saren, 5, 51, 52, 208

Kircher, Athanasius, 169

Klein, Johann, 149-50

Klein, R., 39

Klibansky, R., 48

Komdorff, Bartholomeus, 163

Kristeller, P. O., 37, 68

Lacan, Jacques, 103, 107

Lazzarelli, Ludovic, 129

Lea, H. C„ 152

Le Bon, Gustave, 90

Le Camus, bishop of Grenoble, 153

Lee, Sir Henry, 83

Le Mangot (magician), 154-55

Lentino, Giacomo da, 22

Leonardo da Vinci, 30, 211-12

Leontius, 216

Leo the Hebrew, 41, 58

Lercheimer, Augustin, 162-63

Lewis, Ian M., 125

Lewy, Hans, 27, 145

Lichtenberger, Johannes, 180, 188-90

Lipomanus, Aloysius, 216

Lisieux, Isidore, 150

Llull, Ramon, 34, 171

Louis XIV, king of France, 190-91

Louise of Savoy, 174, 199

Lubac, Henri de, 54, 57, 111

Lucretius, 51

Luther, Martin, 163, 180, 184, 188-89, 192-94, 197

Machiavelli, Nicold, 89, 90, 211 Macrobius, 44, 48, 56, 128, 232 n.44

Mandrou, Robert, 190-91 Mani, 185 Manuzio, Aldo, 40 Maracos, 51

Mark of Chersonesus, 148-49 Marlowe, Christopher, 215 Marsala, 167 Marx, Karl, 89 Mary, the Virgin, 82 Masaccio, 211

Maximilian I, Emperor, 162-64, 169, 170, 172

Medici, Catherine de', 81, 211

Medici, Cosimo de', 53

Melanchthon, Philipp, 20, 41, 62, 188, 193

Mersenne, Marin, 61, 205

Metaphrastes, Symeon, 216

Metrodorus of Scepsis, 63, 64

Michelangelo, 52, 211-12

Moerbecke, William of, 5

Mohammed, 167, 185

Monod, Jacques, 182

Monte, Johannes de Clara, 180, 188-90

Moreau (magician), 154

Morin, Edgard, 123-24

Moses of Le6n, 45

Mouluc, de, bishop of Valence and Die, 153

Nachemoser, Adam, 186 Naude, Pierre, 149 Nechepso, 25 Nerval, G6rard de, 52 Newton, Isaac, xix, 180-81, 183 Nezam, 17-18

Nicholas of Cusa, 61, 183, 204-5; cos- mology of, 23, 24, 179, 204-5, 207; on intellect, 117; on ludus globi, 38 Nicolas of Avignon, 155 Nider, Johannes, 152-53 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 207, 223

Olerud, Anders, 111, 135 Richard Broxton Onians, 135 Oresme, Nicolas, 24 Origen, 50 Ovid, 72, 80

Panofsky, E., 46, 48 Paolini, Fabio, 78-79 Paracelsus, 110 Pascal, Blaise, 52, 207-8 Paul, St., 58, 78, 193 Paul of Middelburg, 187-90

Index of Names


Perkins, William, 63

Peter of Abano, 186

Peter of Bruis, 15

Peter of Ravenna, 33, 63, 78-79

Peter the Venerable, 14

Petosiris, 25

Petrarch, 33, 68-69

Peuckert, Will-Erich, 163, 164, 169, 186-87 Philistion, 7 Photius, 216

Pico della Mirandola, 129, 190, 202, 208, 218; and Bruno, 65, 83; on Eros and being, 55-58, 71, 72, 96; and Ficino, 41, 53-57; and Giulio Camillo, 35, 36 Pierre de Limoges, 10 Pinel, Dr,, 155 Pithoys, Claude, 202-3 Plato, 14, 36-38, 53-55, 117, 144-46; head-heart distinction in, 114, 135-36; homology of humans and universe in, 111-12; on love and the soul, 3-4, 7-8; optics of, 8, 29 Pliny, 219 Plotinus, 36, 51, 55 Pluche, 66-67

Plutarch of Chaerona, 29, 30, 80-81, 112, 114, 145

Pollaiuolo, Antonio, 211-12 Pomponazzi, Pietro, 129 Pontormo, Jacopo da, 52 Porphyry, 27, 44, 51, 145, 146 Porta, Giambattista della, 30, 156 Pott, Johannes Henricus, 149 Preisendanz, Karl, 117 Prieur, Etienne, 155 Proclus, 27, 48, 128, 144-47, 232 n, 44 Proste, Auguste, 198 Protagoras of Cos, 7 Psellus, Michael, 117, 132, 145, 146, 148, 160

Pseudo-Madjriti, 118-19

Ptolemy, 23, 25, 60, 61, 142, 167, 205, 207

Quercia, Jacopo della, 211 Quintilian, 33 Quispel, Gilles, 215

Rabelais, Francois, 211 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 82 Ramee, Pierre de la, 201 Ramnoux, C16mence, 205 Ramus, Petrus, 62-64 Ranfaing, Elizabeth, 249 n.13 Raphael, 211

Reginon of Priim, 152 Reinhold, Erasmus, 189 Remy, Nicolas, 150-51, 154 Reuchlin, Johannes, 199 Robbia, Luca della, 54 Roheim, Geza, 124 Romberch, Johan, 34, 64 Ronsard, Pierre de, 81 Rosenkreuz, Christian, 163, 185-86 Rosselli, Cosimo, 34 Rossi, Paolo, 32, 33 Rupert of Lombardy, 167 Russell, Jeffrey Burton, 190

Sabellicus, Georgius, 214-15 Sade, marquis de, 72 Sana'i, 17, 18, 69 Sansovino, Andrea, 211 Sappho, 51 Samo, A., 70

Savonarola, Girolamo, 53, 56, 192 SaxI, F., 46, 48 Schickhardt, Wilhelm, 201 Schiller, Julius, 201 Schmidt, Carl, 215 Schott, Gaspar, 169 Scot, Michael, 167-68 Selenus, Gustav, 169 Servius, 27, 48, 232 n.44 Shirokogoroff, S. M., 134 Silby, Eb6nezer, 186

Sidney, Sir Philip, 60, 62-65, 68, 69, 82,83 Signorelli, Luca, 211-12 Simon the Magician, 15, 215 Sinistrari de Ameno, Ludovicus Maria, 150-51

Sixtus, V, Pope, 202, 203 Socrates, 3, 7, 37-38, 51, 181 Solomon, King, 167 Solomon ibn Gabirol, 14 Spenser, Edmund, 84 Spies, Johann, 215 Spina, Alphonso da, 149 Spinoza, Baruch, 59 Sprenger, Johann, 69 Staudenmaier, Ludwig, 126, 155-56 Strindberg, August, 52 Surius, Laurentius, 216 Synesius of Cyrene, 27, 122, 123, 128, 137; on pneumatic synthesis, 113-17; on pu- rification, 132

Tanchelm of Anvers, 15 Tanner, Adam, 169


Index of Names

Tansillo of Venosa, 65

Tassis y Villarroel, J. de Vera, 216-17

Tedeschi, John, 190

Temple, Sir William, 63

Theophrastus, 47

Thomas, St. (apostle), 217

Titian, 211

Todi, Jacopone da, 210 Toulmin, Stephen, xxiii Tour, Frederic-Maurice de la, 202 Tour, Henri de la, 202 Tozgrec, 167

Trithemius of Wurzburg, 125, 136, 159- 60, 186, 199, 214; demonomagic of, 128, 156, 162-75

Tyard, Pontus de, 81, 129

Valeriano, Pierio, 37, 58 Valette, Jeanneton la, 154-55 Vautrollier, Thomas, 63 Veneto, Francesco Giorgio, 58 Verbeke, G., 27 Vineti, Jean, 149 Viterbo, Egidio da, 58 Voragine, Jacobus de, 216

Walker, D. P., 108-10, 171-72 Warburg, Aby, 6 Weber, Max, xxii

Weyer, Johannes. See Wier, Johannes Wier, Johannes, 30, 163, 169, 203, 214 William of Auvergne, 51, 52 William of Conches, 44 Willin, Georg, 163 Wind, E., 48

Wolfram of Eschenbach, 210 Xenophon, 38

Ximenez de Rada, Rodriguez, 14

Yates, Frances A., 32, 33, 36, 42, 63, 186, 235 n.32

Zahir ibn Rostam, 17 Zeno of Citium, 7-9, 112, 113 Zeuxis, 65-66 Zoroaster, 78, 137 Zuichemus, Viglius, 35

See also

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